Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/911

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51 KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE [SMITH loggett, of Tremabyn, Paignton, Devon, and llizabeth, dau. of Thomas Cornish-Crossing, .P., of Stoke Damerel, Devon. B. at Stoke >amerel 24 Nov. 1857 ; m. 25 June, 1881, Helen, au. of late J. R. Boyson, SoHcitor-Gen. for [adras ; ent. R.A.M.C. 1881, col. 1903, surg.- en. 1908 ; served in Dongola exped. 1896, udan 1897-8, inchiding Khartoum, S. Africa 899-1903 ; P.M.O. Home and London Districts 903-8, and (ith Div., India. 1908-11 ; director f Medical Services, India, 1911-4 ; dir.-gen.

vith rank of It. -gen.) smce 1914 ; is L.R.C.P.,

I.R.C.S., F.Z.S., and Assoc, of King's Coll. ; hon. urg. to the King since 1911 ; Knt. of Grace of )rder of St. John of Jeriisalem. Residences — Bickenhall Mansions, W. ; Tremabyn, Paign- on, Devon. Clubs — United Service ; Army and favy. Issue — 1. Capt. Arthur John Henry Sloggctt, 2iid Batt. itifle Brigade, b. 4 May, 1882. 1. Margaret Helen. 2. Dorothy Cannynow. SLOLEY, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1911 ; C.M.G. 1905. —Sir Herbert Cecil Sloley, s. of late Robert lugh Sloley, of Calcutta and Fremington, Devon, nd Marian, dau. of Robert Farrell, of Calcutta. 3. at Calcutta, 4 Feb. 1855 ; m. 18 Nov. 1886, charlotte, dau. of late John Dick, of Gonubie, ^ape Colony, and of Falkirk, N.B. ; ed. Green- yich Sch. and private study ; insp. Basutoland ohce 1886 ; Govt. Sec. Basutoland 1895 ; resid.

ommnr. Basutoland since 1900. Residence —

tlaseru, Basutoland, S. Africa. Issue — 1. Robert Hugh Sloley, b. 19 Sept. 1897. 1. Florence Bliss, ni. 1910, Capt. iMontagu Charles, Bobson, R.F.A. 2. Clara Cecil. 3. Lilian Edith. SMALLEY, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1913.— Sir Herbert Smalley, s. of late Rev. Cornwall 5malley, M.A., and Eleanor, dau. of Edward 5malley, I.C.S. B. in London, 3 June ,1851 ; m. I June, 1885, Rose Christina, dau. of late George Frederick Grammann ; ed. at St. Paul's Sch. ind King's Coll. London ; M.D. Durham ; M.R.C.S. Eng. ; L.R.C.P. Lond. ; medical inspr. jf local prisons and superintending officer of con- wot prisons 1897-1914 ; one of H.M. Commn. Df Prisons, 1914. Address — Prison Commission, Borne Office, S.W. Club— St. Stephen's. SMALLMAN, Knt. Bach. Great. 1906.— Sir (Henry) George Smallman, s. of late Henry Smallman, of Brixton Hill. B. 14 Jan. 1854 ; m. 8 April, 1880, Louisa, dau. of Richard Strong, J.P., of Denmark Hill ; ed. at Thanet Coll. Mar- gate ; admitted a solicitor 1879 ; one of H.M. lieutenants for the City of London and ex-alder- man ; Sheriff 1905-6 ; past master Fanmakers' Co. ; Gov. of St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; Com- mander of Order of the Redeemer of Greece, and Knight {1st class) of the Royal Order of St. Olaf of Norway. Residence — Eliot Lodge, Becken- ham, Kent. Club — City Carlton. SMARTT, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1911.— Hon. Sir Thomas William Smartt, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Ireland 1878 ; elected M.L.A. Cape Colony 1894 ; is memb. of the House of Assembly of the Union of S. Africa ; one of the delegates from the Cape of Good Hope to the S. African National Conven- tion ; authorized to retain the title of Honoui-able 1911. Address — Cape To^vn, S. Africa. SMITH, Privy Counsellor. Apptd. 1906 ; G.C.M.G. 1892 ; K.C.M.G. 1886 ; C.M.G. 1880.— Rt. Hon. Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, s. of late Rev. J. Smith, late Rector of Buckhurst Hill, Essex. B. 23 Dec. 1840 ; m. 1869, Teresa, dau. of late Arthur Newcomen, of Kirkleatham Hall, Redcar ; ed. at St. Paul's School and Camb., B.A. 1862, M.A. 1868 ; hon. FeH. C.C. Coll. 1913 ; elected student interpreter Hong-Kong 1862 ; apptd. Registrar-Gen. at Hong-Kong 1865, Acting Police Magistrate 1865, Acting Colonial Sec. 1867, M.E.C. 1869, Treasurer 1871, and Acting Colonial Sec. 1872 to 1875 ; was British Comnir. to settle certain marine claims at Manila 1878 ; Colonial Sec. Straits Settlements 1878-85, and Acting Gov. 1884-5 ; Lt.-Gov. and Colonial Sec. of Ceylon 1885-7 ; Gov. of Straits Settlements 1887-93, and H.M. high Commr. and Consul-Gen. for Borneo 1889-93; ret. 1893; memb. of Mr. Chamberlain's Tariff Commission : chief British delegate to the International (Jpium Commn. 1909 ; chief British delegate to the Opium Con- ference at the Hague 1912 ; memb. of Advisory Committee of the Imperial Institute. Residence — The Grange, Welwyn, Herts. Issue — 1. Capt. Hubert Clementi Smitli, K.E., b. 12 Aug. 1878 ; m. 14 Jan. 1909, Kathleen M. Clarke-Jervois ■, and has issue. 2. Capt. Eustace Clementi Smith. 22nd Punjabis In<l. Army, b. 8 Nov. 1879. 1. Beatrice Clementi, m. 20 Nov. 1896, Capt. Sir Douglas Brovvnrigg, 4th Bt., R.K. {see Peerage). Residence — Wliite Waltham, Jlaidenhead. 2. Edith Clementi, m. 25 March, 1898, Capt. H. L. Talbot (who d. Aug. 1909), and has issue. 3. Cecilia Teresa CI unonti, m. 28 JIarch, 1905, Capt. George Hunt, R.N., D.S.O. SMITH, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1911.— Sir Alfred Van Waterschoodt Lucie Smith, s. of Sir John Lucie Smith, late Chief Justice of Jamaica, and Marie van Waterschoodt. B. in Demerara, 9 Jan. 1854 ; m. 1st, 1885, Alice (d. 1889), dau. of E. L. Aves ; m. 2nd, 1901, Meta, dau. of late Sir David Palmer Ross ; ed. at Rugby : is a Barr.- at-law ; pres. Dist. Court Cy^srus 1887 ; Actg. Consular Judge Constantinople 1896 ; resident Mag. Kingston, Jamaica 1896 ; puisne Judge Brit. Guiana 1898 ; Chief Justice Trinidad and Tobago 1908. Address — Trinidad. West Indies. Club^ Royal Societies. Issue — AUce Marie, m. 5 Aug. 1914, Capt. Wilfrid Francis Melville Bagshawe, Egyptian Army. SMITH, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1909.— Sir Cecil Harcourt Smith, s. of William Smith, solicitor, and Harriet, dau. of Frederic Harcourt, of Ipswich. B. at Staines, 11 Sept. 1859 ; m. 1892, Alice Edith, dau. of H. W. Watson, of Burnop- field, Durham ; ed. at Brighton, and at Winches- ter Coll. ; hon. LL.D. Aberdeen LTniv. ; assist. in dept. of Greek and Roman Antiquities Brit. Museum, June 1879, asst. -keeper 1896, keeper 1904 ; apptd. dir. and sec. of Victoria and Albert Museum, 1 Jan. 1909 ; vice-pres. of soc. for the promotion of Hellenic studies ; memb. of council of British school at Athens, and of Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund ; memb. Dilettanti Soc. ; hon. memb. Imperial German, Austrian, Russian and Greek archseol. institutes ; editor of " British School Annual," 1895-7, and 1900-9 ; part editor of " Classical Review," 1887-96 ; author of a catalogue of Vases in the British Museum, and author and editor of various works on classical archaeology ; is a Commander of the Order of the Saviour. Residences — 62, Rutland Gate, S.W. ; Ginge House, Wantage, Berks. Clubs — Athenasum ; Bath ; Savile. Issue — 1. Highat Cecil Harcourt Sinitli. b. 10 April, 1899. 2. Simon Guisbert Harcourt Smitb, b. 10 Sept. 1905. SMITH, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1903.— Hon. Sir Charles Abercombie Smith, s. of Andrew Smith, of St. Cyrus, Kincardineshire, N.B., and Helen, dau. of Rev. J. Taylor, of Lethnot. B. 12 May, 1834 ; m. 29 June, 1897, Christina Caroline, dau. of H. Remington Home, of Wynberg, Cape Colony ; ed. at Glasgow Univ. and Camb. ; M.A. Camb. and, with highest honours, Glasgow ; 2nd wrangler and 2nd Smith's prizeman, Camb., 1858 ; Fell, of St. Peter's Coll. 1860-97, hon. Fell, since 1897 ; memb. of Cape House of Assembly 1866-75 ; memb. of Exec. Council since 1872 ;