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the Great Ouse. Thetford is a suffragan bishopric in the diocese of Norwich. The town is governed by a mayor, 4 aldermen, and 12 councillors. Area, 7096 acres.

Early antiquaries identified Thetford (Theodford, Tetford, Tefford) with Sitomagus, but modern research shows that there is no conclusive evidence of a permanent settlement before the coming of the Angles. Tradition tells that Uffa, who probably threw up the earthworks called the Castle Hill, established the capital of East Anglia here about 575. Thetford owned a royal mint in the 9th century and was a flourishing town when the Conqueror acquired it. Richard I. granted it to Hamelin, Earl Warenne, and when his heirs failed, it merged in the duchy of Lancaster and so in the crown. About 1290 its principal officers were a mayor and coroner, afterwards assisted by eight burgesses, whom Henry VIII. increased to ten. The town, never very prosperous since the Conquest, had then fallen into great decay, but the petitions of the burgesses for a charter were not heeded till 1573 when Elizabeth incorporated it under a mayor and common council. This charter, restored in 1692 after its surrender to Charles II., remained in force till 1835 when the borough was re-constituted. Thetford returned two members to parliament from 1529 till its disfranchisement in 1868. Its Saturday market, which certainly existed in the 13th century, was granted by the charter of 1573 and also a Magdalen fair (the 22nd of July). Fisheries were important in the 13th century.

See A. L. Hunt, Capital of East Anglia (1870); T. Martin, History of Thetford (1779).

THETIS, in Greek mythology, daughter of Nereus, wife of Peleus and mother of Achilles. The chief of the fifty Nereids, she dwelt in the depths of the sea with her father and sisters. When Dionysius leaped into the sea to escape from the pursuit of Lycurgus, king of the Thracian Edones, and Hephaestus was flung out of heaven by Zeus, both were kindly received by Thetis. Again, when Hera, Athena and Poseidon threatened to bind Zeus in chains, she sent the giant Aegaeon, who delivered him out of their hands. She was married against her will to Peleus (q.v.; see also Achilles). Thetis is used by Latin poets simply for the sea.

THEURIET, CLAUDE ADHÉMAR ANDRÉ (1833–1907), French poet and novelist, was born at Marly-le-Roi (Seine et Oise) on the 8th of October 1833, and was educated at Bar-le-Duc in his mother's province of Lorraine. He studied law in Paris and entered the public service, attaining the rank of chef de bureau before his retirement in 1886. He published in 1867 the Chemin des bois, a volume of poems, many of which had already appeared in the Revue des Deux Mondes; Le bleu et le noir, poemes de la vie réelle (1874), Nos oiseaux (1886), and other volumes followed. M. Theuriet gives natural, simple pictures of rustic and especially of woodland life, and Theophile Gautier compared him to Jaques in the forest of Arden. The best of his novels are those that deal with provincial and country life. Among them are: Le mariage de Gérard (1875); Raymonde (1877); Le fils Maugars (1879); La maison des deux Barbeaux (1879); Sauvageonne (1880); Reine des bois (1890); Villa tranquille (1899); Le manuscrit du chanoine (1902). Theuriet received in 1890 the prix Vitet from the French Academy, of which he became a member in 1896. He died on the 23rd of April 1907, and was succeeded at the Academy by M. Jean Richepin.

See Emm. Besson, André Theuriet (1890).

THÉVENOT, JEAN DE (1633–1667); French traveller in the East, was born in Paris on the 16th of June 1633, and received his education in the college of Navarre. The perusal of works of travel moved him to go abroad, and his circumstances permitted him to please himself. Leaving France in 1652, he first visited England, Holland, Germany and Italy, and at Rome he fell in with D'Herbelot, who invited him to be his companion in a projected voyage to the Levant. D’Herbelot was detained by private affairs, but Thévenot sailed from Rome in May 1655, and, after vainly waiting five months at Malta, took passage for Constantinople alone. He remained in Constantinople till the end of the following August, and then proceeded by Smyrna and the Greek islands to Egypt, landing at Alexandria on New Year's Day, 1657. He was a year in Egypt, then visited Sinai, 'and, returning to Cairo, joined the Lent pilgrim caravan to Jerusalem. He visited thechief places of pilgrimage in Palestine, and, after being twice taken by corsairs, got back to Damietta by sea, and was again in Cairo in time to view the opening of the canal on the rise of the Nile (on the 14th of August 1658). In January 1659 he sailed from Alexandria in an English ship, taking Goletta and Tunis on the way, and, after a sharp engagement with Spanish corsairs, one of which fell a prize to the English merchantman, 'reached Leghorn on the 12th of April. He now spent four years at home in studies useful to a, traveller, and in November 1663 again sailed for the East, calling at Alexandria and landing at Sidon, whence he proceeded by land to Damascus, Aleppo, and then through Mesopotamia to Mosul, Bagdad and Mendeli. Here he entered Persia (the 27th of August, 1664), proceeding by Kermanshah and Hamadan to Isfahan, where he spent five months (October 1664-February 1665), and then joining company with the merchant Tavernier, proceeded by Shiraz and Lar to Bander-Abbasi, in the hope of finding a passage to India. This was difficult, because of the opposition of the Dutch, and though Tavernier was able to proceed, Thévenot found it prudent to return to Shiraz, and, having visited the ruins of Persepolis, made his way to Basra and sailed for India on the 6th of November 1665, in the ship “Hopewell,” arriving at the port of Surat on the 10th of January 1666. He was in India for thirteen months, and crossed the country by Golconda to Masulipatam, returning overland to Surat, from which he sailed to Bander-Abbasi and went up to Shiraz. He passed the summer of 1667 at Isfahan, disabled by an accidental pistolshoti and in October started for Tabriz, but died on the way at Miyanaon the 28th of November 1667.

Thévenot was an accomplished linguist, skilled in Turkish, Arabic and Persian, and a curious and diligent observer. He was also well skilled in the natural sciences, especially in botany, for which he made large collections in India. His personal character was admirable, and his writings are still esteemed, though it has been justly observed that, unlike Chardin, he saw only the outside of Eastern life. The account of his first journey was published at Paris in 1665; it forms the first part of his collected Voyages. The licence is dated December 1663, and the preface shows that Thévenot himself arranged it for publication before leaving on his second voyage. The second andp third arts were posthumously published from his journals in 1674 anti) 1684 (all 4to). A collected edition appeared at Paris in 1689, and a second in 12mo at Amsterdam in 1727 (5 vols.). There is an indifferent English translation by A. Lovell (fol., London, 1687).

THIAZINES, in organic chemistry, a series of cyclic compounds containing a ring system of four carbon atoms, one nitrogen and one sulphur atom. These may be grouped in three ways, giving the following skeletal structures:-

Members of the first series have not as yet been isolated. Derivatives of the second type have been obtained by A. Luchmann (Ber. 1896, 29, p. 1429) by condensing γ-chlorbutylamine with carbon bisulphide or with mustard oils in the presence of caustic alkali; by M. Kahan (ibid., 1897, 30, p. 1321) on condensing bromhexylamine hydrobromide with thiobenzamide:

CH2CH(CH3)Br, HS > CH2·CH(CH3)·S

(CH3)2C·NH2 HN:C·C6H5 (CH3)2C - N=======C·C6H5

Benzothiazines are obtained from ortho-aminobenzyl halides and thio-amides:

C6H4 CH2Br CH2·S


The most important thiazines are those derived from class III., thiodiphenylamine, C6H4N
C6H4, being the parent substance of the methylene blue series of dyestuffs. Thiodiphenylamine