Page:Dramatic Moments in American Diplomacy (1918).djvu/265

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the compliments of Le Matin. Do you know Mr. Roosevelt personally?"

"I have not that honour."

"The President will be glad to receive you. I will go and inquire."

In a few minutes he was in the presence of Theodore Roosevelt. Bunau-Varilla says: "We conversed about Le Matin. I was awaiting an opportunity to bring up the Panama subject, Mr. Loomis having cited the publication of the famous bordereau in the Dreyfus affair as being among the great achievements of Le Matin, I jumped at the opportunity. The bridge was found, I crossed it. 'Mr. President,' I said, 'Captain Dreyfus has not been the only victim of detestable political passions. Panama is another.'

"'Oh, yes,' exclaimed the President, suddenly interested. 'That is true. You have devoted much time and effort to Panama, Mr. Bunau-Varilla. Well, what do you think is going to be the outcome of the present situation?'