Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/759

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09 KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE [FOX notith ; apptd. director of the Naval Store Ser- 'ice H.M. Navy 1906 ; on special service in long-Kong and Japan 1907 ; asst. hon. sec. ^oy. Naval Exliibition 1891 ; has travelled xtensively in India and Bui'mah ; held comniis- ion in R. Garrison Art. (Vols.) 1887-1909 (V.D. 908 ). retired with rank of It.-col. 1909. Residence —The Priory, Wandsworth Common, S.W. Club —Constitutional. FORT, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1911. — Sir Hcjgh i'oET. 4th s. of Richard Fort, M.P., and Margaret Blleii, dau. of Maj.-Gen. Smith, H.E.I.C.S. ; ,d.j at Winchester and Oxford : Bai-r.-at-law pinner Temple) 1887 ; advocate and solicitor Jtraits Settlements 1893 ; actg.-unoffl. memb. i Legisl. Council 1903 ; unoffl. memb. thereof 905-8, and again 1909-11. Residence — 11, 'ortland Place, W. Clubs — United University; Iports. FORTESCUE, K.C.V.O. Great. 1910 : C.V.O., J.M.G. 1901 ; M.V.O. (4th cl.) 1897.— Capt. Hon. IE SEYJIOtJB, JOHX FOBTESCUE, 2nd s. of 3rd 3arl Fortescue, and Georgiana Augusta Charlotte laroline, dau. of the Rt. Hon. George Lionel )awRon-Damer. B. 10 Feb. 1856 ; lieut. R.N. 878, commander 1890, capt. (ret.) 1901 ; served 1 Egyptian campaign 1882 (medal, clasp, bronze fcar), in Sudan campaign 1885, and in S. Africa 899-1900, as Naval A.D.C. to F.M. Lord Roberts nentioned in despatches, medal, C.M.G.) ; pptd. to Naval Intell. dept. 1891 ; groom-in- 'aiting to the King, and gentleman usher and stra equerry May to Nov. 1910 : Serjeant-at- jms to the House of Lords since 5 Nov. 1910 ; [juerrv to King Edward when Prince of Wales 893-9", and from 1901-10 : knt. commdr. of the irder of St. Benedict of Aviz (Portugal) 1909 ; ommdr. of the Order of St. Maurice (Italy), of the iSgion of Honour, and of the Francis Josef Austria) 1903 : commdr. of the Order of the •annebrog 1904 ; a naval censor to Press Bureaii 914. Residence — St. James's Palace, S.W. lubs — -Naval and Militarv ; Turf. FOSTER, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1911.— Sir Tom Scott Foster, s. of William Foster, of Ports- mouth, and Ann, dau. of James Scott, of Crail, N.B., Inspg. Commdr. R.N. B. at Parkstone, Dorset, 15 Feb. 1846 ; m. 8 Nov. 1806, Eliza, dau. of Daniel Godden, of Portsmouth ; ed. at Ports- movith Gram. Sch. ; L.D.S., F.P.S. ; alderman and J. P., Portsmouth (Mayor 1891-2, 1898-9, and 1910-12) ; hon. Freeman of Portsmouth. Residence — Braemar, St. Helen's Parade, South- sea. Club — Hants Automobile. Issue — 1. Tom Foster, b. 1883. 1. Eliza. 2. ElU'n. 3. -Afargaret. LE NEVE-FOSTER, Lady (Knt.'s widow).— Sophia, dau. of late Arthur F. Thompson, of Belton, Suffolk. M. 6 Nov. 1873, Sir Clement Le Neve-Foster, F.R.S., prof, of mining at Roy. School of Mines, London, who was knighted 1903, and d. 19 April, 1904. Residence- Issue — 1 son, 2 daus. FOWLER, K.C.V.O. Creat. 1910.— Sir James Kingston Fowler, s. of James Fowler, of Woburn, Bedfordshire. B. at Woburn 1 1 March, 1852 ; ed. at pviv. sch.. King's Coll. London, and Camb. ; M.A., M.D. Camb., hon. D.Sc. Sheffield, F.R.C.P. London ; jDhysn. Clergy Mutual Life Assur. Soc. ; consulting physn. Middlesex Hosp., Brompton Hosp. for Consumption, Queen Alexandra's Military Hosp., King Edward VII's Sanatorivim and Roy. Convalescent Home for Officers, Osborne ; memb. of advisory com- mittee for tropical Africa, Colonial Office, of Appeal Board, War Office, and chrmn. Medical Appointments Committee, Colonial Office, and Yellow Fever Commn. (W. Africa) ; It.-col. 3rd London Gen. Hosp. R.A.M.C. (Terr. Force) since Dec. 1908 ; late memb. of senate Univ. of London, dean of the Faculty of Medicine Univ. of London, and pres. Med. Soc. of London. Residences — 35, Clarges Street, W. ; The Vine- yards, Beaulieu, Hants. Clubs — Athenaeum ; Conservative ; New University ; Beefsteak. FOR WOOD, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1883.— Sir /^ILLIAM Bower Forwood, s. of Thomas Brittain orwood, J. P., of Thornton Manor, Cheshire, id Charlotte, dau. of William Bower, of Liver- Dol. B. 21 Jan. 1840 ; ra. 1st, 18 June, 1862, iary Eleanor (d. 1896), dau. of William Miles 'oss, of Liverpool ; m. 2nd, 12 April, 1898, lizabeth Constance, dau. of Maj.-Gen. Hughes Fleming, D.L.. J.P., of Rydal Hall, Westmor- nd ; ed. at Liverpool College ; D.L., J. P., ancashire (High Sheriff 1909): J.P., Cheshire id Liverpool ; chrmn. Quarter Sessions ; Mavor 381 ;1 Lord Mayor 1903 ; memb. of Motor cts Commn. 1905. Residence — Bromborough

all, Chesliire Club. — Junior Carlton. Issue —

FOSTER, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1914.— Hon. Sir EOEGE EuLAs Foster, s. of John Forster . 3 Sept. 1847 ; m. 1889, Adeline, dau. of late ilton Davis, banker, of Hamilton, Ontario ;

.P. for North Toronto since 1904 ; D.C.L., LL.D.,

.C. (Canada); Minister of Trade and Commerce, mada, since 1911; ed. University of New runswick (Douglas gold medallist),' Edinbm-gh niv. (prizeman in literature 1871-3); Heidel- irg, teacher in Superior, Grammar, and High

hools; professor of classics Univ. of N.B.

572-9 : ent. politics 1882, and rep. Kings, .B., 1882-96, and York 1896-1900; contested ity of St. John, N.B., 1900, and North Ontario 1902 ; became Minister of Marine in Sir John . Macdonald's Gov. 1885; Finance Minister ?88-96 ; memb. of Imperial Trade Commission )12. Residence — Toronto, Canada. Clubs — ational (Toronto)j; Rideau (Ottawa). Issue — • FOX, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1886.— Sir Charles Douglas Fox, s. of late Sir Charles Fox, and Mary, dau. of Joseph Brookhouse, of Derby. B. 14 May, 1840 ; m. 1863, Mary, dau. of Francis Wright, of Osmaston Manor, Derby, and grand- dau. of late Sir Henry FitzHerbert, Bt., of Tissington Hall, Derby ; ed. at Highgate School and King's Coll. London, of which he is fellow ; is a civil engineer, and past pres. of Inst. C.E. ; sen. jaart. in civil engineering firm of Sir Douglas Fox and Partners, 56, Moorgate Street, E.C. ; J. P., Kent, Surrey, and London. Residence — Kippington Grange, Sevenoaks. Issue — 1. Francis Douglas Fox, b. 1868 ; ed. at Harrow and Camb. ; civil engineer ; partner in Sir Douglas Fox and Partners ; m. 1900, Mildred Susan, dau. of late Rev. Joseph Harris. 1. Mary Douglas, m. 1889, Rev. Harrison Askwlth, D.D., and has issue. Residence — The Vicarage, Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland. 2. Judith Isabel, m. 1899, Rev. James Sedgewick Wimbush, and has issue. Residence — The Rectory, Terrington, Yorkshire. 3. Agnes Selina. 4. Lucy Adeline, m. 1899, Ernest Beresford Fitz- Herbert Wright, and has issue. Residence — Henhury Manor, Wimbonie, Dorset. FOX, Knt. Bach. Great. 1907. — Sir Charles Edmund Fox, s. of late John Fox, merchant, of St. John's, Newfoundland. B. 18 Feb. 1854; m. 8 Aug. 1877, Ethel Mary, dau. of Sir Charles Parry Hobhouse, 3rd Bt., of Monkton Farleigh, Wilts ; ed. at Prior Park Coll. ; called to the Bar (Middle Temple) 1877 ; Govt, advocate Burma 1879 ; puisne judge of Chief Court Lower Burma 1900 ; chief judge 1906. Residences — Rangoon,