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that the crooked holm was peas in the 96 and corn in the 97; I say it was corn baith the years. How do ye say about that?."

"Mr Forret's right-perfectly right. It grew pease in the 96, and aits, good Angus aits, in the 97. Poor gouk! dinna ye think that he has a' these things merkit down in black an' white, and what good could itdo to him to mislead you? Depend on't he's right there."

"Could ye tak your oath on that, Johnie Jardine?

“Ay, this meenint,—sax times repeated, if it were necessary."

“Then I yield—I am but a poor silly woman an liable to mony errors and shortcomings—my recollection is playing at hide-an'-seek wi me—I maun be wrang, and I yield that it is sae. But I'm sure, John, you cannot but remember this sae short a while syne, for ye shore wi' us that har'st. Was the langfield niest Robbie Johnston's farm growing corn in the dear year, or no? I say it was."

"It was the next year, Tibby, my woman," said Mr Forret; "you are confounding one year with another again; and I see what is the reason. It was oats in 99,