Page:Dreamer's dictionary, or, Future revealer (2).pdf/10

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that you kindle a fire without much trouble, and it burns directly, shews that your children will be fortunate; but if you kindle a fire with much trouble, and it is extinguished presently, shews dishonour, especially to women. To dream you see a ship on fire at sea, denotes great losses in business.

Fishing. To dream you are fishing is a sign of sorrow and trouble, if you catch any fish, you will be successful in love and business, if they slip out of your hand after you have caught them, it is a sign some pretended friend will deceive you.

Flowers. To dream you are gathering flowers is a favourable omen, and is a sign you will thrive in every thing you undertake; that you will be successful in love, marry happily, and have beautiful children.

Fruit. Almonds indicate difficulties, loss of liberty, and deceit in love.

Fortune. To dream you make a sudden fortune is a bad omen; to the tradesman, it forebodes losses in trade; quarrelling with his creditors, and loss of liberty.

Funeral. To dream you are busily, employed in burying a person denotes a very speedy marriage, and that, ere long, you will hear of the death or imprisonment of some near relation or esteemed friend.

Garden. To dream you are walking in a garden denotes your advancement to fortune; if you are gathering the produce of it, you will be happy in marriage, and have a large family, it betokens great success to the lover, and increase of business to the tradesman.

Geese. To dream of geese is a sign of good; you