Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/888

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RAWLINSON] KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE RAWLINSON, Lady (Kut.'s widow).— Geok- GINA Maria, dau. of Alexander Radclyffe Side- bottom, Barr.-at-law. M. 1847, Sir Christoplier Rawlinson, late Chief Justice of Madras, who d. 1888. Residence — 1, Coleherne Court, S.W. RAYNER, Lady (Knt.'s widow).— Agnes, dau. of William Harrison, of Old Trafford, Manchester. M. 18S9, Hon. Sir Thomas Crossley Rayner, who was born 19 April, 1800; creat. Knt. JJach. 1899 ; district commnr. Gold Coast Colony 1887- 90 ; acting Queen's advocate 1889-90 ; stipen- diarj' magistrate Trinidad 1891-3 ; acting puisne judge on several occasions 1891, 1892, and 1893 ; chrmn. of special commission on Registry of Supreme Court 1892 ; administered the Govt, of Tobago 1892 ;'chancellor diocese of Trinidad 1893 ; jjuisne judge Gold Coast 1894 ; Chief Justice Lagos 1895-1902 : attorney-gen. and one of H.M. counsel for British Guiana 1902-12 ; Chief Justice since 1912 ; chancellor of diocese of Guiana 1903. and d. 22 May, 1914. Residence — Georgetown, Deinerara. Issue — 1. Thomas Harrison Kayner, b. 1892. 2. Oliver Crossley Rayner, b. 1893. 1. Dorothy, m. 1912, Charles Campbell Murtland. RAYNOR, Knt. Bach. Great. 1912.- Sib Willi A^i J'ick Raynor, s. of John Raynor, of Eldon Bank, Huddersfield, and Hannah, dau. of William Snowden Pick, of Huddersfield. B. at Huddersfield 25 Oct. 1854 ; m. 19 April, 1877, Sarah Janet, dau. of Robert Kirk, of Hudders- field : ed. ])rivatelv ; apptd. J. P., borough of Huddersfield 1906, and York 1910. Residence— Ridgmont, Huddersfield. READ, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1912.— Sir (Charles) Hercules Read, 3rd s. of .John Frins- bury Read, of Devon, and Catherine, dau. of Hercules Angus. B. 6 July, 1857 ; m. 17 Aug. 1880, Helen May, dau. of F. George Smith, of Chelsea ; ed. privately ; assist. British Museum 1880 ; keeper of British and mediasval antiquities and ethnography since 1896 ; hon. LL.D. St. Andrews ; fell. Brit. Acad. ; pres. Soc. of Antiquaries 1908-14 ; past pres. Roy. Anthropo- logical Institute ; a trustee of Sir .John Soane's Museum ; hon. memb. of many foreign arcliso- logical societies. Residences— British Museum, W.C. ; Gawcott, nr. Buckingham. Clubs — Athenteum : Junior Constitutional ; Burlington Fine Arts. READE, Laly (Knt.."s ^ido.v). — Harriette Fanny, dau. of Maj. John Dixon Dyke Bean ; m. 1861, Surg.-Maj.-Gen ^-ir .John By Cole I eade' who was b. 7 April, 1832; creat. K.C.B. 1903; served through Crimean campaign 1854-.5 (wounded, medal, 3 clasps, Turkish medal), in Indian mutiny 1857-8 (medal and clasp), in Afghan war 1878-80 (men. in desp., medal) ; formerly prof, assist, to dir.-gen. of Army Med. Dept. and surg.- gen. at War Office ; hon. surg. to the King, was an hon. surgeon to Queen Victoria and to King Edward VII ; was granted reward for distiii^ guished and meritorious service 1892 ; and d 5 Nov. 1914. Residence — 25, Coleherne Road, S.W. Issue — Lilian .Alaude, m. 1900, Etlmiind John I'ox. REDFORD, Knt. Bach. Great. 1912; CB 1904.— Sir Edwakd Pigott William Redford. s. ot late George Redford, F.R.C.S., 58th Regt.. an eminent art critic, and Emma Elizalieth dau. of late George Bentley, of Worcester. B in London 25 Dec. 1850; m. 29 April, 1884, Florence, dau. of late Frederick Buckton, of Beechgrove, Leeds ; ed. privately ; sec. to G.P O for Scotland 1900-12, when he ret. Residence— S, Buckingham Terrace, Edinburgh. Is^ue— Dulcio Edythe Anaehi. m. 22 April, 1914. (Jeorge l2Zs^- i<"-""--<-^raythwaite Hall. I REDHOUSE, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Eliz dau. of Sir Patrick MacChombaieh Colquhou : Q.C., LL.D. M. 1888, as his 2nd wife, Sir Jam ! Redhouse, K.C.M.G., LL.D., a distinguish! Oriental scholar, who d. 1 Jan. 1902 ; m. 2n 4 June, 1914, Col. G. Philips, late 4th Hussar Residence — Colquhouns, Penshurst, Kent. ,; REDMAYNE, K.C.B. (civ.). Creat. 191- ' C.B. 1912 — Sir Richard Augustine Studde Redmayne, s. of late John Marriner Redmayi J.P., of South Dene, Low Fell, co. Durhai ' B. 22 July, 1805 ; m. 7 Sept. 1898, Edith Ro:- eld. dau. of Thomas Picton Richards, of Swanset is M.Sc, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.M.E., F.G.S. ; pr ', fessor of mining in Birmingham Univ. 1902-r H.M. chief inspector of Mines since 1908 ; mem: of roy. commn. on Metalliferous Mines ai ; Quarries, and of other commns. Residence j Claremont Lodge, Cobham, Surray. Club-! Savile. ' REDMOND, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1911.— Sj Joseph Michael Redmond, M.D., F. R.C.I; L.R.C.S.I., s. of the late Denis Redmond ; i 30 Aug. 1898, Oswaldina, dau. of the late Jam Nelson, J. P. : president Royal College of Phy.' cians 1900-8 ; isiting physician to the Mat Misericordiw Hosp. ; cons, physcn. to the Com! Hosp., to St. Michael's Hosp. Kingstown, to t) National Hosp. Holies St., and to the Cotta Hosp. Drogheda ; formerly lecturer on the Pra tice of Medicine and Pathology in the Ledwii Sell, of Med. and Surg. ; jares. State Med. Secti( Roy. Acad, of Med. ; senr. physcn. to the Fev Hosp. Cork St., and vice-pres. Roy. Coll. Physcns. 1900-2. Residences — 41, Merrion Squai Dublin ; Gortmore, Dundrum, co. Dublin. Ch — Stephen's Green. REE, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Amy, o. da of late William Terry, of Peterborough Hous Fulham. M. Sir Frank Ree, Knt. Bach (crea 1913), wlio ent. the L. & N.W. Railway servi. 1873, and was sometime district manager Livei*pool, and chief goods manager in Londor gen. manager L. & N.W. Rv. Co., and N.j Ry. Co. 1909-14, and d. 17 Feb. 1914. Residen. — Antoneys, Pinner, Middlesex. REED, Lady (Knt.'s wido%v). — Rosetta. J 1851, Sir Edward James Reed, K.C.B., F.R.& chief constructor of the Navy 1803-70, M.] for Pembroke and for Cardiff: for many years, ar a lord of the Treasurv Feb. to June 1880, wh d. 30 Nov. 1906. Address— Spring Vale Hous Ryde, I. of Wight. REES, K.C.LE. Creat. 1910 ; C.V.O. 190^ CLE. 1890.— Sir John David Rees, s. of > Lodowick William Rees, of Cheltenham. ] 10 Dec. 1854 ; m. 9 Sept. 1891, Hon. Mary Do mer (raised to the rank of a Baron's dau. 1901 sister of 13th Baron Dormer ; ed. at Cheltenhai Coll. ; ent. I.C.S. 1875 : und.-sec. Madras Gov 1882-4 ; priv. sec. to Sir M. Grant-Duff, Loi Connemara and Lord Wenlock, Governors < Madras 188.5-91 ; on special duty with H.R.I the Duke of Clarence in Madras Pi-esidency 188t 90 ; translator to Madras Govt, in Tamil, Telugi Persian and Hindustani ; Russian interprete H.S. Arabic ; British Resident in Travancoi and Cocliin 1897 ; addtl. memb. of Gov. -Gen. Council 1895-1900 ; ret. I.C.S. 1901 ; memb. ( Russian Order of St. Stanislaus 1910 ; con Peckham (C.) for L.C.C. 1902 ; M.P. (Lib. Imp for Montgomerj' dist. 1900-10 ; Unionist cant Walworth 1910-11 ; contested Kilmarnoc Burghs (U.) 1911 ; M.P. (U.) for E. Nottinghai from 1912 ; chrmn. of the British Central Afric Co., Ltd. ; a director of the Mysore, Champio Reef, and Ooregum Gold Mining Cos., ( India, Ltd., of the S. Indian Rly. Co. Bengi