Page:Dream Life - Mitchell - 1899? Altemus.djvu/29

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With My Reader.

fact you may be, you have in your own life, at some time, proved the very truth of what I have set down: and the chances are, that even now, gray as you may be, and economic as you may be, and devotional as you pretend to be, you light up your Sabbath reflections with just such dreams of wealth, of per centages, or of family, as you will find scattered over these pages.

I am not to be put aside with any talk about stocks, and duties, and respectability: all these though very eminent matters, are but so many types in the volume of your thought; and your eager resolves about them, are but so many ambitious waves, breaking up from that great sea of dreamy speculation, that has spread over your soul, from its first start into the realm of Consciousness.

No man's brain is so dull, and no man's eye so blind, that they cannot catch food for dreams. Each little episode of life is full, had we but the perception of its fullness. There is no such thing as blank, in the world of thought. Every action and emotion have their development growing and gaining on the soul. Every affection has its tears and smiles. Nay, the very material world is full of meaning, and by suggesting thought, is making us what we are, and what we will be.