Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/720

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CORBETT] KXIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE 670 B. 22 May. 1861 ; m. 2*3 June, 1895. Hon. Mabel Beatrice "(d. 2 Jan. 1899). dau. of the 1st Baron ; Alington : ent. Diplomatic Service, attache 1884, Berlin 1885, and 3rd sec. there 1886, at The Hague : and at Rome, 2nd sec. there 1891, and at Con- stantinople. Copenhagen, and Athens, where he acted as charge craffaires, sec. of Legation 1900 ; Britisli repiresentative on Internat. Finan- , cial Committee for the control of Greek Finance 1899 ; British comninr. on the Caisse de la Dette Publique of Egypt 1903 : counsellor of Embassy 1904 ; financial adviser to the Gov. of the Khedive of Egypt 1904-7 ; Brit, minister at Caracas 1907-10 ; Brit, minister to Bavaria and AViirtem- berg since 1910 ; has Grand Cordons of Imperial Orders of Osmanieh 1904, and Medjidie 1907. Residence — British Legation, IIunich. CORBETT, Lady (Knt.'s widow j.^Ieobgixa Grace, dau. of George Jolxn Holmes, of Brooke Hall. Xorfolk. M. 1864, Adm. Sir .Johu Corbett, K.C.B., .J. P., C.-in-C. in the East Indies, and at the Xore, who d. 1893. Residence— The Old Granary, Cambridge. Issue — CORNWALL, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1905.— Sir Edwin Cornwall, M.V., s. of Andrew Cornwall, of Lapford, co. Devon, and Laura, dau. of Richard Delve, of Lapford. B. 1863 ; ni. 1883, Ellen Mary, dau. of .John Dav. of Oxford ; memb. L.C.C. (Bethnal Green, N.E.) 1892-1910, viee- ehrmn. 1903—5, chrmn. 1905—6 ; memli. of the Port of London Authority since 1909 ; ai.P. for X.E. Bethnal Green since 1906 : officer of the Legion of Honour ; D.L. and J. P. co. of London ; vice-chrmn. London Terr. Foi'ce Assocn. ; was chief whip of Progressive party (L.C.C.) for eight years ; has served on most committees of council, and was chrmn. of parliamentary com- mittee for three years : took prominent part in securing appro^•al of council to Kingsway and Aldwych scheme, and received King Edward VII when His ilajesty opened those thorough- fares 1905 ; as chairman of coiuicil received, on behalf of London, from the Gladstone memorial committee, the Gladstone statue in the Strand : first Mayor of Fulham 1901 ; is strong supporter of entente between France and England, aims at promoting international goodwill, and, as chair- man of the L.C.C, brought about the interchange of visits between the municipal council of Paris and the London County Council 1905 and 1900. Residences — 155, Fenchureh Street. E.C. : Oak- lands, Horley, Surrey. Clubs — Reform ; National Liberal ; ^lunicipal and County. RUSSELL-COTES, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1909.— Sir Mertox Russell-Cotes. B. at Tettenhall, Wolverhampton, 8 May, 1835 : m. 1 Feb. 1860, Annie Nelson, dau. of .John King Clark, of Glas- gow, W.S. ; ed. at Old College, Glasgow : is an art connoisseur ; a resident of Bournemouth since 1876 : Mayor of that town 1894-5 ; has taken an acti-e part in the development and improvement of Bournemouth, and was presented with the freedom of the borough July, 1908 ; gov. of the Roval Victoria Hospital : .I.P., F.R.G.S., M.J.S.' Residence— East Cliif Hall, Bournemouth. Club — United Empire. Issue — Herbert Victor Jlorton Ootes, h. iO Sept. 1S70 ; solicitor .since 1896 : la. 1 Mareh. 1899. Eilitli Maud, dau. of P. Quarry, of Higligate, X. Residence — Mey- rick Park House, 31eyrick Parli Cresc- :it, Counii- niouth. COTTON, K.C.S.I. Creat. 1902 ; C.S.I. 1892.— Sir Hexky John Stedman Cotton, s. of .Joseph John Cotton, of Madras Civil Service. B. inlnclia 13 Sept. 1845 : m. 1867, Mary (d. 26 Sept. 1914), dau. of .James Ryan, of Limerick ; ed. at JIagd. Coll. Sch., Brighton Coll., and King's Coll. London ; ent. B.C.S. 1867 ; under-sec. to Govt. 1873-4 ; registrar of Higli Court 1874-5 ; junior sec. to Govt. 1875-7 ; ma^i^trate and commnr. of Chittagong 1878-82 : sec. to Board of Revenue- 1882-6'; commnr. of police and chrmn. Calcutta Corporation 1887-8 ; sec. to Govt. 1888-96 ; chief commnr. of Assam 1896-1902; M.P. for, East Nottingham 1906-10: author of " New | India," and other works. Residence — 45, 1 St. John's Wood Park, N.W. Clubs— Savile ; f National Liberal. Issue — 1. Harry Evan Auguste Cotton, b. 27 Nov. 13GS ; Barr.-at-law (Lincoln's Inn) ; L.C.C. ; ni. 19 >'ov. ! 1896, Jlyra Nora Beatrice, dau. of the late W. H. 1' Griniley, B.C.S. Residence— 186, Adelaide Road, S. T Hampstcad. N.W. i 2. Julian James Cotton, I.C.S., b. 3 Oct. 1869 ; j in. 30 Dec. 1901. Gigia, dau. of Eduardo Ricciar^li I of the Palazzo Arlotta, Naples. j] 3. Alliert Louis Cotton, b. 12 Sept. 1S74. QUILLER-COUCH, Knt. Bach. Creat. 19 Kt.— Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch, s. of late Thomas Quiller-Couch, of Polperro and Bodmin, Cornwall, surgeon and author, and Mary, dau. of Elias Ford, of Abbotsford, Abbotsk'ers-i>ll, ' S. Devon. B. at Bodmin 21 Nov. 1803; m. 22 Aug. 1889, Louisa Amelia, dau. of John Hu-ks, of Fowev, Cornwall ; ed. at Newton Abbot C.ill., Clifton Coll., and Oxford (B.A. 1886, M.A. 191 i) ; A King Edward VII professor of English literatiu-e( at Camb. Univ. since 1912; hon. M.A. Cainh. | 1912 ; D.Litt. Bristol 1912 ; fell, of Jesus ('..11. Camb. ; F.R.S. Lit. ; memb. of Academic (■"lu- mittee ; is a writer ; author of '" Dean !!Man's ! Rock " 1887, " Troy Town " 1888, •' The Splendid Spur" 1889, "Hetty Wesley" 1903, "Sir John Constantine " 1900, and many other, novels ; editor of " The Oxford Book of English ' Verse " ; alderman of the Cornwall County Council, co-ojJted memb. Cornwall Terr. Force Assocn., and vice-chrmn. Cornwall Educn. Com- mittee ; J. P. Cornwall. Residence — The Ha-^en, Fowey, Cornwall. Club — Royal Fowey Yacht (Commodore). Issue — Bevil Brian Quiller-Couch. b. 1890 : lieut. Soec. Res. R.F.A. Foy yelieia. COURTIS, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1912.— Sib | John Wesley Courtis, s. of late John Courtis, of Williamstown, Victoria, and .Jane Agnes, dau. of William Burall. B. at Williamstown 19 Feb. j 1859 ; m. 20 Sept. 1886, Marian, dau. of John Osborn Riches, of Carchff ; ed. privately at Cardiff and Manchester ; is a stockbroker and manufacturer ; J. P. Cardiff 1899 ; memb. of Cardiff Corporation 1897 ; alderman of the city 1911 ; Lord Mayor 1911-12. Residence— Fair- water Croft, Llandaff. Clubs — Constitutional ; Cardiff and County. Issue — 1. John Harohl Courtis, b. 1888. 2. Alan Osborn Courtis, b. 1890. 3. Walter Stuart Courtis, b. 1892. 1. Hilda Marian. 2. Elsie Agnes. COUZENS, Knt. Bach. Creat. 19ti5.— Sir George Edwin Couzens, s. of George Couzens, of Portsmouth, iron merchant. B. 29 Sept. 1851 ; m. 4 Feb. 1885, Ellen Mary (d. 26 Aug. 1908), dau. of John Heming, R.N. ; ed. at Portsmouth ; !Mayor of Portsmouth in 1897 (Diamond Jubilee year), in 1904—5 during the visit of the French naval squadron, and 1905—6 ; officer of the Legion of Honour ; Order of the Holy Redeemer of Greece ; Knight of Grace of the Order of St. .John of Jerusalem 1908 ; J. P. Portsmouth ; memb. of Board of Guardians 20 years and past chrnui. ; rep. memb. (Portsmouth) Southami^ton Terr. Force Assocn. ; vice-pres. Roy. Agricultural Society. Residence — Glenthorne, Kinjohn Cres- cent, Portsmouth. Issue- — • Gerard Edwin Couzens. Daisy Louise. COWANS, K.C.B. (mil.). Creat. 191:3: C.B. 1911 : 3I.V.O. 1902. — Maj.-C^en. Sir John