Page:Duty and Inclination. Volume 3.pdf/39

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infectious nature, you cannot any longer with safety to yourself frequent her apartment."

"But" said Rosilia, in accents denoting the extreme perturbation she felt, "do you apprehend danger?"

"Not at present, not immediately; it is precarious; a change might take place."

He witnessed her palpitating bosom, the lifeless hues and disconsolate expression of her interesting countenance; yet, from the machinations of his evil passions, he would have proceeded further, until, entirely overcome, he had seen her drop motionless in her chair, in order that he might have the luxury of supporting her within his arms, and of recalling her to a sense of life and being. The wily Serpent, however, that seemed to be ever near him to direct his thoughts, caused him instantly to perceive how indiscreet would be such conduct: for should Rosilia, from the fears he had instilled, fall into a swoon, and should she report it to her father, which, he conceived, she would not fail to do, it might be the means of a total prohibition to him of her future converse.

"I argue most favourably," he therefore quickly added, "from the excellent constitution of your mother; but as she will require the most vigilant care, a nurse has become indispensable. I can recommend one, whom I am well assured will give satisfaction; she is a kind, worthy creature, and strictly honest."

In respectful and conciliating tones, he then endeavoured to re-assure Rosilia, and to soothe her ap-