Page:Durga Puja - With Notes and Illustrations.djvu/60

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pre the dhenumudra, and with Hum cover the two fore-fingers, and ten times repeat the mulamantra, and taking some water from the conch shell sprinkle it on the offerings with the words, Om Phat; and let the priest purify himself with the same. Put a flower on the opening of the conch shell and worship the janitor gods, Om obeisance, Om this flower and chandan to the janitor gods. Then repeat the following: Om obeisance to Yastupurusha and to Brahma in the south-west corner. Clap thrice over the head, and with phat strike the earth with the left foot.

The Asanasuddhi.—Holding the carpet repeat, Om the rshi of asana mantra is Meruprshtha, its metre is sutala, its deity is tortoise, it is used in sitting on carpets. Om you hold the world and the earth, and you are held by Vishnu. Do you hold me always and do you purify this carpet. And holding a flower Om hrim this flower to the Sustaining Force, the lotus-seated goddess(19).

The Bhuta Suddhi(23).—It is a peculiar mystical tantric rite. Holding a scented flower anointed with chandan on the left temple repeat, Om obeisance to the teachers; on the right, Om to Ganesa; on the cheeks, Om to Durga. Then with Om phat rub the palms with flowers,