Page:Domestic economy, or, General recipe book.pdf/11

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To make Furniture Paste.

Melt equal quantities of bees' wax and oil of turpentine together, you may colour it red by steeping a little (illegible text)anet root in the turpentine, previous to melting the wax in it.

To Varnish Prints and Water Colour Drawings.

Balsam of Canada 1 oz. oil of turpentine 2 oz.; size the drawings with isinglass jelly, take care not to disturb the colours; when dry, use the varnish, then they will look like Oil Paintings.

To Engrave on Glass.

Cover a bit of glass with a thin coat of bees’ wax, then trace a design on it with a sharp instrument that will penetrate to the glass, then mix some coarsely powdered (illegible text)ur, spar, and sulphuric acid in a basin give it a gentle heat, when acid fumes will be evolved, to which the (illegible text)hed surface of the glass must be exposed for a minute or two, taking care not to melt the wax; the wax can be removed by warming the glass and wiping it with tow (illegible text)l a little oil of turpentine, when the lines will be found engraved to a depth proportioned to the time of their exposure to the acid fumes. Great care must be taken not to inhale of the fumes for its poison.

To Cement Broken China and Glass.

Mix some finely powdered quick lime and the white of an egg well together, and anoint the edges of the broken vessel, and clasp them together by a warm fire; if your hand be steady the fracture will be hardly be discerned.

To Stain Wood a Mahogany Colour.

Take 2 oz. of dragon’s blood, break it in pieces, and (illegible text) it in a quart of rectified spirits of wine; let the bottle