Page:Draft Constitution of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia.djvu/27

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been confirmed by the President, the eldest member in years temporarily presides over the meeting.

Article 104

Before assuming their office, the members of the House of Representatives take the following oath (make the following declaration and promise) before the President or the Chairman of the House of Representatives, authorized to this end by the President, in accordance with their religious belief:

”I swear (promise) I have neither directly nor indirectly under whatever name or pretence given or promised, or shall not give anything to anyone whoever he may be, in order to be elected a member of the House of Representatives.

”I swear (promise) I neither directly nor indirectly accept from anybody whoever he may be, any promise or gift in order to act or to abstain from acting in the execution of this office.

”I swear (promise) I shall always assist keeping the Constitution and other laws prevailing for the State, that I shall promote the welfare of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia to the best of my ability and loyally serve the Country and the People and the State”.

Article 105

The Ministers have a seat with an advisory vote in the House of Representatives.
The Chairman calls upon the Ministers to speak whenever they so desire.

Article 106

1. The House of Representatives convenes whenever the Government so desires or whenever the Chairman or at least fifteen members consider meeting necessary.

2. The Chairman convokes the House of Representatives.

Article 107

The meetings of the House of Representatives are public, unless the Chairman considers a private meeting necessary, or at least ten members so demand.

Article 108

The provisions made for the Senate in the articles 84, 87, 88 second and third paragraph, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94 and 95 are correspondingly applicable to the House of Representatives.

Article 109

1. For the first House of Representatives the delegating of members from the other territories referred to in article 99 is determined and provided for in mutual consultation by the participant territories referred to in article 2 without the Negara Republik Indonesia, in accordance with democratic principles and, as much as possible in consultation with the territories referred to sub c of article 2, not being participant territories.