Page:Dreamer's dictionary, or, Future revealer (2).pdf/13

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expect to receive great satisfaction from a distant land.

Iron. To dream you are hurt with iron shews you will receive some injury.

Key. To dream of losing your key betokens displeasure; to find one, an addition to your family; to give one, is marriage; to receive one, the birth of a child.

King or Queen. To dream about the king or queen, of any of the royal family, betokens disappointment, excepting the months in which there is not an R, when it is a sign of great honour and prosperity.

Kissing. To dream you kiss a pretty maid indicates good; if she consents without any resistance, she will be true to her lover; to dream you kiss a married woman, and she consents, is a sign of sorrow and poverty; and that you will be unsuccessful in your present undertakings; it usually means deceit.

Knife. To dream you give a knife to your intended shews you will lose him or her.

Ladder. To dream you climb a ladder denotes that you will arrive at great honours; it also betokens a happy marriage, and many children.

Laurel. A wife to dream she smells a laurel-tree shews she will have children; if a maid, she will be soon married to him whom she loves.

Letter. To dream of receiving a letter betokens a present; if you send one, you will relieve a person in bad circumstances.

Lice. To dream of lice is a sure sign of sickness to those in single life; hut riches to those in the married state.