Page:Dreamer's dictionary, or, Future revealer (2).pdf/15

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a speedy marriage; to the wife, that she will have a beautiful daughter; if the husband dreams it, the child will be a son; to handsome and pretty women it is a good sign to see a full moon, but not so to ugly ones.

Mulberries. To dream of mulberries betokens constancy and affection in the married state; to travellers and sailors, prosperous journeys and voyages; to the lover, it denotes a speedy union with his sweetheart.

Music. To dream you hear delicious music denotes joyful news from a friend who has been long absent; but if the notes are discordant, you will have a serious quarrel with one whom you highly esteem.

Myrtle. To dream of the myrtle denotes a wanton woman; beware, then, with whom you keep company.

Nakedness. To dream of nakedness denotes scandal; if you see a naked female, it is lucky—it denotes that honours await you at no very distant period.

News. To dream you receive news from a distant friend, who is on his death-bed, is good; a person is at hand to befriend you. If you are married, it betokens an addition to your family.

Nightingales. To dream of the nightingale is the forerunner of fire, or thieves by night. If unmarried, a sweet, good-tempered lover. For a married woman to dream she hears this sweet warbler sing, shews that she will have children who will have the gift of singing, but will be in the habit of staying late at night.