Page:Don Coronado through Kansas.djvu/133

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122 AMERICA EUROPEANS' PARADISE. '-t . "cease their foolishness, and work, work, vyoric; fo( that is -what the new importation of men are doing, They are also saving their money and getting a mule of their own as well as a piece of land. But what will you do with the Irishman? WeU my friend, the day of "No Irish need apply", has ,gone, and thank God for it! he is the buU-dog of the human family for he does not know when he is hcked. A pugilist must have Irish blood in him, otherwise lio v,'ill never become an artist in his profession. This bull-dog tenacity gives him the nerve to hang on like grim death, figuratively speaking; this holds good physically, mentally and financially, for he plods and plods making money for someone else as weU as for himself, and his progney will help to keep up the high standard of American citizenship in the future. Therefore, does not the foregoing convince you of the truth of the assertion that a human being given a chance will not abuse his opportunity in the majority of instances? Bag pardon, dear reader, for running after other f.ame than the squirrel. You were in the southern part of Quivira at the opening of this chapter, •and the nut eatet has been lost sight of in an at- tempt to convince you of the necessity of giving a poor devil a show to make something of himself. JBut we are now at the bank of the Saint Peter and Paul's east of Great Bend. We are told by those who have made a study of the tribes inhabiting the •country bordering the Arkansas at earliest history, tliat the "Padoucas" over-ran the territory in what is known as Western Kansas. This name is what the