Page:Douay Rheims Bible 1635 edition.pdf/11

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Tit. 1.not fast this ground, al the building fayleth. Or if confessing to know God in words, we denie him in deeds, committing workes of darknes, Mat. 25.Both wicked works, and omission of good works are damnable.or omitting workes of mercie, when we may doe them to our distressed neighbours; briefly, 1. Cor. 13.if we haue not charitie, the forme and perfection of al vertues, al is lost, and nothing worth. But if we build vpon firme ground, gold, siluer, and precious stones, such building shal abide, 1. Pet. 1.and make our vocation sure by good workes, as S. Peter speaketh. These (saith S. Paul) are the heyres of God, coheyres of Christ. Innumerable saued by Christ.Neither is the number of Christs blessed children counted, as of the Iewes, Apoc. hundred fourtie foure thousand, of euery tribe of Israel twelue thousand signed; but a most great multitude of Catholike Christians, which no man can number, of al nations, and tribes, and peoples, and tongs, standing before the throne of the lamb, clothed in white robes, and palmes (of triumph) in their hands: hauing ouercome tentations in the vertuous race of good life. They are more happy that suffer persecution for the truth.Much more those which also indure persecution for the truths sake shal receiue most copious great rewards in heauen. For albeit the passions of this time (in themselues) are not[1] condigne to the glorie to come, that shal be reuealed in vs: yet our tribulation, which presently is momentarie and light, worketh (through grace) aboue measure exceedingly an eternal weight of glorie. What shal we therfore meditate of the special prerogatiue of English Catholikes at this time? English Catholikes most happy in this Age.For to you it is giuen for Christ, not only that you belieue in him, but also that you suffer for him. 1. Pet. 1A litle now, if you must be made pensiue in diuers tentations, that the probation of your faith, much more precious then gold, which is proued by the fire, may be found vnto praise, and glorie, and honour, in the reuelation of Iesus Christ. Manie of you haue susteyned the spoile of your goods with ioy, knowing that you haue a better and a permanent substance. Others haue been depriued of your children, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, and neerest friends, in readie resolution also, some with sentence of death, to lose your owne liues. Others haue had trial of reproches, mockeries, and stripes. Others of bands, prisons, and banishments. The innumerable renowned

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  1. Worthy, or comparable in dignity. 2. Cor. 4.