Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/722

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CRAIK] IvXIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE 671 late James Craggs, of Surrey. B. 1856 : m. 1884, Helen Lewins, dau. of late Andrew ^Millar, of Linlithgowshire: is a chartered accountant ; hon. sec. to King Edward's Hospital Fund from its foundation 1897-1900, and memb. of Council of Fund; has Jubilee medal 1897. Residence — 30, Bramham Gardens, S.W. Ckibs — Royal Societies' ; City Carlton. Issue — 1. George Soniorvilli' Craggs. b. 1885. 2. Jolm Jame.s Craggs, b. 188". 1. Jean Isabel. 2. Helen .Millar. 3. Norah Mary. 4. Joyce Emily. 5. Katherine Irene. 6. Doris ]Ierle. CRAIK, K.C.B. (civ.). Creat. 1897: C.B. (civ.) 1887. — Sir Hexry Craik. s. of the Rev. James Crailv, D.D.. of St. George's Clmrch. Glasgow, moderator of the Churcli of Scotland, and Mar- garet, dau. of Walter Grieve, of Leith, merchant. B. 18 Oct. 1840 : m. 17 Dec. 1873, Fannv Esther, dau. of Charles Duffield, of Manchester, merchant ; ed. at Glasgow Higli Sch. and TJniv. and Oxford (scholar, Snell exhibitioner, honours in classics and law and liistory) : examiner in Education Dept. 1870, senior examiner 1878 : sec. Scotch Education Dept. 1885-1904 ; director of Higher Inspection in Scotland 1892; examiner London Univ. 1884-9 : M.P. Glasgow and Aberdeen Univs. since 1900; LL.D. Glasgow 1884, St. Andrews 1901 ; author of the "Life of Swift," " The State and Education." " A Century of Scottish History," " Life of Clarendon." and other works. Residence — 6.A. Dean's Yard, West- minster, S.W. Club — Athenajum. Issue — 1. George Lilli,. Craik. 1). 10 Oct. 1874 ; ed. at Eton and Oxford ; I!arr.-at-law (Lincoln's Inn) : chief con- stable Cnm. Invest. Dept. .Met. Police. Ilesidence— 5a, Dean's Yard, Westuiinsti>r. S.^V. 2. Henry Diimeld Craik. b. 2 Jan. 1876; ed. at Eton and O.xford: ent. I.C.8. 1899; m. Elizabeth Helen, dau. of J. Baker-Carr. Issue— 1. Hel -n. 2. Elizaijetli. CRAMP, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1908 ; I.S.O. 1903. -—Sir W'illiaji Dawkins Cramp, s. of late James Cramp, of Leamington, and Sarah Dawkins. B. at Leamington 29 Dec. 1840 ; ed. Gram. Sch. Guilsborough and City of London Coll. ; clerk in examiner's otfice H.M. Customs London 1801 ; H.M. inspector of Factories (Home OfBce) 1808 ; suptg. inspector 1891 : dep. -chief inspector of Factories 1902-7. Residence — Kirkland, Her- sham, Walton-on-Thames. Club — Constitutional. CRANSTON, K.CV.O. Creat. 1905: Knt. Bach. 190:5; C.B. (civ.) 1909.— Sir Robert CRAN.STOX, s. of Robert Cran.ston, D.L., J.P.. of Edinburgh, and Elizabeth, dau. of James Dal- : gleish, of Edinburgh. B. 2 June, 1843 ; m. 1 July, 1808, Elizabeth, dau. of James Simmel . Gilbert, of Edinburgh ; ed. at Edin., Wilmslow, I and Paris ; LL.D. : eommnr. Queen Victoria I School for the sons of Scottish sailors and soldiers and Roy. I'atriotic Fund ; mil. memb. and vice- | chrmn. City of Edinburgh Terr. Force Assocn. ; late col. commanding Lothian Brig. ; Lord Provost of Edin. 1903-0 ; Knt. Commdr. of the Order of St. Olaf of Norway : oificer of the Legion of Honour, France ; fell. Educ. Inst, of Scotland and of Roy. Scot. Soc. of Arts ; contested Leith District 1910; D.L., J.P. Edin.; chrmn. Cran- ston's Hotels. Residence — Kinnoull Lodire, Craigmillar, Edinburgh. Clubs — Army and Navy ; Junior Constitutional : Conservative (Edinburgh). Issue — 1. Robert lilliot Cranston. 2. James Stanley Cranston. 3. Henry N"orman Cranston. 1. Elizabetli (Jilliert 2. .Alary I) ilsl ish. CRAWFORD, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1900.— Sir HoMEwooD Crawford, s. of John Crawford, J.P., of ^Margate, and ilargaret Jane, dau. of Samue! Woodgates, of Honiton, Devon. B. 12 June. 1850 ; m. 26 March. 1874, Louisa Edith, dau. of Sir Francis Truscott. Lord Mayor of London 1879- 80, and sister of Sir Geo. Wvatt Truscott, 1st Bart., Lord Mayor 1908-9; ed. at Thanet Coll. Kent, and Institution Lebegue, France ; ad- mitted solicitor 1872 ; one of H.M. Lieuts. for City of London and Land Tax eommnr. ; Uiider-Sheritf London and Middlesex 1875-80 and 1884-5; elected city 'solicitor 1885; inemb. roJ^ commn. on Unification 1893; solicitor to Vintners' Companj'- 1877-85, present master : late master (3rd time) Fan Makers' and late master (5th time) Glovers' Companies ; chrmn. of Tercentenary Exhibition Committee, and late master of the Musicians' Company ; first master of the City of London Solicitors' Companj' ; memli. council of the Law Society ; pres. Nat. Ass. of Local Govt. Officers ; chrmn. British Coll. of Physical Education, and A^'estininster Orchestral Society. Residence— Carshalton, Surrey. Address — Guildhall, E.C Clubs — Junior Carlton ; City Carlton. CRAWFORD, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1911.— Sm Richard Frederick Cr.wford, s. of late Frederick Crawford, of Leytonstone, Essex. B. 18 June. 1803 ; m. 3 Sept. 1894, Augusta M..dau. of late[Lt.-Col. Alured Augustus Darty L'Estrange, of Westmeath and Queen's co. ; ed. privately ; a eommnr. of Customs 1904-11, and adviser to the Imperial Ottoman Customs 1909-11 ; finan- cial and economic adviser to the Ottoman Go-t. since 1911 ; fell. memb. of council Roy. Statistical Soc. ; fell. International Statistical Institute ; receied the Grand Cordon of the Medjidie 1910. Club — National. Address — Customs House, Lower Tliames Street. CRAWFORD, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1906.— Sm ^VILLIA:^I Crawford, s. of late Rev. Alexander Crawford, of Randalstown. B. at Randalstown 1840 ; m. ISOO, Annie Coulson, dau. of late Rev. James Glasgow, D.D., of Belfast : ed. at Belfast Roy. Academical Institution and privately ; is senior managing director and chrmn. of York Street Flax Spinning Company, Limited, Belfast ; chrmn. of Roy. Victoria Hospital ; memb. of senate and hon. treasurer of the Queen's L^niv. of Belfast : was memb. of roy. comn. of the Paris Exhibition of 1900 ; an ex-pres. of the British Chamber of Commerce, Paris, and of the Belfast Chamber of Commerce ; J.P. co. of city of Belfast. Residence — Mount Randal, Belfast. Clubs — Ulster, and Ulster Reform (Belfast). Issue — 1. Rev. Al.'xander Robert Crawford, M,A.. F.R. G.S., b. 1808. 2. James Crawford, b. 1870 ; managing director of York Street Flax Spinning Co., Ltd., Belfast. 3. William M. Crawford, b. 1872 ; serving in Behir and Orissa. 4. Henry Crawford, b. 1873. 1. 3Iary, ni. Robert Brown. Residence — Donagh- more, co. Tyrone, and has issue. V.C. CREAGH, G.C.B. (mil.). Great. 1909; G.C.S.I. 1911: K.C.B. (mil.) 1903: C.B. (mil.) 1902 : V.C. 1879. — Gen Sir C^'Moore Cre.vgh, s. of late Capt. James Creagh, R.N., of Cahirbane, CO. Clare, and Grace Emily, dau. of The O'^loore, D.L., J. P.. of Cloghan Castle, King's co. B. 2 April, 1848 ; m. 1st, 1873, Mary Letitia Long- field (d. 18741, dau. of late John Brereton ; m. 2nd, 1892, Lilah (Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem), dau. of late E. Reade ; ed. at Rov. Mil. Coll. Sandhurst ; ent. 95th Regt. 1800," I. S.C. 1870, capt. B.S.C. (nov> I.S.C. 1878; brevet maj. 1879, It. -col. 1892, col. 1890, ma j. -gen 1902 ; It. -gen. 1905 ; gen. 1907 ; . A.D.C. gen. to the King since 1911 ; served in Afghan war 1878-80, as D.A.Q.M.G. and as , A.Q.M.G. ; present at operations in Bazar '^'alley. actions of Kam Daka and Ali Khal , (medal, despatches), with Zhob Valley exped.