Page:Dreamer's dictionary, or, Future revealer (2).pdf/21

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accumulation of wealth, and filling posts of honour in the State.

Sweetheart. To dream of your sweetheart leaving you and going with Another, is a very good dream; it shews that he will prove a faithful friend and a loving husband; if you see a female taking hold of his arm, beware of a rival.

Swimming. To dream that you are swimming with your head above the water shews that you will succeed in your undertakings, whatever they may be; to dream that your head is under water shews great trouble, and that you will hear some unpleasant news from an individual you thought was deceased.

Swine. To dream you see swine feeding is a very bad dream; it is a sure token of bodily distress to the dreamer; but if one drives them away, it betokens a speedy recovery from sickness.

Tavern. To dream you are feasting with friends in a tavern signifies great joy and comfort to you and yours.

Tea. To dream of drinking tea is a certain sign that some individuals are speaking ill of you, to prevent your Union with your lover; if it is sweet, and neither milk nor cream in it, their malice is inveterate; but if there is cream or milk, and no sugar in it, as soon as you are joined in wedlock, a person will befriend you with money who you little thought of; but beware of him ǃ

Teeth. To dream of losing your teeth shews the loss of some friend by death, and that great trouble is about to accompany you.

Tempest. To dream you are overtaken by a storm denotes that you will, after numberless hardships,