Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/833

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■83 KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE [McCLINTOCK House, Hobart, Tasmania. Clubs — Carlton it. Stephen's. Issue — 1. Jolin Arthur Jlowljray Macartney, b. 12 March,

1. Phoebe ICatlierinc.
2. Mikired Esther.

MACAULEY, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1912; C.M.G. 1906. — Maj. Sir George Bohun Macatjlev. B. 25 Aug. 1869 ; ent. R.E. 1889 ; capt. 1900 ; iiaj. 1900 ; employed with Egyptian Army 1896 ; •etired 1912; gen. manager Egyptian State Railways since 1906 ; decorated for services in

onstruction of Suakin-Berber railway. Address

— Cairo, Egypt. McBRIDE, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1912.— Hon. Sir Richard McBride, s. of late Arthur H. McBride, 3f Xew Westminster, British Columbia, and Mary, dau. of Patrick D'Arcy, of Limerick. B. at Xew Westminster 15 Dec. 1870 ; m. Sept. 1896, Margaret, dau. of Neil McGillivray, of New Westminster ; ed. at public and high schools, New Westminster, Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, N.S.

LL.B. 1890) ; Barr.-at-law (British Columbia)

1892 ; K.C. 190.5 ; contested Westminr. for j Canadian House • of Commons 1896 ; ret. as ] memb. of Provincial Legislature for Dewdney 1898, 1900, and 1903 ; for Victoria City 1907, i and Victoria City and Yale 1909, and Victoria j 1912 ; prime minister and minister of Mines Br. CJolumbia since 1903. Residence — Victoria, British Columbia. MacCABE, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Margaret, j dau. of John Nowlan, of Killiney, co. Kilkenny. ' M. 1863, Sir Francis Xavier Frederick MacCabe, I svho was b. 2 May, 1833 ; creat. Knt. Bach. 1892 ; ' F.R.C.P. Irel., M.R.C.S. Eng. ; served on several departmental commissions dealing with the Lunacy Administration of Ireland and other subjects ; for many years an inspector under the Ldcal Government Board of Ireland, and subsequently medical commissioner; ret. 1898; andd. 8 March, 1914. Residence — Park Cottage, Kilgobbin, Sandyford, co. Dublin. McCALL, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1911.— Hon. Sir John McCall, s. of late Hon. John Hair McCall, of Devonport, Tasmania, M.L.C. B. at Devon- port, Tasm., 10 Aug. 1860 ; m. 20 Nov. 1901, Claire Pearson, dau. of Maj. Reynolds, of Hobart, Tasmania ; ed. at Devonport and Don Schools, and at Glasgow Univ. ; M.D. 1881 ; LL.D. 1912 ; memb. of Pari. ; chief sec. in the Projisting Govt. ; chrmn. of Central Board of Health ; memb. of exec, counc. in Tasmania ; warden of Leven Municip. Counc, and chrmn. of Leven Harbour Trust, etc. ; agent-gen. in London for Tasmania since 1909 ; J.P. Resi- dence — 30, Nevern MaiLsions, S. Kensington, S.W. Clubs — Australasian ; British Empire. I-;sue M'CALLUM, G.C.M.G. Creat. 1904 ; K.C.M.G. 1898 ; C.M.G. 1887. — CoL. Sir Henry Edward M'Callum, s. of Maj. Henry Atkins M'Callum, R.M.L.I. B. 28 Oct. 1S52 ; m. 1st, 1874, Lily Julia Blanche (d. 1895), dau. of Vice-Adm. Johnson ; m. 2nd, 1897, Maud, dau. of Lt.-Col. Fitzmaurice Creighton, R.M.L.I. ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad. Woolwich ; joined R.E. 1871, capt. 1883, maj. (re.serve) 1890, It. -col. 1897, col. 1900, ret. 1909 ; sei-ved in Perak exped. 1875-6 (medal and clasp), and in command of forces in Pahang 1892 ; colonial engineer and surveyor-gen. of Straits Settlements (M.E.C. and M.L.C.) 1884-97 ; commanded Singapore Art. Vols. 1888-97 ; Gov. and C.-in-C. of Lagos 1897-8 ; A.D.C. to Queen Victoria 1900, and to King Edward VII ; Gov. of Newfoundland 1898-1901, of Natal 1901-7, and of Ceylon 1907-13. Residence — Conewood, Camberley. Clubs — Junior U.S. ; Windham. Issue by 1st m. — 1. Capt. Chail 's Hiiiry M'Calluiiv, H.L.I., )). 1884 ; in. 191:5, Graci' Dorothy, dau. of Kev. Jolm Dron ett Xairne, rector of Bliock, Hi'rts. Issue by 2nd m. — Helena Iris. McCALLUM, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1912.— Sir John Mills McCallum, s. of late .lohn McCallum, of Skipness, and Janet, dau. of John Mills, of Ayr. B. at Paisley 1847 ; m. 1875, Agnes, dau. of Stephen Oates, J. P., of Grimsby ; ed. at Neilson Institution, Paisley ; is a soap manufacturer ; has long taken an active interest in the social and religious progress of Paisley, and was for many years memb. of the town council ; J. P., Ren- frew. Residence — Southdene, Paisley. Clubs — National Biberal ; Scottish Liberal (Edin.); Glasgow Liberal. McCALMONT, K.C.B. (mil.). Creat. 1900; C.B. 1885: C.V.O. 1903. —Ma.j. -Gen. Sir Hugh McCalmont, s. of James McCalmont, J.P., of Abbeylands, co. Antrim, and Emily, dau. of James Martin, D.L., of Ross, co. Galwaj'. B. in Dublin 9 Feb. 1845 ; m. 29 Sept. 1885^ Hon. Rose Elizabeth Bingham, dau. of Baron Clanmoi* ris ; ed. at Eton ; ent. 9th Lancers 1865 ; capt. 7th Hussars 1870, maj. 1878, It. -col. 1880, col. 1885, maj. -gen. 1896 ; distinguished service reward 1900 ; ret. 1906 ; maj. -gen. Res. of Officers; .served in Red River exped. 1870 ; A.D.C. to Sir Garnet Wolseley in Ashanti exped. 1872 (medal) ; employed on special service by Intelli- gence Dept. in X. China 1876 (specially thanked by H.R.H., C.-in-C, for report) ; mil. attache to British Embassy at Constantinople on out- break of Russo-Turkish war 1877, and acconi- panied Turkish armies in the tield ; A.D.C. to Sir G. Wolseley in S. Africa 1879-80 (despatches, medal with clasp) ; on staff Brig. -Gen. MacGregor in exped. against the Marris 1880 (despatches) ; was brig. -maj. of 1st Cavalry Brigade in Egyptian war 1882 ; present at actions of Mahsaineh, Kassassin, and Tel-el-Kebir, and capture of Cairo (despatches, medal with clasp, 3rd class Medjidie, and bronze star) ; commanded Light Camel Regt. in Su 'an expel. 1885 (despatches, clasp) ; commanded the Cork dist. 18 18-1903 ; acting comnidr. 3i-d Army Corps 1902-3 ; is col. of the 7th Hussars ; .J.P., cos. Antrim, Kilkenny, and Dublin ; D.L., co. Antrim ; M.P. for N. Antrim (C.) 1895-8. Residences — Mount Juliet, Thomas- town, CO. Kilkenny ; Abbeylands, Belfast ; 7, Cleveland Row, S.W. Clubs — Army and Navy ; Carlton ; Kildare St. ; Ulster ; Royal St. George's Yacht. Issue — Capt. Di'rmot Hugh Bingham McCalmont. 7th Hussars, A.D.C. to Gen. S. li. .Smith Dorrien ; li. 10 ..pril. 1S67 ; heir of his cousin the late Col. McCalmont. C.B., .M.P., D.L.. of Cheveley Park, Cambs. Residenc;'s — 7, Cleveland Row, S.W. ; Mount Juliet, Co. Kilkmny ; Arrowe Hall. Chesliire. Clubs — Carlton ; Bachelors' ; Cavalry ; Marlborough ; Kildare Street (Dublin). M'CAMMOND, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Annie, dau. of Rev. William Rossborough, of Glasgow ; widow of John Kelso, of Glasgow. M. 2nd, 1897, as his 2nd wife. Sir William M'Canimond, late Lord Mayor of Belfast, who d. 1898. McCAUGHEY, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1905.— Hon. Sir Samuel McCaughey, s. of late Francis McCaughey, of Tullyiiuey, co. Antrim ; b. 1835 ; is J.P. and memb. of Legislative Council New South Wales. Residence — North Yanco, Yanco, N.S.W. Clubs — Union (Sydney) ; Melbourne (Melbourne ). McCLINTOCK, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Annette Elizabeth, dau. of R. Foster Dunlop, of Mon- asterboice House, co. Louth, by sister of 10th I Vise. Masserene. M. 12 Oct. 1870 Adm. Sir Francis Leopold McClintock, K.C.B., F.R.S., 1 LL.D., D.C.L., knighted in 1860 for important