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Everlaſting Door of Mercy and Salvation Opened.

Rev. iii. 20, Behold. I ſtand at the door and knock: If any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and ſup with hint, and be with me.

IT hath pleaſed the moſt wiſe diſpoſer of all things, out of the riches of his free grace, to tender Jeſus Chriſt to poor loſt and undone ſinners, and alſo it pleaſed the Lord Jeſus not only to die for ſinners, to redeem them from death and the curſe of the law, that he might open a way for loſt ſinners to return to God: but is pleaſed to ſtand knocking at the door of their hearts, to entreat their ſouls to be reconciled to God. And therefore as you love your ſouls, as you love your bodies, as you would not bring damnation to yourſelves, hear and fear, and do no more wickedly, but open your hard and ſtony hearts, that the King of Glory may enter in. O ſinner! now Chriſt is ſtanding and calling to thy ſoul, If thou wilt hear and open, I will come in unto thee. Now Chriſt is ſaying, 'I know thy work: I know well enough that thou haft been a blaſphemer, or a drunkard, or a whoremonger; yet I ſtand at the door this day and knock, I will receive thee into mercy, I will forgive thee all thy ſins, I will accept, I will heal, I will ſave thy ſoul, if thou wilt open thy heart this day unto me, and let me in.' O brethren, for Chriſt's ſake, refuſe not Chriſt; do not reject nor neglect ſo great a ſalvation, leſt you periſh.

I. Conſider