Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/835

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785 KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE [MACDOUGALL 1896 ; police magistrate of City of Winnipeg since 1911 ; late President of Council, Attorney-Gen., municipal commnr. and commnr. of railways, Manitoba. Address — Dalnavert, Winnipeg, Mani- toba. Clubs — Manitoba (Winni^jeg) ; Rideau '(Ottawa). Issue by 1st m. — Isabella Mary. MacDONALD, K.C.M.G. Great. 19U ; C.M.G. 1910. — Sib. Mtxrdoch MacDonaxd, s. of Roderick MaeDonald, of Inverness. B. 6 May, 1866; M.I.C.E.; Under-Sec. of State for Public Works, Egypt; m. 21 Nov. 1899, Margaret, dau. of Alexander Munro, of Balmaearra. Residence — Public Works Dept., Cairo, Egypt. Issue — • MACDONALD, K.C.I.E. Creat. 1904; C.B. (civ.) 1900. — Maj.-Gen. Sib James Ronald Leslie Macdonald, s. of Surg.-Maj. James Macdonald, M.D., F.R.C.S.E., of Aberdeen. B. 8 Nov. 1862 ; m. 1891, Alice Margaret, dau. of Gen. George Pringle, I.S.C. ; joined R.E. 1882 ; capt 1890, maj. 1895, It.-col. 1899, col. 1901, brig. -gen. 1905, maj. -gen. 1908 ; served with Hazara expedition 1888 (despatches, medal with clasp), in E. Africa (medal), with Unyoro exped. 1893-4 (brev.-maj.), in Uganda 1897, in command of exped. present at action of Lubwa's Hill, and with China Field Force 1900-1 ; as A.A.G., and subsequently as director of railways (despatches, brevet-col.) ; commanded Thibet exped. to Gyantse and Lhasa 1903-4 (medal, K.C.I.E.) ; a brigade commander in India 1905-9 ; <;ommdg. troops in Mauritius 1909-13, when he retd. ; LL.D. Aberdeen Univ. 1908. Address — Care of Grindlay & Co., 54, Parliament Street, S.W. MACDONALD, Knt. Bach. Great. 1898.— Sir William Christopher Macdonald, s.of the Hon. Donald Macdonald, Pres. of the Legislative Council of Prince Edward's Island. B. in Prince Edward's Island, 1831 ; left Prince Edward's Island in 1849 and went to Montreal, where he en- gaged in commerce ; is Gov. of McGill Univeisity, upon which he has bestowed many princely gifts, amounting in all to upwards of £500,000 ; these include the erection, equipment, and endowment of the W.G. Macdonald engineering and physics buildings, the erection of a new building for the department of chemistry and mining engineering, the endowment of the chairs of electrical engineer- ing, architecture, chemistry, mining engineering, •geology, and history, two chairs of physics and the faculty of law ; Gov. of Montreal General Hospital ; director Bank of Montreal. Residence — 449, Sherbrooke Street W^est, Montreal, P.Q., Canada. Club — Mount Royal. MACDONELL, K.C.B. Great. 1914; Knt. Bach. 1903; C.B. (civ.) 1898. — SiR John Mac- DONELL, s. of late James Macdonell, of Rhynie, Aberdeenshire. B. 1846 ; m. 1873, Agnes, dau. of late Daniel Harrison, of Shirley House, Becken- ham ; ed. at Aberdeen and Edin. Univs., M.A., LL.D. ; Barr.-at-law (Middle Temple) 1873 ; senior master of Supreme Court of Judicatm-e and King's Remembrancer ; memb. of Roy. Gommn. on ocean freights and shipping " rings " 1906, and of Lord Gorell's comm. on County Courts 1909 ; Fell, of Brit. Acad. ; memb. of L'Institut de Droit International, and a memb. of L'Institut International de Statistique ; vice-pres. of the Royal Statistical Society 1898 ; editor of the Civil Judicial Statistics and of the Journal of Comparative Legislation ; Quain Prof! of Com- parative Law, London Univ. Residence — 31, Kensington Park Gardens, S.W. Clubs — Athe- naeum ; Reform. Issue — 1. Amice, m. 29 Aug. 1914, Robert Warden Lee, Fell. of Worcester Coll., Oxford. 2. Margaret Rachael Bruce. McDonnell, g.c.v.o. Great. 1911 ; k.g.b. (civ.) 1902; C.B. 1892; C.V.O. 1901.— Hon. Sir Schomberg Kerr McDonnell, s. of Mark, 10th Earl of Antrim, and Jane, dau. of Maj. Macan, of Cariff, co. Armagh. B. 22 March, 1861 ; m. 26 Feb. 1913, Ethel Henry, dau. of late Maj. Alexander Henry Davis of Naples ; ed. at Eton and Oxford ; priv. sec. to Marq. of Salisbury when Prime Minister, 1888-92 and 1895-1902; sec. to Office of Works 1902-12; memb. historical monuments Roy. Com. (England) 1909 ; late capt. 1st London Rifle Vol. Brig., and lion, lieut. in the Array ; served in S. African war ; isF.S.A. Residences — Dalness, Taynuilt, Argyll ; La Floridiana, Naples ; 57, Albert Hall Mansions, S.W. Club— Carlton. MACDONELL, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Anne, dau. of Edward Lumb, of Wallington, Surrey. M. 7 July, 1870, Rt. Hon. Sir Hugh Guion McDonell, G.C.M.G., C.B., minister plenipo successively to Brazil, Denmark, and Portugal, who d. 25 Jan. 1904. Residence — 10, Cornwall Gardens, S.W. MacDOUGALL, K.C.B. (civ.). Great. 1914; C.B. 1906. — Sir James Patten-MacDougall, s. of .lolin Patten, W.S., of Drummond Place, Edin., and Hoophouse, Dunoon, and Jane Maxwell Campbell, dau. of Dugald MacDougall, of Galla- nach, Argyllshire. B. at Edinburgh 29 May, 1849 ; m. 25 March, 1884, Alice Mary, dau. of Maj. James Home, of Stirkoke, Caithness-shire ; ed. at Edin. Acad, and Oxford, M.A. ; Barr.-at- law (Inner Temple) 1873 ; advocate Scottish Bar 1874 ; legal sec. to Lord Advocate 1886 and 1892-4 ; legal memb. of Local Govt. Board for Scotland 1894-1904; vice-pres. and chrmn. 1904—9 ; deputy clerk registrar, keeper of records and reg.-gen. for Scotland from 1909 ; D.L., J. P., Argyll ; vice-convener of Argyll 1901-4, and 1910-14 ; chrmn. of depart- niental coiumittee on Poor Law Med. Relief 1902 ; memb. of roy. commn. on Poor Laws and Relief of Distress 1905. Residences — Gallanach, Oban ; 39, Heriot Row, Edinburgh. Clubs — Brooks's ; New (Edin.) ; Roy. Highland Yacht (Oban). McDOUGALL, Knt. Bach, Great. 1902.— Sir John McDougall, s. of Alexander Mc- Dougall, of Manchester, and Jane, dau. of J. Shimwell, of Youlgreave. B. 1844 ; m. 1882, Ellen Mary, dau. of George Lidgett, J. P., of Blackheath ; ed. privately ; late memb. of the firm of McDougall Bros., of Manchester and London, chemical manufacturers and millers, from which he ret. 1888 ; Fell. Chemical Society ; prex^ared for Indian Govt, a report which was presented to Parliament on the value of Indian wheats ; J. P., London ; meinb. L.C.G., Pojalar, 1889-1913 ; memb. Port of London Authority 1909. Residence — Clifton House, Greenwich Park, S.E. Club — National Liberal. Issue by 1st m. — 1. John Napier McDougall, b. 1873. 2. Norman McDougall, b. 1876 ; m. 1900, Katharine, dau. of Charles Blrks, of Adelaide, S. Australia. 1. Lucy, m. 1899, Napier K. Blrks, of Adelaide. 2. Janie, 3. Florence, m. 1903, Rev. John Jenkins, Vicar of Beddgelert, N. Wales. Issue by 2nd m. — 3. Frank Lidgett MacDougal , b. 1884. 4. Margery Lidgett. 5. CatliiTine Judith. MACDOUGALL, Lady (Knt.'s widow), — Marianne Adelaide, dau. of Philip John Miles, of Leigh Court, Somersetshire. M. 1860, as his 2nd wife. Gen. Sir Patrick Leonard Macdougall, K.G.M.G., author of several important military works, including "The Theory of War," "The