Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/849

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799 KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE [MESTON brancor, since 1905 ; Registrar of Court of Criminal Appeal 1908. Residence — 16, Craven Hill Gardens, W. Club — New University. Issue — 1. Jaiiios Gilbert Shaw Mcllor, b. 1872; m. 1911, Isabel, dau. of Henry Francis Makins. 2. Alfred [Shaw MeUor, b. 1875 ; ni. 19 April, 1902, Hon. Dora Marion Webster, dau. of 1st Vise. Alverstone. Residence — 14, Westbourne Street, Hyde Parle, W. Issue— 1. Joan Marion Shaw. 2. Elizabeth Dora Sliaw. 3. Barbara Janet Shaw. 4. Anne Margery Sliaw. 3. John Shaw Mellor, b. 1879 ; m. 1912, Winifred, dau. of the late Gen. Horatio Morant. of Blentlwortli, Hants. ^ 1. Isabella Catlierine. 2. Ada Dorothea. 3. Maria Florence, ni. 31 Jan. 1903, Lt.-Col. Ernest Makins, D.S.O., 1st Roy. Dragoons (Clubs — Cavalry ; Army and Navy), who served in S. Africa 1899-1902, and has issue. 4. Beatrice Alice. MELLOR, K.C,B. (civ.). Creat. 1911 ; C.B. 1905. — Sir John Paget Melloe, s. of the Rt. Hon. John William Mellor, P.C, K.C., of Culm- head, Pitminster, Somerset, and Caroline, dau. ■of Charles Paget, M.P., of Ruddington Grange, Notts. B. in London, 13 March, 1862; m. 24 July, 1890, Mabel, dau. of George Edward Sero- ■cold Pearce-Serocold, of Cherryhinton, Torquay, late lieut. R.N. ; ed. at Cheltenham and Camb. ■(B.A., LL.B. 1883) ; Barr.-at-law (Inner Temple) 1886 ; joined Midland Circuit ; an asst. solicitor to the Treasury 1894-1909 ; solicitor to the Treasury and King's Proctor 1909—12 ; J. P., co. Somerset. Residences — 1, Embankment Gar- dens, Chelsea, S.W. ; Culmhead, Pitminster, Somerset. Club — Brooks's. 1. John Serocold Paget Mellor. b. 1893. 2. Vincent Charles Serocold MoUor, b. 1897. MELVILLE, K,C.M.G. Creat. 1900; C.M.G. 1891. — Sir George Melville, s. of George Melville, of Culross, N.B. B. 1 July, 1842 ; m. 1869, Marie Elise Louise, dau. of Capt. Fitz- Landers, of Charlton Hall, Northumberland ; ed. privately and at Edin. Acad. ; ent. Iinperial Civil Service 1862 ; transferred to Colonial Service 1874 ; chief clerk and acting treasurer. Sierra Leone, and acting secretary 1874—7 ; first clerk in Govt, sec.'s office, British Guiana, 1877—9, assist. ■Govt. sec. 1879-89 ; acted several times as Govt, sec. and auditor-gen. ; colonial sec, British Honduras, 1889-94, and of Bahamas, 1894^-5 ; ■colonial sec. of Leeward Islands and pres. and island sec. of Antigua 1885—1902 ; administrator of St. Lucia 1902 ; administered Govt, of British Honduras 1890-1, of Falkland Islands 1893, of Bahamas 1894r-5, of Leeward Islands 1895- 9&-97-99-1900-2, Windward Islands 1903, and administrator of St. Lucia 1902—5 ; ret. 1905. Club — Constitutional. Address — Cox & Co., Charing Cross. MENENDEZ, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1906.— Sir Manuel Raymond Menendez. B. 4 July, 1864 ; TO. 26 June, 1901, Hester Louise, dau. of Vincent Tilyon, of New York ; ed. at Emman. Coll. Camb. i(LL.B. 1890) : Barr.-at-law (Inner Temple) ; ■chief judicial officer, Niger Coast Protectorate, 1897 ; puisne judge, S. Nigeria, 1899 ; chief justice •of N. Nigeria 1906-8. Residence — Midford House, Midford, Bath. MENZIES, Lady (Knt."s widow). — M.argaret Henrietta, dau. of Capt. Baker, of the West India Pacific S.S. Co. M. 24 July, 1886, Sir Walter Menzies, of Culcreuch, who was b. 1856 ; C.C., Lanark and Stirling ; M.P. for S. Lanark 1906-13, and d. 26 Oct. 1913. Residences — Culcreuch, Fintry, Stirlingshire ; 34, Gordon Square, W.C. Issue — 1. James Menzies, b. 1887. 2. Walter Baker Jlcnzies, h. 1888. 3. William Ferguson Menzies, b. 1893. 4. Joseph Baker .Menzies, b. 1901. 1. Muriel, b. 1890. 2. Gladys, b. 1896. MENZIES, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Annie Perceval, dau. of John Alexander Drought, J. P., of Whigsboro', King's co. .M. 14 Oct. 1870, as his 3rd wife. Sir William John Menzies, agent of the Church of Scotland, who d. 14 Oct. 1905. Residence — Canaan House, Edinburgh. MERCER, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1914 ; C.M.G. 1905. — Sir William Hepworth Mercer. B. 1855 ; ed. at Oxford (open scholar Wadham Coh.); Barr.-at-law 1880; sec. to the Earl of Jersey (Brit. del. at Colonial Conference at Ottavva) 1894 ; sent on spec, mission to Hawaii with Sir Sandford Fleming 1894 ; assist, priv. sec. to Lord Ripon April, 1895, to Rt. Hon. J. Cham- berlain .June, 1895 ; sec. to Pacific Cable Com- mittee 1896 and 1899 ; Crown Agent for the Colonies 1900 ; memb. Pacific Cable Board 1901, dep. chrmn. 1907 ; joint ed. CO. List since 1898. Address — Crown Agent's Office, Downing Street, S.W. MEREDITH, Lady (Knt.'s widow).— Nellie, dau. of Rev. Richard Graves Meredith, Rector of Knockavilly, Cork. M. 1871 as his third wife. Sir James Creed Meredith, Barr.-at-law, Ireland, 1864 ; sec. Royal University of Ireland from its foundation 1880 to its dissolution 1909 ; late deputy Grand Master of the Freemasons of Ireland ; memb. of the lepresentative body of the Church of Ireland, and one of the hon. sees, of its General Synod, who d. 23 Jan. 1912. Residence — Cloneevin, Pembroke Road, Dublin. MEREDITH,! Knt. Bach. Creat. 1896.— Hon. Sir William Ralph Meredith, s. of John Cooke Meredith, London, Ontario, and Sarah, dau. of A. Pegler, of London, Canada. B. in Canada, 31 March, 1840 ; m. 26 June, 1862, Mary, dau. of M. Holmes, of London, Ontario ; ed. at London Grammar Sch. and Univ. of Toronto ; became memb. of the Canadian Bar 1861 ; M.L.A. Ontario 1872-94, and for many years leader of the opposi- tion ; chief justice of Common Pleas, Ontario, 1894^1912 ; chief justice of Ontario since 1912 ; Chancellor University of Toronto 1900. Resi- dence — Toronto, Canada. Club — Toronto. MERE WETHER, K.C.V.O. Creat. 1907; C.M.C;. 1902 ; C.V.O. 1903.— Sir Edward M.^vRSH Merewether, s. of the late Major-Gen. Sir W. L. Merewether, K.C.S.I., C.B., memb. of the Council of India, and Harriet, dau. of James Dale, of Coleshill, Warwickshire. B. 9 Sept. 1858 ; m. 1883, Honoria Clementina Mary, dau. of the late Thomas Braddell, C.M.G., attorney- general. Straits Settlements ; ed. at Harrow ; ent. Civil Service (Straits Settlements) 1880 ; inspector of prisons 1893 ; assist, col. sec. and clerk of councils, 1897 ; acted as resid. councillor, Malacca 1897 and 1900, and as colonial treasurer 1900 ; Brit, resid. Selangor 1901 ; It. -gov. and chief see. to Govt, of Malta 1902-11 ; Gov. and Commdr. -in- Chief of Sierre Leone since 1911. Residence — Government House, Freetown, Sierre Leone. Clubs — Windham ; Junior Carlton ; St. Stephen's ; Sports. MESTON, K.C.S.L Creat. 1911 ; C.S.I. 1908.— Sir James Scorgie Meston, s. of James Meston of Aberdeen. B. at Old Aberdeen, 12 June, 1865 ; m. 10 Dec. 1891, Jeanie, dau. of James McDonald of Mossat, N.B. ; ed. at King's Coll., Aberdeen, and Oxford ; entd. I.C.S. 1883 ; served for eighteen years in the United Provinces ; en- gaged in Cape Colony and Transvaal on civil service reform, 1904-6 ; tempy. finance memb. of