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circumference of a circle of radius the formula , where is a constant depending upon the nature of the space. In 1832, in reply to the receipt of Bolyai’s Appendix, he gives an elegant proof that the amount by which the sum of the angles of a triangle falls short of two right angles is proportional to the area of the triangle. From these and a few other remarks it appears that Gauss possessed the foundations of hyperbolic geometry, which he was probably the first to regard as perhaps true. It is not known with certainty whether he influenced Lobatchewsky and Bolyai, but the evidence we possess is against such a view.[1]

The first to publish a non-Euclidean geometry was Nicholas Lobatchewsky, professor of mathematics in the new university of Kazañ.[2] In the place of the disputed postulate he puts the following: “All straight lines which, in a plane, radiate from a given point, can, with respect Lobatchewsky. to any other straight line in the same plane, be divided into two classes, the intersecting and the non-intersecting. The boundary line of the one and the other class is called parallel to the given line.” It follows that there are two parallels to the given line through any point, each meeting the line at infinity, like a Euclidean parallel. (Hence a line has two distinct points at infinity, and not one only as in ordinary geometry.) The two parallels to a line through a point make equal acute angles with the perpendicular to the line through the point. If p be the length of the perpendicular, either of these angles is denoted by Π(p). The determination of Π(p) is the chief problem (cf. equation (6) above); it appears finally that, with a suitable choice of the unit of length,

tan .

Before obtaining this result it is shown that spherical trigonometry is unchanged, and that the normals to a circle or a sphere still pass through its centre. When the radius of the circle or sphere becomes infinite all these normals become parallel, but the circle or sphere does not become a straight line or plane. It becomes what Lobatchewsky calls a limit-line or limit-surface. The geometry on such a surface is shown to be Euclidean, limit-lines replacing Euclidean straight lines. (It is, in fact, a surface of zero measure of curvature.) By the help of these propositions Lobatchewsky obtains the above value of Π(p), and thence the solution of triangles. He points out that his formulae result from those of spherical trigonometry by substituting ia, ib, ic, for the sides a, b, c.

John Bolyai, a Hungarian, obtained results closely corresponding to those of Lobatchewsky. These he published in an appendix to a work by his father, entitled Appendix Scientiam spatii absolute veram exhibens: a veritate aut falsitate Axiomatis XI. Euclidei (a priori haud unquam decidenda) independentem: Bolyai. adjecta ad casum falsitatis, quadratura circuli geometrica.[3] This work was published in 1831, but its conception dates from 1823. It reveals a profounder appreciation of the importance of the new ideas, but otherwise differs little from Lobatchewsky’s. Both men point out that Euclidean geometry as a limiting case of their own more general system, that the geometry of very small spaces is always approximately Euclidean, that no a priori grounds exist for a decision, and that observation can only give an approximate answer. Bolyai gives also, as his title indicates, a geometrical construction, in hyperbolic space, for the quadrature of the circle, and shows that the area of the greatest possible triangle, which has all its sides parallel and all its angles zero, is πi2, where i is what we should now call the space-constant.

The works of Lobatchewsky and Bolyai, though known and valued by Gauss, remained obscure and ineffective until, in 1866, they were translated into French by J. Hoüel. But at this time Riemann’s dissertation, Über die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen,[4] was already about to be Riemann. published. In this work Riemann, without any knowledge of his predecessors in the same field, inaugurated a far more profound discussion, based on a far more general standpoint; and by its publication in 1867 the attention of mathematicians and philosophers was at last secured. (The dissertation dates from 1854, but owing to changes which Riemann wished to make in it, it remained unpublished until after his death.)

Riemann’s work contains two fundamental conceptions, that of a manifold and that of the measure of curvature of a continuous manifold possessed of what he calls flatness in the smallest parts. By means of these conceptions space is made to appear at the end of a gradual series of more and more specialized Definition of
a manifold.
conceptions. Conceptions of magnitude, he explains, are only possible where we have a general conception capable of determination in various ways. The manifold consists of all these various determinations, each of which is an element of the manifold. The passage from one element to another may be discrete or continuous; the manifold is called discrete or continuous accordingly. Where it is discrete two portions of it can be compared, as to magnitude, by counting; where continuous, by measurement. But measurement demands superposition, and consequently some magnitude independent of its place in the manifold. In passing, in a continuous manifold, from one element to another in a determinate way, we pass through a series of intermediate terms, which form a one-dimensional manifold. If this whole manifold be similarly caused to pass over into another, each of its elements passes through a one-dimensional manifold, and thus on the whole a two-dimensional manifold is generated. In this way we can proceed to n dimensions. Conversely, a manifold of n dimensions can be analysed into one of one dimension and one of (n − 1) dimensions. By repetitions of this process the position of an element may be at last determined by n magnitudes. We may here stop to observe that the above conception of a manifold is akin to that due to Hermann Grassmann in the first edition (1847) of his Ausdehnungslehre.[5]

Both concepts have been elaborated and superseded by the modern procedure in respect to the axioms of geometry, and by the conception of abstract geometry involved therein. Riemann proceeds to specialize the manifold by considerations as to measurement. If measurement is to Measure of curvature. be possible, some magnitude, we saw, must be independent of position; let us consider manifolds in which lengths of lines are such magnitudes, so that every line is measurable by every other. The coordinates of a point being x1, x2, ... xn, let us confine ourselves to lines along which the ratios dx1 : dx2 : ... : dxn alter continuously. Let us also assume that the element of length, ds, is unchanged (to the first order) when all its points undergo the same infinitesimal motion. Then if all the increments dx be altered in the same ratio, ds is also altered in this ratio. Hence ds is a homogeneous function of the first degree of the increments dx. Moreover, ds must be unchanged when all the dx change sign. The simplest possible case is, therefore, that in which ds is the square root of a quadratic function of the dx. This case includes space, and is alone considered in what follows. It is called the case of flatness in the smallest parts. Its further discussion depends upon the measure of curvature, the second of Riemann’s fundamental conceptions. This conception, derived from the theory of surfaces, is applied as follows. Any one of the shortest lines which issue from a given point (say the origin) is completely determined by the initial ratios of the dx. Two such lines, defined by dx and δx say, determine a pencil, or one-dimensional series, of shortest lines, any one of which is defined

  1. See Stäckel und Engel, op. cit., and “Gauss, die beiden Bolyai, und die nicht-Euklidische Geometrie,” Math. Annalen, Bd. xlix.; also Engel’s translation of Lobatchewsky (Leipzig, 1898), pp. 378 ff.
  2. Lobatchewsky’s works on the subject are the following:—“On the Foundations of Geometry,” Kazañ Messenger, 1829–1830; “New Foundations of Geometry, with a complete Theory of Parallels,” Proceedings of the University of Kazañ, 1835 (both in Russian, but translated into German by Engel, Leipzig, 1898); “Géométrie imaginaire,” Crelle’s Journal, 1837; Theorie der Parallellinien (Berlin, 1840; 2nd ed., 1887; translated by Halsted, Austin, Texas, 1891). His results appear to have been set forth in a paper (now lost) which he read at Kazañ in 1826.
  3. Translated by Halsted (Austin, Texas, 4th ed., 1896.)
  4. Abhandlungen d. Königl. Ges. d. Wiss. zu Göttingen, Bd. xiii.; Ges. math. Werke, pp. 254-269; translated by Clifford, Collected Mathematical Papers.
  5. Cf. Gesamm. math. und phys. Werke, vol. i. (Leipzig, 1894).