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Chronological Table.

The dates printed in heavy type are certain, at least within a unit.

of Ussher.
Probable Real
 Biblical Events.  Events in Contemporary History.
Babylonia. Assyria. Egypt.[1]



 Indeterminable, but
  much before
  7000 B.C.

c. 2100 (if, as is
  probable, the
  Amraphel of Gen.
  xiv. 1 is

c. 1230
c. 1025–1010[4]
c. 1010–970
 Creation of Man

The Deluge


The Exodus.
Saul (2)[5]
David (40)
 7–6000.[6] Temple of Bel
  at Nippur founded.

c. 4000.37 Lugal-zaggisi,
  king of Uruk (Erech, Gen.
  x. 10)

3800.[7] Sargon of Agadē, who
  carries his arms as far
  as the Mediterranean Sea.
c. 2800.[8] Ur-bau and Dungi,
  kings of Uru (Ur, Gen. xi.
  28, 31)

c. B.C. 2130–2088.[9] Khammurabi
  unifies Babylonia and constructs  
  in it many great works (see art.

c. 1400. Burnaburiash. Tel el-
  Amarna correspondence.

c. 2300. Ushpia, priest of
  Ashur, builder of temple
  in the city of Ashur.
c. 2225. Ilu-shūma, first
  king of Assyria at present  
  (1909) known.[10]

c. 1300. Shalmaneser I.
  (builder of Calah,
  Gen. x. 11.)
 4777. Menes, the first king of the
  First Egyptian Dynasty

3998–3721. Fourth Dynasty.
3969–3908. Cheops. The Great
  Pyramid built

2098–1587. Rule of the Hyksos.

1587–1328. Eighteenth Dynasty.
1503–1449. Thothmes (Tethmosis)  
  III. (leads victorious expeditions
  into Asia.)
1414–1383. Amen-hōtep
  (Amenophis) III.
1383–1365. Amen-hōtep IV.
1328–1202. Nineteenth Dynasty

1300–1234. Ramses II.
1234–1214. Merenptab II.

1017–977 c. 970–933 Solomon (40)  952–749 (al. 945–745).
Twenty-second Dynasty
  952–930[11] (Breasted 945–
  924). Sheshonq (Shishak).
  Shishak invades Judah in
  the fifth year of Rehoboam
  (1 Ki. xiv. 25 f.)
Judah. Israel.
977 933. Rehoboam (17) 933. Jeroboam I. (22) . . . .
959 916. Abijah (3)
956 913. Asa (41)
956 · · 912. Nadab (2)
954 . . 911. Baasha (24)
  1. Petrie’s dates, Hist. of Egypt, vol. i. (ed. 5, 1903), pp. 20, 30, 233, 251, 252; vol. iii. (1905), pp. 2, 235, 261-7, 296-360. Other authorities, however, assign considerably lower dates for the dynasties prior to the 18th. Thus Breasted (Hist. of Egypt, 1906, pp. 22 ff., 221, 597) agrees with Ed. Meyer in giving, for reasons which cannot be here explained, for the beginning of the 1st dynasty c. B.C. 3400, for the 4th dynasty c. B.C. 2900–2750, and for the rule of the Hyksos c. B.C. 1680–1580; and in his Researches in Sinai, 1906, p. 175, Petrie proposes for Menes B.C. 5510, and for the 4th dynasty B.C. 4731–4454. See Egypt (Chronology).
  2. The real Biblical date, Ussher in Gen. xi. 26 interpolating 60 years, because it is said in Acts vii. 4 that Abraham left Haran after his father Terah’s death (Gen. xi. 32), and also (as explained above) interpreting wrongly Ex. xii. 40.
  3. 3.0 3.1 The real Biblical date.
  4. The dates of the kings are, in most cases, those given by Kautzsch in the table in his Outline of the Hist. of the Literature of the O.T. (tr. by Taylor, 1898), pp. 167 ff.; see also A. R. S. Kennedy, “Samuel” in the Century Bible (1905), p. 31. The dates given by other recent authorities seldom differ by more than three or four years.
  5. The figures after a king’s name indicate the number of years assigned to his reign in the O.T. For Saul, see 1 Sam. xiii. 1, R.V.
  6. Hilprecht’s dates (The Bab. Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, vol. i. pt. i. 1893, pp. 11, 12; pt. ii. 1896, pp. 23, 24, 43, 44).
  7. So Sayce, Rogers (Hist. of Bab. and Ass., 1900, i. 318 f.) and others. The date rests upon a statement of Nabu-na’id’s, that Sargon’s son, Narām-Sin, reigned 3200 years before himself. Lehmann holds that there are reasons for believing that the engraver, by error, put a stroke too many, and that 2200 should be read instead of 3200.
  8. Rogers, i. 373-375. Many monuments and inscriptions of other kings in Babylonia, between 4000 and 2000 B.C., are also known.
  9. The lists of the Babylonian and Assyrian kings are not continuous; and before 1907, from the data then available (see the discussion in Rogers, op. cit. i. 312-348), Khammurabi, the sixth king of the first Babylonian dynasty, was commonly referred to such dates as 2376–2333 B.C. (Sayce) or 2285–2242 B.C. (Johns). But inscriptions recently discovered, by showing that the second dynasty was partly contemporaneous with the first and the third, have proved that these dates are too high; see L. W. King, Chronicles Concerning Early Bab. Kings (1907), i. 93-110; and the article Babylonia, Chronology. The data B.C. 2130–2088 is that adopted by Thureau-Dangin, after a discussion of the subject, in the Journal des Savants, 1908, p. 199; and by Ungnad in the Orient. Litt.-zeitung, 1908, p. 13, and in Gressmann’s Altorientalische Texte und Bilder zum A.T. (1909), p. 103.
  10. King, op. cit. i. 116, ii. 14.
  11. The date of Sheshonq depends on that fixed for Rehoboam. Petrie places the accession of Rehoboam in 937 B.C.