Page:Duty and Inclination. Volume 3.pdf/251

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"One form assaults my sight, and chills my blood,
And shakes my frame!"

In the society of those pleasing women, who failed not in their efforts to divert their guests, time would have passed most happily to Rosilia, but for one circumstance, which unfortunately threw a damp upon her cheerfulness.

While rambling one morning with her mother and friends around the Park and grounds, having accidentally met the nurse with her little favourite in her arms, and being desirous to remain awhile with their dear child, she loitered with her behind the party, who advanced considerably before her. The nurse, however, walking on with her charge, Rosilia, left alone, strolled leisurely forward, engaged in contemplating the charming scenes around her, when some one suddenly passed with a light and bounding step, whom her eye assured her was Melliphant. She could not be deceived,—the shape, the air, and gait were his.

Having advanced about a dozen yards, with the same quick motion as he had passed, he turned him-