Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/941

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891 KXIGHi;S OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE [WALKER VON DONOP, K.C.B. (mil.). Creat. 19U ; ; C.B. 1913. — Maj.-Gen. Sir Stanley Brenton VON DoNOP, s. of late Vice-Admiral E. P. B. von Donop. B. 22 Feb. 1860 ; m. 20 Sept. 1888, Alice, dau. of late Rev. Thomas Cox, M.A., of Clevedon, Somerset ; ed. Somersetshire Coll. ^ Bath ; Wimbledon School ; commn. Royal Artillery 1880, capt. 1888, maj. 1897, bt.-lt.-col. 1902, col. 190(j ; served S. African war 1900-2 (des- '■ patches. Queen's and King's medal) ; held appointments Professor of Artillery, R.M. Acad., Woolwich ; suptdt. of Experiments, Shoebury- ness ; sec. Ordnance Commte. ; chief instructor School of Gunnery ; memb. of Army Council from 1913. Residence — 7, Eaton Mansions, Sloane Square, S.W. Club— United Service. VYVYAN, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Blanche Henrietta, dau. of Most Rev. Robert Gray, D.D., 1st Bishop of Capetown. M. 17 May, 1873, Comm. Sir George Rawlinson Vyvyan, R.N.R., who was b. 10 Sept. 1838 ; creat. K.C.M.G. 1903 ; Deputy Master Trin. House, and d. 21 Oct. 1914. WADE, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Augusta Frances, dau. of Sir John Power, 2nd Bt. M. 4 Feb. 1880, Sir Willoughby Francis Wade, the eminent consulting physician, and author of many well-known treatises and larger works on • medical subjects, who d. 28 May, 1906. Resi- dence — Villa Monfort, Maiano, Florence. WADE, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Amelia, dau. of Sir John Herschel, 1st Bt. :M. 25 July, 1868, Sir Thomas Francis Wade, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. , late professor of Chinese at Cambridge Univ., who i rendered distinguished service in Cliina for upwards of forty years, for twelve of which he was British Minister, and who d. 31 July, 1895. | Residence — Chesterfield, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Issue — 1. Maj. Thomas Stewart Herschel Wade. Lancashire Fus., b. 1869. 2. Edward Bruce Herschel Wade. b. 1872 ; F.R.A.S. ; Ch. Insp. Egyptian Survey DepL 3. Maj. Harrv Aiuyas Leigli Herschel Wade, late R F.A., b. 1873; maj. Res. of Officers; m. 1908, Kathleen Adelaide, dau. of late Cecil Lowry Wade, of North Hall, Preston Candover. and has issue. WADSON, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1911.— Hon. Sir Thomas John W.^dson, s. of John James and Sarah Perot Wadson. B. 22 May, 1844 ; m. 1 Jan. 1874, Eva Bonnell Darrell ; ed. at Warwick Acad., Bermuda : memb. Board of Public Works 1888-95 : memb. of the House of Assembly, Bermuda, since 1875, Speaker since 1896 ; c'hrmn. of Audit Board since 1898 ; pres. Chamb. of Commerce since 1907. Address — Hamilton, Bermuda. Club — Royal Bermuda Yacht. Issue — 1. Stanley Parker Wadson. b. 14 Jan. 1877. 2. Walter Darrell Wadson, b. 8 May, 1880. Sovereigns and Governments of Europe for approval and support ; presented " Petersham Ait " (formerly Glover's Island), and the freehold of Petersham' Lodge and grounds, to the town of Richmond as free gifts, for the preservation of the view from Richmond Hill : founded the " Victorian Convalescent Home for Surrey Women," also the " Princess Mary Memorial Home of Rest," and the " Convalescent Home for Surrey Children," all at Bognor : founded the Queen Mary's Holiday Home for Governesses," at Petersham. Residence — The Terrace House, Richmond, Surrey. Clubs — City Liberal ; Liberal Unionist ; United Empire ; Royal Automobile ; Royal Thames Yacht ; Surrey Magistrates. Issue — 1. Sir Harry Waechter. 1st Bt.. b. 6 .Tune. 1871 {see Peerage). WAKEFIELD, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1908.— Sir Charles Cheers Wakefield, s. of John ! Wakefield, of Cheshire, and Mary Cheers. M. Sarah Frances, dau. of John Graham ; ed. at i Liverpool Instit. ; D.L., J.P., London ; Sheriff I of the Citv of London 1907-8 ; one of H.M.'s lieutenants for the City of London : alderman of Bread-street ward ; memb. ten City guilds ; treasurer National Cliildren's Home and Orphan- age ; pres. of League of Mercy, City of London Branch ; head of the firm of C. C. Wakefield & Co., oil refiners ; has the Legion of Honour, the Order of the Crown of Belgium, and the Order of Leopold the Second, Belgium. Residences^ The Links, Hythe, Kent ; Wakefield House, 30-2, Cheapside ; E.C. Clubs— Royal Societies'; Royal Automobile. WALDSTEIN, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1912.— Sib Charles Waldstein. s. of late Henrj' Waldstein, of New York, and Sophie, dau. of L. Srisheim, of N. York. B. in N. York, 30 March, 1856 ; m. 17 May, 1909, Florence, dau. of lateD. L. Einstein. of N. York, and widow of Theodore Seligman. of N. York ; ed. at Columbia Coll., N. York, and Heidelberg Univ. ; lecturer in classical archas- ology, Cambridge University, 1880-82, and reader 1882-1907 : director of FitzwiUiam Museum, Camb., 1883-9 ; director of American archwl. school, Athens (retaining readership at Camb.), 1889-93, retaining professorship there till 189ij ; Slade prof, of fine art (Camb. Univ.) 1895-1901, and 1904-11; author of numerous archael. works ; Fellow (since 1894) and lecturer of King's Coll. Camb. ; Litt.D., Ph.D., L.H.D. (Columbia Univ.), hon. Litt.D. (Dublin) ; Knt. Commr. of the i Order of the Redeemer.'and of the Ernestine Order, and Knt. of the Order of the Dannebrog : memb. of Board of Educn. standing committee of Advice i on Art. Residence — Newton Hall, Newton, Cambridge. Clubs— Athenasum ; Marlborough ; Bath. Issue — Henrv David Leonard George Waldstein, b. 16 June, 1912." Evelyn Sophie Alexandra. WAECHTER, Knt. Bach, Creat. 1902.— Sir Max Leonard Waechter, s. of Julius L. Waech- ter, merchant, of Stettin, Germany, and Laura, dau. of P. Kanold, merchant, of Silesia. B. at Stetthi 1837 ; m. 1st, 1873, Harriet Shallcrass (d. 25 Nov. 1910), dau. of Thomas Cave, M.P., J.P., of Richmond, Surrey ; m. 2nd, 16 Sept. 1912, Armatrude B. S. E., dau. of late Col. Bertie Hobart, R.A. ; ed. at Stettin, came to England 1859 (naturahzed 1865) ; is clirmn. of Bessler, Waechter & Co., Ltd., of London, Liverpool, Glasgow, and Newcastle-on-Tyne, metal, chemical, and general merchants, and coal exporters, and director of several steamsliip companies ; D.L., J. P., Surrey, High Sheriff 1902 ; pubHshed pamphlet on " The Federation of the States of Europe " (Lecture delivered at the " London Institution," Feb. 1909), and has personally submitted this scheme to the WALKER, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1910 ; C.V.O. 1908. — Sir (Byron) Edmund Walker, s. of late Alfred Edmund Walker, formerly of Hamil- ton, Ontario, and late Fanny, dau. of William Murton, of East Stour, Kent. B. at Seneca, Ontario, 14 Oct. 1848 ; m. 5 Nov. 1874, Mary, dau. of Alexander Alexander ; ed. at Central Sch. Hamilton, Canada ; D.C.L. Trin. Univ. Toronto, LL.D. Univer. of Toronto ; banker 1861 : ent. Canadian Bank of Commerce 1868, gen. manager 1886, president since 1907 ; chnnn. Board of Governors Univ. of Toronto ; pres. Champlain Soc. ; pres. Art Museum of Toronto ; hon. pres. Mendelssohn Choir ; pres. Advisory Arts Council (Dominion Govt.); memb. Battlefields Com. (Dominion Govt.) ; Knt. of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Residences — Long Garth, Toronto, Canada ; Broadeaves,