Page:Don Coronado through Kansas.djvu/294

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  • ' What do you think of that? Is there any woii^Ar

thdre were a lot of thagsr, yes th^es, real Indiwi ones, not the "red" Indians however, but the typ» which flourished until recently in the East Indies, and Who for many years, it is said, were liceiised or winked at by the East Indian Company and "the British Gk)yernment to kxU any stranger passing through their district! But even these Eastlndian thugs spared females, which seems moire than what the great State of Massachusetts did. Suppose our Government should olEfer a pi'ize of $500 for every E^jlippino scalp which could be pro- cured, why there are yet a class of men ^ho would rush over to the Philippines and go to man-hunting, and then they would be heroes! One more thought: Out west here, it is very common now for counties to pay a bounty for wolf scalps. One dollar is about the average price, and it has been known for men to watch she wolves and protect them in their lairs un- til they had their three to six cubs, and when they were old enough so as the scalp would unmistakably show wolf, the hunter would then Mil the young ones, but permit the mother to escape so as to raise another litter. Again, why is it that the head of the Indian was not demanded for the $500? Just be- cause it would take too much labor for a man-hunter to pack a few heads, whereas the hair of the Indian was so pronounced, that there could be no possible mistake, for It is always a deep Waidk color, iuid so unlike a white man's. But returning to our expedition. It was comfort- ably situated, and arrangements with the chief of the