Page:Drunken husband, or, The fatal effects of drunkenness.pdf/16

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Wher wint'ry clouds obſcure the ſky,
And heaven and earth deform;
If fix'd the ſtrong foundations lie,
The caſtle braves the ſtorm.

THE Antelope packet was fitted out by the Court of Directors of the Eaſt India Company, and ſet ſail in the ſummer of the year 1782, under the command of captain Wilſon; but before he arrived at the place of his deſtination, he had the misfortune to be ſhipwrecked in an unknown part of the Pacific Ocean. Captain Wilſon's firſt orders were to ſecure the gunpowder and ſmall arms, and to get on deck the bread, and ſuch other proviſions as were liable to be ſpoiled, and to cover them with tarpaulings, &c. to preſerve them from the wet, and in ſhort, to do every thing that prudence could ſuggeſt in ſo trying and diſtreſsful a ſituation.

The boats being hoiſted out, and filled with proviſions, a compaſs, and ſome ſmall arms, with ammunition, and two men were put into each with directions to keep themſelves in readineſs to receive their ſhipmates, in caſe the veſſel ſhould part by the violence