Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/102

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The Charm School

sacrificing his future relation both with her and his employer.

It had been easily enough arranged. George happened to be in the room when Mr. Johns told the head bookkeeper to choose "a sensible young fellar and send him out to the Bevans School on Saturday." The daring, the adventurous, the chivalrous scheme of being that young fellar was born instantly in George's mind, and as he was on very good terms with the head bookkeeper he was able to persuade him that no one in the bank was steadier than himself.

He had taken his sister Sally into his confidence, and she had, of course, told the little princess, who was, therefore, at no loss to explain his sudden appearance in Mr. Bevans's study, but she cannot be said to have expected it, because at the moment she had totally forgotten that such a person as George Boyd existed.

"Look here," said Austin, angrily, "that's no way to come into a room. You nearly knocked this young lady down."

"Oh, it's no matter. I didn't mind what happened," said Elise, with a brilliant smile.

I'm sorry," said the accountant, stiffly, but of course I supposed that you were alone."

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