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the distance P1P2 to be 1/2k log {A1P1A2P2}, where A1 and A2 are the points in which the line P1P2 cuts the absolute, and k is some constant, the two characteristic properties of distance, namely, (1) the addition of consecutive lengths on a straight line, and (2) the invariability of distances during a transformation of the congruence-group, are satisfied. This is the well-known Cayley-Klein projective definition[1] of distance, which was elaborated in view of the addition property alone, previously to Lie’s discovery of the theory of congruence-groups. For a hyperbolic group when P1 and P2 are in the region enclosed by the absolute, log {A1P1A2P2} is real, and therefore k must be real. For an elliptic group A1 and A2 are conjugate imaginaries, and log {A1P1A2P2} is a pure imaginary, and k is chosen to be κ/ι, where κ is real and ι = √ −.

Similarly the angle between two planes, p1 and p2, is defined to be (1/2ι) log (t1p1t2p2), where t1 and t2 are tangent planes to the absolute through the line p1p2. The planes t1 and t2 are imaginary for an elliptic group, and also for an hyperbolic group when the planes p1 and p2 intersect at points within the region enclosed by the absolute. The development of the consequences of these metrical definitions is the subject of non-Euclidean geometry.

The definitions for the parabolic case can be arrived at as limits of those obtained in either of the other two cases by making k ultimately to vanish. It is also obvious that, if P1 and P2 be the points (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2), it follows from equations (B) above that {(x1x2)2 + (y1y2)2 + (z1z2)2}1/2 is unaltered by a congruence transformation and also satisfies the addition property for collinear distances. Also the previous definition of an angle can be adapted to this case, by making t1 and t2 to be the tangent planes through the line p1p2 to the imaginary conic. Similarly if p1 and p2 are intersecting lines, the same definition of an angle holds, where t1 and t2 are now the lines from the point p1p2 to the two points where the plane p1p2 cuts the imaginary conic. These points are in fact the “circular points at infinity” on the plane. The development of the consequences of these definitions for the parabolic case gives the ordinary Euclidean metrical geometry.

Thus the only metrical geometry for the whole of projective space is of the elliptic type. But the actual measure-relations (though not their general properties) differ according to the elliptic congruence-group selected for study. In a descriptive space a congruence-group should possess the four characteristics of such a group throughout the whole of the space. Then form the associated ideal projective space. The associated congruence-group for this ideal space must satisfy the four conditions throughout the region of the proper ideal points. Thus the boundary of this region is the absolute. Accordingly there can be no metrical geometry for the whole of a descriptive space unless its boundary (in the associated ideal space) is a closed quadric or a plane. If the boundary is a closed quadric, there is one possible congruence-group of the hyperbolic type. If the boundary is a plane (the plane at infinity), the possible congruence-groups are parabolic; and there is a congruence-group corresponding to each imaginary conic in this plane, together with a Euclidean metrical geometry corresponding to each such group. Owing to these alternative possibilities, it would appear to be more accurate to say that systems of quantities can be found in a space, rather than that space is a quantity.

Lie has also deduced[2] the same results with respect to congruence-groups from another set of defining properties, which explicitly assume the existence of a quantitative relation (the distance) between any two points, which is invariant for any transformation of the congruence-group.[3]

The above results, in respect to congruence and metrical geometry, considered in relation to existent space, have led to the doctrine[4] that it is intrinsically unmeaning to ask which system of metrical geometry is true of the physical world. Any one of these systems can be applied, and in an indefinite number of ways. The only question before us is one of convenience in respect to simplicity of statement of the physical laws. This point of view seems to neglect the consideration that science is to be relevant to the definite perceiving minds of men; and that (neglecting the ambiguity introduced by the invariable slight inexactness of observation which is not relevant to this special doctrine) we have, in fact, presented to our senses a definite set of transformations forming a congruence-group, resulting in a set of measure relations which are in no respect arbitrary. Accordingly our scientific laws are to be stated relevantly to that particular congruence-group. Thus the investigation of the type (elliptic, hyperbolic or parabolic) of this special congruence-group is a perfectly definite problem, to be decided by experiment. The consideration of experiments adapted to this object requires some development of non-Euclidean geometry (see section VI., Non-Euclidean Geometry). But if the doctrine means that, assuming some sort of objective reality for the material universe, beings can be imagined, to whom either all congruence-groups are equally important, or some other congruence-group is specially important, the doctrine appears to be an immediate deduction from the mathematical facts. Assuming a definite congruence-group, the investigation of surfaces (or three-dimensional loci in space of four dimensions) with geodesic geometries of the form of metrical geometries of other types of congruence-groups forms an important chapter of non-Euclidean geometry. Arising from this investigation there is a widely-spread fallacy, which has found its way into many philosophic writings, namely, that the possibility of the geometry of existent three-dimensional space being other than Euclidean depends on the physical existence of Euclidean space of four or more dimensions. The foregoing exposition shows the baselessness of this idea.

Bibliography.—For an account of the investigations on the axioms of geometry during the Greek period, see M. Cantor, Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Mathematik, Bd. i. and iii.; T. L. Heath, The Thirteen Books of Euclid’s Elements, a New Translation from the Greek, with Introductory Essays and Commentary, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory (Cambridge, 1908)—this work is the standard source of information; W. B. Frankland, Euclid, Book I., with a Commentary (Cambridge, 1905)—the commentary contains copious extracts from the ancient commentators. The next period of really substantive importance is that of the 18th century. The leading authors are: G. Saccheri, S.J., Euclides ab omni naevo vindicatus (Milan, 1733). Saccheri was an Italian Jesuit who unconsciously discovered non-Euclidean geometry in the course of his efforts to prove its impossibility. J. H. Lambert, Theorie der Parallellinien (1766); A. M. Legendre, Éléments de géométrie (1794). An adequate account of the above authors is given by P. Stäckel and F. Engel, Die Theorie der Parallellinien von Euklid bis auf Gauss (Leipzig, 1895). The next period of time (roughly from 1800 to 1870) contains two streams of thought, both of which are essential to the modern analysis of the subject. The first stream is that which produced the discovery and investigation of non-Euclidean geometries, the second stream is that which has produced the geometry of position, comprising both projective and descriptive geometry not very accurately discriminated. The leading authors on non-Euclidean geometry are K. F. Gauss, in private letters to Schumacher, cf. Stäckel and Engel, loc. cit.; N. Lobatchewsky, rector of the university of Kazan, to whom the honour of the effective discovery of non-Euclidean geometry must be assigned. His first publication was at Kazan in 1826. His various memoirs have been re-edited by Engel; cf. Urkunden zur Geschichte der nichteuklidischen Geometrie by Stäckel and Engel, vol. i. “Lobatchewsky.” J. Bolyai discovered non-Euclidean geometry apparently in independence of Lobatchewsky. His memoir was published in 1831 as an appendix to a work by his father W. Bolyai, Tentamen juventutem.... This memoir has been separately edited by J. Frischauf, Absolute Geometrie nach J. Bolyai (Leipzig, 1872); B. Riemann, Über die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen (1854); cf. Gesamte Werke, a translation in The Collected Papers of W. K. Clifford. This is a fundamental memoir on the subject and must rank with the work of Lobatchewsky. Riemann discovered elliptic metrical geometry, and Lobatchewsky hyperbolic geometry. A full account of Riemann’s ideas, with the subsequent developments due to Clifford, F. Klein and W. Killing, will be found in The Boston Colloquium for 1903 (New York, 1905), article “Forms of Non-Euclidean Space,” by F. S. Woods. A. Cayley, loc. cit. (1859), and F. Klein, “Über die sogenannte nichteuklidische Geometrie,” Math. Annal. vols. iv. and vi. (1871 and 1872), between them elaborated the projective theory of distance; H. Helmholtz, “Über die thatsächlichen Grundlagen der Geometrie” (1866), and “Über die Thatsachen, die der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen” (1868), both in his Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, vol. ii., and S. Lie, loc. cit. (1890 and 1893), between them elaborated the group theory of congruence.

The numberless works which have been written to suggest equivalent alternatives to Euclid’s parallel axioms may be neglected as being of trivial importance, though many of them are marvels of geometric ingenuity.

The second stream of thought confined itself within the circle of ideas of Euclidean geometry. Its origin was mainly due to a

  1. Cf. A. Cayley, “A Sixth Memoir on Quantics,” Trans. Roy. Soc., 1859, and Coll. Papers, vol. ii.; and F. Klein, Math. Ann. vol. iv., 1871.
  2. Cf. loc. cit.
  3. For similar deductions from a third set of axioms, suggested in essence by Peano, Riv. mat. vol. iv. loc. cit. cf. Whitehead, Desc. Geom. loc. cit.
  4. Cf. H. Poincaré, La Science et l’hypothèse, ch. iii.