Page:Draft Constitution of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia.djvu/23

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2. The President and the Ministers shall neither directly nor indirectly take part in, or stand surety for any enterprise based upon an agreement for profit, concluded with the Republic of the United States of Indonesia or any part of Indonesia.

3. They shall not hold any claims on the Republic of the United States of Indonesia except public debentures.

4. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article remain applicable to the President and the Ministers until three years after their resignation.

Article 80

1. The Senate represents the participant territories.

2. Each participant territory has two members in the Senate.

3. Each member of the Senate has one vote.

Article 81

1. The members of the Senate are appointed by the governments c.q. authorities of the participant territories, from lists of three candidates for each seat to be occupied, presented by the House of Representatives.

2. If two seats are to be occupied, the government c.q. authority concerned, has the liberty to implement the two lists presented by the House of Representatives for this double choice as if only one complete list had been presented.

3. For the remainder, the participant territories decide the regulations required for the appointment of their members to the Senate.

Article 82

Citizens who have attained the age of 30 years and have not been debarred from suffrage or the exercise thereof and have not been deprived of the rights to be elected, can be members of the Senate.

Article 83

Before assuming their offices, the members of the Senate take the following oath (make the following declaration and promise) before the President or the Chairman of the Senate, thus authorized by the President, in accordance with their religious belief:

”I swear (promise) I have neither directly nor indirectly under whatever name or pretence given or promised, or shall not give anything to anyone whoever he may be, in order to be appointed a member of the Senate.

„I swear (promise) I shall neither directly nor indirectly accept from anybody whoever he may be any promise or gift, in order to act or to abstain from acting in the execution of this office.

”I swear (promise) that I shall always assist keeping the Constitution and other regulations prevailing for the State, that I shall promote the welfare of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia to the best of my ability and loyally serve the Country and the People and the State.”