Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/771

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721 KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE 1 GODFREY L.S.A. 1878 ; ent. R.N. as surg. 1879, staff-surg. 1885, fleet-surg. 1893, dep. insp.-gen. of Hospitals and Fleets 1901, insp.-gen. 1907, surg.-gen. (ret.) 1911 ; served during Egyptian war 1882 (Egyp- tian medal, Khedive's bronze star) ; with naval brigade in Sudan 1884 (despatches, medal, 2 ■clasps, promoted) ; in charge of R.N. hosps. at Hong-Kong 1904-7, at Haslar 1908-11 ; has the Sir Gilbert Blaine medal. Residence — Hazel- dean, Ladbrook Road, Epsom. GIROUARD, K.C.M.G. Great. 1901 ; D.S.O. 1890. — Col. Sir Percy Cranwill Girouard, s. of Desire Girouard, of Montreal, judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, and Essie Cranwill, of New Orleans. B. at Montreal 26 Jan. 1867 ; m. 10 Sept. 1903, Mary Gwendolen (m. diss. 1914), dau. of Hon. Sir Richard Solomon, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., K.C. ; ed. privately and at Royal Military College of Canada ; hon. It. -col. 18th ■Canadian Infantry ; brevet-col. R.E. ; ret. 1912; traffic manager Roy. Arsenal, Woolwich, 1890-5 ; director of railways Dongola and Sudan exped. 1896-8 (despatches, D.S.O., brevet-major) ; pres. Egyptian State railways and telegraphs 1898 ; director of railways in Transvaal, with Tank of It.-col. during S. African war (despatches) : railway commnr. and pres. Board of Control of

Railway Dept. Transvaal and Orange River

I 'Colonies 1902-4 ; assist. Q.M.G. western com- ( mand 1906 ; Temp. High Commr. N. Nigeria

1907-8; High Commr. 1908 ; Gov. and Commr.-

i in-Chief 1908-9 ; Gov. and Commander-in-

Chief British East Africa Protectorate, 1909-12 ; 

I has the Medjidie. Clubs — -Army and Navy ; ] Brooks's ; Reform. Issue — • Richard D6slr6 Girouard, b. 1905. GLASS, Lady (Knt.'s w idow). — Anne, dau. of Thomas Tanner, of Amesbu ry, Wilts. M. 1 864, Sir Richard Atwood Glass, constructor of the Atlantic telegraph cable, who was knighted in 1866, and d. in Dec. 1873. Residence — War- brook, Eversley, Winchfield. GLEICHEN, K.C.V.O. Great. 1909; C.B. (mil.) 1906; C.V.O. 1901; C.M.G. 1898; D.S.O. 1900. — Bbig.-Gen. Albert Edward Wilfred, Count Gleichen, s. of H.S.H. the late Vice-Adm. Prince Victor Hohenlohe-Langenburg (Count of Gleichen), nephew to Queen Victoria, and late Lady Laura Williamina, sister of the 5th Marq. of Hertford. B. 15 Jan. 1863 ; m. 2 July, 1910, Hon. Sylvia Gay (maid of honour 1897-1910), dau. of the late Hon. Henry George Edwardes, of H.M. Diplomatic Service ; educated at Charter- house and R.M.C. Sandhurst ; ent. Gren. Gds. 1881, col. 1906 ; served in the Nile exped. 1884- 5 with the Gds. Camel Corps ; in the Intelli- gence Department War Office 1886-8, and again 1894-9, as staff capt. and D.A.A.G. ; with Dongola exped. 1896 ; served South Africa 1899-1900 (wounded, despatches twice, D.S.O.); accompanied special mission to Morocco 1893, to King Menelik 1897 (Star of Ethiopia, 3rd class, C.M.G. ), and to Fez 1909; director of IntelH- gence and Sudan agent in Cairo 1901—3 ; mili- tary attache Berlin 1903-6, Washington 1906 ; assistant-director of military operations general staff 1907-11 ; commdg. 15th Infy. Brig. Belfast 1911, from 1911—4 with the temp, rank of brig.- gen. ; served with Exped. Forces, France, 1914 (des. patches) ; extra equerry to the King since 1910 ; extra equerry to King Edward VII 1901-10 (for- merly to Queen Victoria) ; Knt. of Grace of the Or- der of St. John of Jerusalem ; has the Medjidie (2nd class); by roy. warrant 11 June, 1913, he was granted precedence next before Marc[uesses of England. Residence — Hartfell, Fort William Park, Belfast. Clubs — Beefsteak ; Marlborough. GLOVER, Knt. Bach. Great. 1900.— Sir John Glover, s. of Terrot Glover, J. P., ship- owner, of Shields. B. 6 Sept. 1829; m. 1864, Louisa, dau. of Richard Moser, iron merchant, of Penge, Surrey ; ed. at Shields ; is senior partner in the firm of Glover Brothers, shipowners, 57, Bishopsgate ; ex-chrmn. Lloyds' Registry of British and Foreign Shipping, and chrmn. of the Mercantile Steamship Co. ; ex-chrmn. Chamber of Shipping of the U.K. ; J. P. London and Middlesex. Residence — Highgate Lodge, Highgate, N. Clubs — Reform ; City Liberal. Issue — 1. John Howard Glover, b. 5 April, 18G0 ; lu. 30 June, 1891, Ella Howard, dau. of J. Howard Gwy- tlicr. Residence — 35, Steele's Road, Hanipstead, N.W. 2. Bernard Reaveley Glover, b. 21 Nov. 1864 ; m. 28 Oct. 1899, Kathleen, dau. of Sir James Ritchie, 1st Bt. Residence — 38, Ladbroke Square, W. 3. Lewis Gladstone Glover, IM.D., b. 11 April, 1868; m. 22 July 1897, Mary Mildred, dau. of James Grey Glover. Residence — 17, Belsize Park, Hampstead, N.W. 1. Nora Louisa, m. 16 Nov. 1882, George William Pearse. Residence — Brenton, Grange Road, Highgate, N. 2. Ida. 3. Julia Augusta. GLOVER, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Elizabeth Rosetta, dau. of William James Butler Scott, of Anne's Grove Abbey, Queen's co. M. 1876, Capt. Sir John Hawley Glover, R.N.. G.C.M.G., Gov. of Lagos, Leeward Islands, and of Newfound- land, who d. 1885 ; author of " Lest we forget them," and " Life of Sir John Hawley Glover." Residence- — 68, Carlisle Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W. GLYN, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Ellen, dau. of J. R. D. Dewar, of Wingfield. M. 11 Sept. 1866, Lt.-Gen. Sir John Plumptre Carr Glj'n, K.C.B., J. P., who served in the Crimea 1855-6, and Ashanti war 1874 ; and d. 28 March, 1912. Residence — Sundridge House, Gervis Road, Bournemouth. Issue hving — Ada Carr, m. 24 Oct. 1889, Lt.-Col. Dudley Granville RydiT, 60th Rifles (CUibs— Naval and aiilitary ; Royal Thames Yaclit ; Carlton). Residence — West- brook Hay, Boxmoor, Herts. GODDARD, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1907.— Sir Daniel Ford Goddard, M.P., s. of Ebenezer Goddard, civil engineer, of Ipswich, and Anne, dau. of Thos. Ford, of Reading. B. at Ipswich 17 Jan. 1860 ; m. 1st, 1874. Lucy Corsbie (d. 1876), dau. of Thos. Harwood, of Belstead Hall, Suffolk ; m. 2nd, Elizabeth H. Hitchcock, dau. of E. Hitch- cock, of Bramford, Suffolk ; ed. at Ipswich and Hastings ; is a civil engineer ; articled to Me.ssrs. E. R. and F. Turner, of Ipswich. 1867 ; Mayor of Ipswich 1891 ; alderman 1895 ; M.P. for Ipswich since 1896 ; J. P. for the borough 1892. Resi- dence — Oak Hill, Ipswich. Clubs — National Liberal ; Reforin. Issue — Annie JIaud, m. 12 fJuly, 1905, Robert Charles Standring-Smith, M.D. Residence — 20, Fonnereau Road, Ipswich. GODFREY, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1914.— Sir Joseph Edward Godfrey, s. of Benjamin E. Godfrey, of Georgetown, Demerara, and Anne, dau. of Charles Conyers, of Geoigetown. B. 17 July, 1868 ; ed. at Alston Coll. Preston, and Eduiburgh Univ. ; M.B., CM. ; Govt, medical officer British Guiana 1883 ; inspector of estates, hospitals, and dep. regr. of birtlis, etc., 1898 ; surg.-gen. and regr.-gen. 1904; chrmn. of Local Govt. Board 1905 ; chrmn. of Poor Law Commnrs. 1906 ; delegate for British Guiana and Bahamas to Internat. Leprosy Conference at Bergen 1909; memb. of Court of Policy and Combined Court 1904 : M.E.C. Brit. Guiana 1907 ; m. 30 June 1S85, Alice Helena, dau. of the late George Little, of Highbury, N.W. Residence — Georgetown. Demerara, British Guiana. Clubs — Constitutional ; Georgetown (Demerara).