Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/118

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The Charm School

your capital I's and S's are too much alike. In a note of this kind it is better to sign your full name, with some more formal expression than 'yours.' Also, avoid the excessive use of the word 'very.'"

He had some misgivings lest he had been too severe, but the next day's note betrayed no hurt feelings.

Dear Mr. Bevans,—We are reading Shelley in English literature, but some of the most beautiful things we have not read in class. I find my enjoyment of poetry increases as I grow older. Some of these lines ring in my head day and night, like "I never thought before my death to see youth's vision thus made perfect"—and all that part that follows which doubtless you know.

Very respectfully yours,

Elise Benedotti.

Now it happened that Austin's education had been somewhat neglected in the matter of poets. He did not know either the line or its context. But he found out before he went to bed that night. He spent a delightful evening, only, he wondered, was "Epipsychidion" the best reading for school-girls?

He began to look forward to the notes almost as much as to the checks for the last semester, and this was saying a good deal, for, as he constantly reminded himself, he

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