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Cagliero, to give the blessing sent by the Supreme Pontiff, which was followed by cheers for the Pope, Don Bosco and Don Rua."

"These joyous festivals in Turin had an echo everywhere. In Rome in the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Cardinal Rampolla intoned the Te Deum, he being the Cardinal Protector of the Society of St. Francis of Sales. And in the adjacent Hospice during a commemoration of a literary order were present a multitude of prelates, bishops and archbishops, among whom were their Eminences Cardinal Satolli, Cassetta, Vives y Tuto (Ponent of the Cause of Beatification) and Cagiano de Azevedo. In many other cities Cardinals and Bishops expressed a desire to pontificate in the sacred ceremonies of thanksgiving. From Cataluna (Spain) came an album with 10,000 signatures to give thanks to the Cardinal Ponent of the Cause."

Quoting the Bulletin again: "Apparently not far behind our demonstrations must be ranked the thanksgiving service in another great center of Salesian work, the capital of the Argentine Republic, Buenos Ayres. The Argentine feels its supreme debt to Don Bosco and its gratitude was hearty and spontaneous in the noble display by which it celebrated the distinction lately conferred upon him. The homage was chiefly embodied in the special service held in the vast metropolitan Cathedral. Ranks of children from the Salesian Schools, connected with their day or boarding