Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/946

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WATT] KNIGHTS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE of Old Meldrum, Aberdeenshire, and Margaret Rennie. B. 24 April, 1851 ; m. 1873, Jane H., dau. of the late Robert Simmie, H.M. Customs, Morayshire ; ed. at Grammar Sch., Iving's Coll., and Marischal Coll.. Aberd., and Glasgow Univ. ; ■ M.B.. CM. 1872 ; LL.D. (Aberdeen) 1904, (Glasgow) 1907 ; was assist. ])rof. of botany Aberdeen 1871, and prof, at Calcutta University 1873-82 ; attached to Burma-Manipur Boundary Com. as .scientific and ined. officer 1882—3 ; officer ! in charge of Indian Section Calcutta Intern. , Exhib. 1884 : joined Govt, of India secretariat as scientific assist, see. 1884 ; commnr. for India at Col. and Indian Exliib. Lond. 188.5-0 ; gov. of Imp. Inst, on behalf of India 1892-4 ; pres. pharmacological sect. Indian Med. Congress [ 1894 ; memb. and sec. Indian indig. drugs com- mittee ; received Daniel Haubusy gold med. of Phavm. Soc. 1901 ; reporter on economic pro- ducts to Govt, of India 1887-1903 ; also in charge of Industrial Mus. Calcutta 1894-1903 ; director Indian Art Exhib. Delhi Durbar 1903, ret. 1909 ; F.L.S. 1872 ; corresponding memb. Roy. Hort. Soc, also Pharm. Soc. Great Britain : Officier d'Aead. France 1886 ; Maatschapjoyvan Nyver- heid Geneotizd te Haarlem ; author of " Diction- ary of Economic Products of India " (9 vols.), "Pests and Blights of the Tea Plant," "Indian Art," " The Wild and Cultivated Cottons of the World," " The Commercial Products of India," and many other publications ; has Delhi Durbar medal 1903. Residence — Annandalo House, Lockerbie, N.B. Club — Savage. Issue — 1. Kobcrt. Honey Watt, M.D., h. 20 June, 18S0 ; m. 27 July, lOOs, .T,an E,nl).Tt. dau. of Neil McLcod. 1. Maggie Rennie, m. Feb. 1901. Al'xaiidiT Man'. of Calcutta. 1. Flora Evi'lyne. WATT, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1912 ; C.M.G. 1906. — Hox. Sir Thomas Watt. B. at Glasgow 20 Jan. 1857 ; m. Aug. 1880, May. dau. of George Lindup ; ed. privately and at Glasgow Univ. ; has practised in Natal as an attorney and advo- cate since 1885 ; served in S. African war 1899- 1902 (mentd. in despatches) ; represented New- castle in Natal House of Assembly 1902-10 : ! Minister of .Justice and Educ. 1903-0 ; sometime Min. of Defence ; was one of Natal delegates to ) the S. African National Convention, and took an active part in inducing that colony to enter the i Union ; .sits in Union House of Asseinbly for Dun- dee (Natal) ; Jlinister of Public Works, Posts and Telegraphs. Union of S. Africa. Residence — Newcastle, Natal. S. Africa. V/ATTS. K.C.B. (ctv.). Creat. 1905.— Sie ' Philip Vatts. s. uf late John Watts, J. P. B. 30 May. 1850: m. 23 Oct. 1875, Elise Isabelle, dau. of Chevalier Gustave Simonau de St. Omer : j ed. at Coll. of Naval Architecture ; was a con- structor at the Admiralty until 1885 ; naval architect and director of war sliipbuilding depart, of Sir W. G. Armstrong. Whitworth & Co., Ltd. 1885-1901 : director of naval construction at the Admiralty 1901-12; adviser on naval construc- tion from 1912 ; clu'imi. of the Federation of Shipbuilders ; C.(.). late 1st Northumberland R.G. Art. (Vol.) ; It.-col. and hon. col. Lst North- umbrian Brigade R.F.A. (T.F.) since 1908 ; mili- tary memb. Northumberland Terr. Force Assocn. ; elected third warden of the Shipwrights' Com- pany 1912 : F.R.-^.,D.Sc., LL.D. Residences— 10, CUielsca Embankment, S.W. ; Ncwbiggin-by- the-Sea. Clubs — Athenreum ; United Service. Issue — 1. Agnes, in. 1907, Lieut. Arthur Penton Napier Thorowgood, K.N. 2. Louise, in. 5 .Tan. 1898, Freeman Blaekett Thorn- ton Trevelyan, and has issue. Kesid< nee — 11. Wind- sor Crescent, Ne.wcastle-on-Tync. WATTS, K.C.B. (civ.). Creat. 1910: C.B. (mil.) liKMi.— c,)i,. Sir William Watts, s. of late V. B. Watts, of Melcombe Horscv. Dorchester, and Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Caines, of Burton. B. at Dorchester C Feb. 1858 : m. 18 Oct. 1883, Emily Annie, o. dau. of C. H. Flower, of France Blandford ; ed. at Sherborne ; late It.-col. and col. commandg. 3rd Batt. Welsh Regt. ; hon. col 1st Cadet Batt. King's .Royal Rifle Corps ; col.- comdt. London Cadet (mil.) Brigade ; hon. col in the Arnw ; served in S. Africa 1900—2 (des-j patches twice, Queen's and King's medals);! raised and commanded Cape Peninsula Rifles 1901 ; dep. prov. grand master of the Free- masons of Dorset ; grand supt. of Royal Arch Masons of Dor.set : gov. of Sherborne School, and gov. of the United Services Coll. Windsor ; vice-pres. of Society of Dor.set Men in London ; Knt. of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusa- lem : V.D. 1912 ; J.P., Dorset and Cape Colony- Residence — The Priory, Bournemouth. Clubs — Junior Army and Navy ; Public Schools' ; Bournemouth ( Bournemout h ) . WEARE, Lady (Knt.'s widow). — Charlotte Georgiaxa, dau. of Rev. Canon Oxenden, rector of Barham, and crranddau. of Sir Henrj- Oxenden, 7th Bt. M. 10 "July. 1850, Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry Edwin Weare, K.C.B., who d. 31 Dee. 1898. Residence — 6, Com-tfield Gardens, S.W. Issue — 1. Constance Marion. 2. Catherine Ann'-. 3. Emily Georgina. WEATHERBE, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1900.— Hex. Sir Robert Lixtox Weatherbe, s. of late ' .Jonathan Weatherbe, and ilary. dau. of Jolui; Baker. B. at Prince Edward's Island 7 April, 183(i ; m. 1804, Minnie, dau. of Lewis Johnston, I of Annandale, Nova Scotia : ed. at Prince of! Wales' Coll. and Acadia Coll. Wolfville : called .

to the Nova Scotian Bar 1863 : apxstd. Q.C.

1876 : judge of Supreme Court 1878 : Chief Justice of Nova Scotia since 1905. Residence — St. Eulalie, Grand Pre, Nova Scotia. Club — Halifax. WEBB, K.C.M.G. Creat. 1912 ; C.M.G. 1902. — Sir Arthcr Lewis Webb. B. 27 Oct. 1860 ; ed. at R.E. Coll. Coojier's Hill : served in irriga- tion branch Public Works Dept. India 1881-94; irrigation dept. Egyjit 1894, inspr.-gen. of irriga- tion 1899, and sometime dir.-gen. of reservoirs- Egypt ; under-sec. for irrigation Egypt 1906 ; adviser to ministry of Public Works Egyptn. Govt, since 1908 : has 1st cl. Medjidie, and 2nd cl. Osmanieh. Address — Cairo, Egypt. Club — Oriental. WEBB. K.C.V.O. ("reat. 1913: Knt. "Bach. 1904: C.H. (civ.) 1909: C.V.O. 1911.— Sis Astox Webb. s. of late Edward Webb, engraver and watercolour artist. B. 22 May, 1849 ; m. 12 Sept. 1876, iMarian, dau. of late David Everett, F.R.C.S. : ed. priv. ; is an architect of high reputation ; A.R.A. 1899, R.A. 1903 ; pres. Architectural Assn. 1884 ; pres. Roy. Institute of British Architects 1902-3 ; roy. gold medallist 1905; arcliitect for the completion of the Vic- toria and Albert Museum, the Roy. Coll. of Science and the Imp. Coll. of Science, S. Kensing- ton, the Britannia Roy. Naval Coll. Dartmouth, the architectural surroundings for Victoria IMemorial, and the new front of Buckingham Palace, and new Admiralty arch at east end of Mall, tlie restoration of St. Bartholomew the Great, E.C., the new French Protestant Church, Soho, etc., etc. ; alderman of the Kensington borough council from Nov. 1908. Address — 19, Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, S.W. Clubs — Athe- naeum ; Arts ; Conservative. Issue — 1. Maurice Everett Webb, b. 2.S April, 1880; ni. 23 Oet 1909. Doi-otliea .Margaret TJasent. 2. Pliilip Edward Webb, b. 14 July, 1886. 1. Marian Dorotliy. WEBER, Knt. Bach. Creat. 1899.— Sir Her:iaxx Weber, s. of L. C. Welaer. of Bronn-