Page:EB1922 - Volume 30.djvu/191

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from Maubeuge to the region N. of Brussels. The powerful materiel which had laid in ruins the forts of Liege, Namur and Maubeuge in succession was in fact now on its way to Antwerp. Soon it was established in position in all the region between the Dyle and the Grande Nethe, from Boortmeerbeek to Heyst-

op-den-Berg. 1 The heaviest ordnance, 30-5-011. and 42-cm. howitzers, had not only demolishing but also ranging power. They could install themselves in perfect safety beyond the ex- treme range of the Belgian guns, and regulate their fire as if on the experimental range.


Positions of the defence and of the attack Artillery

German Sieg-e Artillery L me of medium and heavy artillery dtpioymcnt 4s cm baeteri^ i , ect?f . ed a tof to sho

ons tysamebattery

RedoubtBcrendrecht Stab

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1 The total artillery strength of the Germans before Antwerp was:

Field Artillery F. Gun 25 batteries 150 pieces

F. How. 6 " _36 "

Total 186 pieces Heavy Field and Siege Artillery

Guns 10 cm. 6 batteries 24 pieces

13 cm. 4 " 16

15 cm. 2

Long guns 48 pieces

Howitzers 15 cm. 18 batteries 72 pieces 21 cm. 12 48

Howitzers 120 pieces

Super-heavy Howitzers

German and Austrian 30-5 cm. 4 batteries 9 pieces German 42 cm. 2 4

13 piece? (C.F. A.)