Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/856

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MORGAN] KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE m. 26 July, 1880, Alice Augiista, dau. of Henry Edward Clinton, of Riverview, Warwick : ed. at Warwick Normal School ; was a jovirnalist ; M.P. for Warwick in Queensland Pari. 1887-1906; speaker Legislative Assembly, Queensland, 1898- 1903 ; premier 1903-0 ; pres. Legislative Council 1906-10 ; Lt.-Gov. of the State and its depen- dencies since 1908 ; J.P., Queensland and N.S.W. Residences — Parliament House, Brisbane ; Clin- ton, Paddington, Brisbane, Qiieensland. Clubs — [ Johnsonian (Brisbane); Pioneers' (Sj'dney) ; Warwick. I MORGAN, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Elizabeth 1 Margaeetta, dan. of James Buckley, of Castle Gorfod, Carmarthen. 'SI. 1874, Sir Morgan Morgan, late head of the firm of Morgan and Scott, solicitors, of Cardiff, who d. 1894. Resi- dences — Hendrescythan, Pontyckm, Glamorgan- shire ; 7, Bath Terrace, Instow, N. Devon. MORISON, K.C.I.E.. Creat. 1910.— Sir Theo- dore MoRisoN. s. of James Cotter Morison, of London, author, and Frances, dau. of George Virtue, of Oatlands Park. B. at Malta 9 May, 1863 ; m. 21 Oct. 1895, Margaret, dau. of Rt. Hon. Arthur Cohen. K.C., P.C, of 20, Great Cumberland Place, W. : ed. at Westminster and Camb. (2nd class classical tripos 1885) ; apptd. professor M.A.O. Coll. Aligarh, U.P. India, 1889, principal 1899, res. 1905 ; memb. of the council of the Sec. of State for India since Dec. 1906 ; memb. of roy. coramn. on the Piiblic Services of India 1912-14. Residence — Old Avenue Lodge, Weybridge, Surrey. Clubs — Savile ; United Universities. Issue — Arthur Cotter Morison, b. 25 Nov. 1906. Dorothea Cotter Morison, b. 14 Blarch, 1S98. MORISON, K.C.S.L Creat. 1912 ; C.S.I. 1909. — Sir William Thomson Morison, s. of Patrick Morison, of Edinburgh, and Jane, dau. of James Scott, of Edinburgh. B. 23 Sept. 18G0 ; m. 23 Oct. 1897, Mabel Elise, dau. of Col. John Muir Hunter, C.S.I. ; ed. at Fettes College, Edinbru'gh, and Oxford ; ent. I.C.S. 1881, and served in Bombay as assist, mag. and coUr. and forest settlt. offr. : transferred to Burma as assist, commr. 1887 ; dep. commr. 1889-90 ; re-transferred to Bombay as 2nd assist. 1891; adininistrator Porbandar state 1894 ; 1st assist. 1896 ; collr. and magistrate 1897 ; actg. sec. to Govt. 1898 and 1900-1 ; commr. of Customs 1907 ; temp. memb. of council July to Oct. 1907 ; pres. of Indian Factor3r Labour Commn. 1908 ; coinmr. Central div. Poona 1908—10 : memb. of exec, council of Gov. of Bombay 1910-12, when he ret. Address — c/o Grindlay & Co., 54, Parlia- ment St., S.W. Club — E. India United Service. MORRIS, Privy Counsellor. Apptd. 1911; K.C.M.G. Creat. 1913 ; Knt. Bach. 1904. — Rt. Hon. Sir Edward Patrick Morris, s. of Edward Morris, of Waterford, Ireland. B. 8 May, 1859 ; m. 19 Jan. 1901, Isabel Langrishe, dau. of late Rev. William Legallais ; ed. at St. Bonaventure's Coll. St. John's, and LTniv. of Ottawa : LL.D. 1902 ; Barr.-at-law 1885 ; ent. Parliament of Newfoundland for St. John's 1885, which seat he has since continuously held ; memb. of Cabinet of Rt. Hon. Sir Wm. Whiteway 1889 ; acting attorney-gen. for N.F. 1890-2-5"; delegate to Ottawa 1895, to discuss confedera- tion terms for entry of N.F. into Dominion of Canada ; director N.F. Savings Bank 1893-1907; delegate to Colonial Office with Rt. Hon. Sir Wm. White%vay 1897 ; leader of IndeiDendent party in Legislature 1898-1900 ; memb. of cabinet of Sir Robert Bond 1900-7 ; delegate to Colonial Office on French Shore Question 1901 ; attor.- gen. and minister of Justice 1903-7 ; resigned from cabinet of Sir Robert Bond 1907, and as leader'of the Opposition party went to the countr- No^' 1908, when he obtained an equality of so; with iSir Robert Bond, leader of Govt, part premier of Newfoundland since 1909 ; repi the Colony at Imp. Defence Conference Lone) 1909 ; counsel for British Govt, during arbit tion with U.S.A. on Fishing question at i Hague 1910 ; repres. Newfoundland at T Coronation of King George V, and mei Imperial Conference 1911; hon. D.C.L. Oxfo hon. LL.D. Camb., Glas., and Edin. 1911. R. dence — Rennies Mill Road, St. John's, Ni foundland." ' Club— City,'(St. Jolm's). MORRIS, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1903; CM 1893. — Sir Daniel Morris, s. of Henry Mori of Loughor, Glam. B. 26 May, 1844 ; m. isi Margaret Ann, dau. of late Capt. John Aitkj J.P., F.G.S., of Bacup, Lanes ; ed. at Cheltj ham and Roy. Coll. of Science, S. Kensington, :j Trin. Coll. Dublin ; 1st class honours in natv science and gold medallist ; B.A. 1876, IM 1880, D.Sc. 1894, hon. D.C.L. (Durham) 19* ' J.P., county borough of Bournemouth: apj i assist, director Royal Botanical Gardens, Cey, 1877 ; director of iDotanical department Janiij j 1879 ; explored British Honduras 1882 ; I ported on resources of St. Helena 1883 ; comn for Jamaica at New Orleans Exhibition li and chrmn. of board of governors of Institnt Jamaica 1884-5 ; represented India ()li!r(_' ' ramie conferences at Paris 1888-9 ; seliMi adviser to West India royal commn. !8'..h; j ! assist, director of the Royal Botanical CJaidi' Kew; 1886-98 ; imperial commnr. of Agricult in the West Indies 1898-1908 ; memb. of ext five council of Leeward Islands ; memb. Canadian and West Indian Roy. Cnni 1909 ; scientific adviser to the Sec. of Stut<> the Colonies, on matters relating to trup agriculture 1909-13 ; fellow of the Linn:. Society, on councils of the Royal Horticultt Society, and the Royal Colonial Inst it u pres. Boui'nemouth National Science Soi-ic V.M.H., C.M.Z.S. Residence — 14, Crabton CI Boscombe, Hants. Clubs — Savile ; Wesi. Ind MORRIS,^ K.C.B. (mil.). Creat. 1882; ( 1879. — Comm.-Gen. Sir Edward Morris, of Robert Morris, of Rosbercon House, co. '. kenny. B. 1834 ; m. 15 Dec. 1858, Elizak Dorcas (d. 9 Sept. 1875), dau. of Walter Bis Mant ; ent. Commissariat Department of Ai 1854 ; became deputy com. -gen. 1878, and co gen. 1881 ; served in the Crimea 1854-6, Zulu war 1879, and in exped. to Egypt 1 (received K.C.B. and 2nd class Medjidie) ; cc gen. at War Office 1883-6, when he ret.; tinguished service pension 1889. Club — Jui LInited Service. MORRIS,^K.C.V.O. Creat. 1908.— Sir M coLM Alexander Morris, s. of John Car; Morris, F.R.S., of the Madras Civil Service. 17 Aug. 1849 ; m. 18 July, 1872, Fanny, dau Thomas Cox ; ed. at St. Mary's Hosp. Lond F.R.C.S. Etlin. 1880 ; M.R.C.S. Eng. 18 F.M.S.L., Fell. Roy. Society Med., F.Z cons. surg. Skin Dept. St. Mary's Hospii surg. Skin Dept. Seamen's Hospital ; lect. dern London Sch. Clin. Med. ; author of many t tises on dermatology, etc. Resideiices- Harley Street, Cavendish Square, W. ; Stu well, Penn, Bucks. MORRIS, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1907; C.B. (n 1900 ; C.M.G. 1893. — Col. Sir William Geo Morris, s. of late Lt.-Col. W. J. Morris, iiora Army. B. 12 Feb. 1847 ; m. 1872, Edith, C of late Rev. W. W. Tireman, rector of Bo's Gifford, Essex ; ed. at Cheltenham C( joined R.E. 1867, capt. 1879, maj. 1886. It.. 1893, brev, col. 1897, col.-commdt. 1898; ai'