Page:Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage etc. of Great Britain and Ireland.djvu/961

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THE IMPERIAL SOCIETY OF KNIGHTS BACHELOR. KNIGHT-PRINCIPAL. Sib Henry Pellatt, C.V.O., D.C.L. VICE-PRINCIPAL. Sm BovERTON Redwood, D.Sc, F.R.S.E. Sir William Bull, M.P. Sib Roper Pabkington. Sir Harry North. Sir Squire Bancroft. Sir Melvill Beachcroft. Sir William Crump. Sir Ernest Flower. Sib Cecil Hebtslet. COUNCIL. I Sir Harry Samuel, M.P. I The Rt. Hon. Sib Vansittart Bowateb. Sib Isidore Spielmann, C.M.G., F.S.A. I The Hon. Sir Bargbave Deane. I Sir James Sawyer, M.D., F.R.C.P. Sib Aston Webb, K.C.V.O., C.B., R.A. ■ Sib Robebt Hudson. Sib Edmund Walkeb, C.V.O., D.C.L. REGISTRAR. Sib William Bull, M.P. SECRETARY. WiLLOUGHBY BULLOCK, EsQ. STANDING COUNSEL. Sib Francis Palmer. Sir Frederick Low, K.C, M.P. HON. ARCHITECT. Sir Aston Webb, K.C.V.O., C.B., R.A. HON. SURVEYOR. Sm Alexander Stenning. HON. AUDITOR. Sib William Lancaster. TREASURERS. Sir Roper Pabkington. Sib Habby Samuel, M.P. BANKERS. Messes. Hoare & Co., Fleet Street. REGISTRY AND LIBRARY. Cliffobds Inn, London E.C. In the Spring of 1908 an informal meeting of Knights Bachelor was held in the House of Commons, primarily with the object of taking into consideration the action of the Walker Trustees of Edmburgh, as holders of the office of Usher of the White Rod, in demanding the payment of fees to them by the recipients of honours, and it was decided to form a society of such Knights to disclaim and con- test their rights in the matter. r f i The present Hon. Registrar (Sir William Bull, M.P.), was asked to act as a convener of a formal meeting with the result that this Society was formed, and a council and officers elected. The objects of the Society which was formally constituted on April 27, 1908, enjoying the approval of the Central Chancery of the Order of Knighthood, St. James's Palace, and the co-operation ot the Collecre of Arms, are to continue the Registers, dating from the thirteenth century, uphold the status, maintain the rights of Precedence, and generally to protect the interests of Knights Bachelor In 1912 His Majesty King George V was pleased to command that the Society should be thencetortn known as " The Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor." ■, ,• x • i Bv the purchase of Cliffords Inn, out of funds provided by the members, a permanent and historical Headquarters for the Degree has been acquired and the establishment of a Benevolent l^und tor the Relief of Distressed Gentlewomen and the education of orphans is under consideration. In the year 1902 a radical change was made in the procedure connected with promotions ot honour. The Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood (which was instituted by His late Majesty Edward VII in that year) now controls all procedure connected with such promotion and ceremonial with certain exceptions. One of these exceptions concerns Knights Bachelor and some matters in connexion with them, which remain the province of the Home Office. ^ ^i, o ■ t 1 The Home Secretary, however, has been pleased to give his official recognition to the bociety, ana, in conformity with, and in pursuance of, such recognition, sends the Society an official notmcation of the dubbing of all Knights. 911