Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/885

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835 KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE [QUICK throughout tlie Indian mutinj' and during the fiiege of Delhi, where he commanded tlie 2nd Punjab Cavalry at its capture and assault ; was awarded the Victoria Cross for personal bravery at Agra, &c. ; also served at the relief and capture of Lucknow, Cawnpore, &c., for which he received a medal with 3 clasps and the C.B. ; also received a medal with 2 clasps for the cam- paign in China in 18G0 ; commanded the cav. in the Umheyla campaign, N.W. Frontier, 18(53 (medal and clasp) ; maj. 3rd Light (Bengal) Cav. 1877, It.-col. 1881, col. 1893 ; extra equerry to the King, and comptroller Queen Alexandra's Household since 1910 ; was ecjuerry to King Edward VII during his tour in India ; comp- troller and treasurer of the Household to King Edward when Prince of Wales, and memb. of the council for the Duchy of Cornwall 1877-1901 ; kee]ier of the Privy Purse and extra equerry to King Edward 1901-10 : memb. of council of Duchy of Lancaster 1891-1910 ; hon. col. King Edward's Own Lancers (Probyn's Horse). Resi- dences — Marlborough House, S.W. ; Sandring- hani ; Norman Tower, Windsor Castle. PROBYN, K.C.V.O. Great. 1900. — Sm Lesley Charles Pbobyn, s. of Capt. George Probyn, and Alicia, dau. of Sir Francis Macnaghten, Bt., of Bushmills. B. in London 11 Aug. 1834; m. 11 Jan. 1859, Victoria Charlotte Isabella (d. 10 Feb. 1911), dau. of James John Kinloch, of Kair, Kincardineshire ; ed. at Finchley ^Nlanor House, and E. India Coll. Haileybury ; Indian Civil Service 1854-79; director G.N.R. since 1883 ; auditor Duchy of Cornwall since 1891 ; memb. of council of H.R.H. Prince of Wales since 1897, reapptd. 1901, and again 1910. Resi- dence — 79, Onslow Square, S.W. Club — E.I. L^nited Service. PROBYN, K.C.M.G. Great. 1909; G.M.G. 1903. — Sir Leslie Probyn, s. of late Edmund Probyn, J.P. Glos, and Staffs, and Charlotte Seymour Jones. B. at Huntley, Glos, 23 Feb. 1862 ; m. 1885, Emily, dau. of George Davies ; ed. at Charterhouse, in France, and Germany ; Barr.-at-Iawj (Middle Temple) 1884 ; attor.-gen. British Honduras 1893, of Grenada, Windward Islands 1890 (acting colonial sec. 1897-8) ; sec. to Govt, of S. Nigeria 1901-4 ; Gov. and C.-in-C. Sierra Leone 1904-10 ; Gov. and C.-in-C. of Barbados since 1910. Residences — Govern- ment House, Bridgtown, Barbados. Club — Orleans. Issue — 1. Dorothv, m. 30 Dec. 1909, Francis S. Cockayn. 2. Sybil Rose, m. 28 July, 1913, Arthur Hayne. PROCTER, Knt. Bach. Great. 1911.— Sir Henry Edw.^ed Edleston Procter, s. of late Charles Edward Procter, of Macclesfield, solicitor, and Ellen, dau. of James Livesey, of Liverpool, merchant. B. at Macclesfield 30 April, 1860 ; m. 23 Feb. 1897, Helen Matilda, dau. of late Lt.-Col. Thomas Arthur Freeman, of Bombay ; ed. at Birkenhead Sch. ; a merchant ; commdt. of the Bombay Light Horse and hon. A.D.C. to the Viceroy of India ; J.P., Bombay (Sheriff 1908) ; an additional memb. of the council of the Gov. of Bombay. Residences — 16, Queen's Gardens, W. ; Seascale, Cumballa Hill, Bombay. Clubs — Royal Automobile ; Sports ; Byculla (Bombay). Issue — 1. .rthur Francis Procter, b. 13 April, 1902. 1. -Margaret Helen. 2. Katliarini^ Joyce. PROVIS, K.C.B. (civ.). Great. 1901 ; C.B. 1887. — Sir Samuel Butler Pbovis, s. of Samuel Provis, of Bath, and Mary, dau. of Stephen Butler. B. 9 Feb. 1845 ; e'd. at Gamb. ; B. A. 1869, M.A. 1872 ; Barr.-at-law (Middle Temple) 1866; legal assist. Local Govt. Board 1872-82, a-;sist. sec. 1882-99, permanent sec. 1899-1910 ; on royal commission Poor Relief. Residence — 2, Whitehall Court, S.W. Clubs— New Oxford and Cambridge ; Union. PURCELL, K.C.B. (civ.). Great. 1900 ; C.B^ 1888. — Sir John (Samuel) Purcell, s. of Dr. Purcell, of Garrick-on-Suir, co. Tipperary, and Marianne, dau. of S. Poyntz Smith, of Waterford. B. 1839; m. 1868, Alice Fanny, dau. of Gapt. Leighton Kennett ; ed. privately ; ent. Inland Revenue 1856 ; a principal clerk in secretary's depart. 1876-83 ; controller of stamps and regis- trar of joint stock companies 1883-1900, when he retired from the service ; was member of committee on postage stamps, and closely con- nected with issue of 1887 ; formerly maj. London Irish Rifle Vols. ; chrmn. National Bank ; director Norwich LTnion Life and Fire Office, Industrial and General Trust and other boards. Residence — Glebe Lodge, Blacklieath, Kent. Club — Constitutional. Issue — 1. John Poyntz Purcell, b. 1 May, 1870; Barr.-at-law Gray's Inn; m. 21 Jan. 1908, Dorothy, dau. of late G. H. Branston. Address — Land llegistry Otfice, W.C. 2. Hubert Kennett Purcell, b. 10 Dec. 1884 ; in. 10 June, 1914, Mary Laura, dau. of W. B. Pritchard. of Glenwood, Elthani Koad, Lee. 1. Ethel Alice. 2. Marina Florence. 3. Violet Arabella, m. 3 March. 1910, Capt. John Charles MaeSwiney, Connaught Kangers. 4. Lily Rose Mary. PURVIS, Knt. Bach. Great. 1905.— Sm Robert Purvis. B. 5 July, 1844 ; m. 17 Sept. 1874, Elizabeth Marion (d. 25 July, 1913), dau. of William Henry Peat, of Mincing Lane ; ed. at Marlborough and Gamb. ; B.A. 1870, M.A. and LL.M. 1875, LL.D. 1881 : Barr.-at-law (Inner Temple) 1873 ; imsuccessfully contested Abing- don division of Berks 1885, and S. division of Edinburgh 1886, Peterborough 1889 and 1892 ; M.P. for Peterborough 1895-1906, when he was defeated, again contested Peterborough 1910. Residence — 64, Ashley Gardens, S.W^. Club — ■ Oxford and Cambridge. PYNE, Knt. Bach. Great. 1894; C.S.L 1893. — Sir (Thomas) Salter Pyne, s. of John Pyne, hardware manufacturer, of Broseley, and Alice, dau. of Thomas Salter. B. 1860 ; ed. privately ; is a civil and mechanical engineer, and was in the service of the Afghan Govt, for 13 years as super- intendent of arsenals and manufactories, and as general adviser 1886-99 ; assisted the Durand mission, and received the thanks of H.M. Govt, for loyalty and ability in exceptional circum- stances ; M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. Clubs— St. Stephen's ; Badminton. QUICK, Knt. Bach. Great. 1901.— Hon. Sir John Quick, s. of John Quick, farmer, of Towed- nack, nr. St. Ives, Cornwall, and Mary, dau. of James Quick, farmer, of the same parish. B. in Towednack, nr. St. Ives, 14 April, 1852 ; in. 24 Dec. 1883, Catherine, dau. of Joseph Harris, J.P., of Eaglebank, Victoria, Australia ; ed. at Victorian Common Schools and Melbourne Univ. ; LL.B. (1st class honours) 1877, LL.D. 1882; M.L.A. Victoria 1880-9 ; Barr.-at-law and solici- tor Bendigo ; memb. Australian Statutory Federal Convention 1897-8, and of the first, second, third and fourth Federal Parliaments (1913) • pres. royal commission on Common- wealth' Tariff (1905-6); postmaster-general Commonwealth of Australia June 1909 to May 1910 ; one of the Parliamentary representatives of the Commonwealth at the Coronation of 1911 ; author of " The History of Land Tenure in Victoria" (1883), "The Inauguration of Par- liamentary Government in Victoria" (1888); joint author of " The Annotated Constitution of the Austrahan Commonwealth" (1901), "The Judicial Power of the Commonwealth " (1906);