Page:Duer Miller--The charm school.djvu/141

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The Charm School

living, breathing woman. He had to tell her about Susie, but first he must let her see that she herself was a matter of profoundest importance to him. He decided, in other words, to give the sweet first and the medicine afterward. He tried to outline for her the cherishing affection he had for her as a pupil—for her in particular. "And I shall go on feeling like that," he said, "when you have forgotten that I was ever anything to you but the head of your school."

"When I'm an old, withered woman like Miss Curtis," she answered, "I shall love you just as I do to-night."

And then, most unfortunately, the door opened and Mr. Johns came in, and the announcement about Susie had not been made.

"Hullo, Bevans!" Mr. Johns began to shout, in his most holiday humor. "George Boyd told me you wanted to see me. What are you doing at a frivolous occasion like this—a staid old schoolmaster like you? Want to spoil the girls' fun by reminding them of lessons, eh?"

Austin smiled vaguely. He was trying to think out what it was he had once wanted to see Mr. Johns about.

"Well, my dear," Johns went on, taking

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