Page:EB1911 - Volume 11.djvu/517

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the lift valve, when the charge flows in to the motor cylinder through the conical compression space and displaces the exhaust gases through the ports E, while it fills up the cylinder A with the inflammable charge. The exhaust gases are sufficiently displaced and the fresh charge introduced into the cylinder by the time the motor piston has opened the exhaust ports E on the out-stroke and closed them on the return stroke. The two cylinders are so proportioned that the exhaust gases are expelled as completely as possible and replaced by fresh explosive mixture without any material part of this mixture escaping with the exhaust. Unless the proportions are carefully made such an escape is possible. The relative operations of the motor piston C and the displacer piston D are secured by advancing the crank of the displacer about a right angle compared to the motor crank. The motor piston on its in-stroke compresses the mixed charge into the conical space G; and, when compression is complete, the mixture is ignited by the slide valve F. This produces the power explosion which forces the piston forward until the exhaust ports are opened again. By this cycle of operations one power impulse is given for every revolution of the crank. The motor cylinder is surrounded by a water jacket in the usual manner, but it is unnecessary to water-jacket the displacer, as the gases are never hot.

Fig. 4.—Sectional Plan of Clerk Cycle Engine, 1881.

Robson also invented two-cycle engines. His first patent was taken out in 1877 (No. 2334). The engines described in his patents of 1879–1880 were of the two-cycle type, and in them no second cylinder was used. The front end of the motor cylinder was enclosed by a cover and packing box, and was used as a pump to force gas and air into a reservoir at a few ℔ above atmosphere. The motor piston was arranged to overrun ports in the side of the cylinder, but the exhaust discharge was not timed in that way. A separate lift valve controlled the overrun ports and determined when the exhaust should be discharged. When the exhaust was discharged at the end of the stroke the pressure from the gas and air reservoir was admitted by a lift valve to the cylinder to displace the remaining exhaust gases and fill the cylinder with charge. This mixture was compressed into a space at the end of the cylinder and ignited by means of a flame ignition device. Robson’s engine was built in considerable numbers by Messrs Tangye of Birmingham, the first exhibited by them at Bingley Hall at the end of 1880. The modern Day engine closely resembles the Robson engine so far as its broad operations are concerned.

Atkinson’s work on the gas engine was begun in 1878, his first patent being No. 3212 of 1879. The engine described in that patent somewhat resembled the 1878 engine of Clerk as exhibited at Kilburn. Atkinson was ingenious and persevering in the invention of two-cycle engines. Two of his engines were made in considerable numbers. The first was known as the “Differential” engine, exhibited at the Inventions Exhibition, London, in 1885. A later engine produced by him was called the “Cycle” engine, and it proved to be the most economical of all the motors tested at the Society of Arts trials of motors for electric lighting in 1888–1889. Atkinson joined Crossley Bros., and many of his ingenious contrivances are now at work on the well-known engines of that firm.

Four-cycle engines now practically monopolize the field of the smaller internal combustion engines, and very large engines are also constructed on this plan. The two-cycle, or Clerk cycle engines, however, compete strongly with the four-cycle for large gas engines using blast furnace gas. Koerting engines on the Clerk cycle are now built giving 1000 i.h.p. per double acting motor cylinder, and one power cylinder on this method gives two impulses per revolution. Messrs Mather & Platt build a Koerting engine of a modified type in England; an engine of their construction with a power cylinder of about 29 in. and 40½ in. stroke gives 700 b.h.p.

Fig. 5 shows in longitudinal section the power and pump cylinders of a Mather & Platt Koerting engine on the Clerk cycle; the power cylinder section is shown above that of the pump cylinders, but it is to be understood that both cylinders are in the same horizontal plane as in the Clerk engine shown at fig. 4. The Koerting engine, however, is double acting, whereas the Clerk engine was single acting. The power cylinder A has a power piston A1 and compression spaces A2A3. At the centre of the cylinders are exhaust ports E which open to the atmosphere and are overrun by the piston A1 at both ends of the stroke. A4 and A5 are inlet valves for gas and air. The single acting pump cylinders BB1 supply the air required for the charge, and the double acting gas cylinder CC1 supplies the gas. Both gas and air are led from these cylinders by separate passages to the inlet valves A4A5. The air pump pistons are lettered B2B3 and the gas pump piston C2. The main crank D connects as usual to the piston rod of the power piston A1, and the pump crank F to the trunk air pump piston B2 which drives the other air pump piston B3 and the gas pump piston C2 by a piston rod passing through all three. The gas mixture is not made until the inlet valves A4A5 are reached, so that no explosive mixture exists until it is formed within the cylinder A. The air is first introduced into the power cylinder to discharge some of the hot gases, and when the gas is also admitted the contents of the cylinder are cooled to some extent. The action of the engine is exactly as described with regard to the Clerk cycle, and the arrangement of the two cranks at about right angles to each other is also similar. The exhaust is discharged through the ports E, and the incoming charge fills the cylinder in the same way as in the Clerk engine.

Fig. 5.—Longitudinal Section of Two-Cycle Engine (Koerting-Clerk), new type, by Messrs Mather & Platt, Ltd.

Another large continental gas engine, known as the Oechelhäuser, operates on a modified Clerk cycle and is shown in sectional plan at fig. 6. The motor cylinder A has two pistons A1A2, A1 being operated by a centre and A2 by two outside cranks, side rods, and cross head; the pistons A1A2 thus move in opposite directions and give an effective stroke of double that due to one crank. B is the air and gas pump dealing with air on one side of its piston and gas on the other. A chamber C opens to an air reservoir supplied from the pump and to the power cylinder by ports C1; a similar chamber D opens to a gas reservoir supplied from the pump and to the power cylinder by ports D1. The exhaust ports E are provided at the other end of the cylinder. When the front piston overruns the exhaust ports E the pressure within the power cylinder falls to atmosphere; the back piston then opens the air ports C1 and air under slight pressure flows in, to be followed a little later by gas under slight pressure from the gas ports D1. In this way the power cylinder A is charged with gas and air mixture at each stroke, and when the pistons A1A2 approach each other the charge is compressed into the space between and then ignited by the electric spark. The pistons are then forced apart and perform their power stroke. The Oechelhäuser engine, which is built in Great Britain by Messrs Beardmore of Glasgow, has attained considerable success in driving blowing pumps for blast furnaces, in producing electric light, and in driving iron rolling mills.

Large gas engines are undoubtedly making great progress, as will be seen from the following interesting particulars prepared in 1908 by Mr R. E. Mathot of Brussels giving the numbers and horse power of large gas engines which had then been recently manufactured in Europe:—