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chat with the young Lady Laura Leslie, till at lengthy weary of the common-place topics he had discussed, he added a few more complimentary speeches, and gracefully withdrew. Passing into a retired walk, contrary to the flippant coxcombs of the day, he became involved in thought; for Harcourt, notwithstanding he could trifle away time with ease and pleasantry, was of a temper given to reflection. Absorbed in contemplation, he continued his ramble, until he found himself suddenly interrupted by the voice of an acquaintance.

"Harcourt," said he, "tell me, do you know who that divine creature is?"

"Who do you mean?" returned Harcourt.

"Who but the young lady that has just passed us?" replied the other.

They turned to follow. A light and airy figure, of perfect symmetry, somewhat above the middle size, moved with slow and graceful steps before them. Another lady walked by her side, whose larger stature, equally well proportioned, aspired to the majestic; retaining, however, but those evanescent charms of youth so peculiarly engaging and attractive in her companion.

Objects so interesting could not fail to excite the deep attention of the warm, impassioned Harcourt. The younger lady in particular was formed