Page:Duty and Inclination. Volume 3.pdf/293

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head. You might rather rejoice to see me, since I come to give you liberation from this dreary and sombre dwelling,—from the company of the dead,—where, if report speaks true, the midnight ghost is seen to stalk near the spot where its remains lie interred. But be of better courage; my arm is strong to defend you from every danger, be it ghostly or otherwise."

He spoke thus, with the malignant view of exciting those superstitious fears within her sometimes even prevailing with the brave and wise; hoping that in shrinking from his description it might induce her to cling to him with the greater confidence and security.

Having, however, no other dread than of himself, and but too well aware of the object of such language, Rosilia, though with but a faint hope of being heard, uttered loud and repeated cries for assistance. Sensible himself of fear, arising from the possibility of surprise by some one unexpectedly passing by, the stillness of the night favouring the audibleness of her screams, he brutally threatened to bind a handkerchief about her mouth, or to leave her entombed, perhaps for ever. Her white garments floating in the wind, and her hair wildly and loosely dishevelled, the determined Melliphant, with the assistance of his accomplice, began bearing her away, Rosilia still screaming for help.

They had nearly reached the chaise, which stood close by the opening of a by-path, and which had not without difficulty made its way thither. Totter-