Page:EB1922 - Volume 32.djvu/1189

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The Index to the New Volumes XXX., XXXI. and XXXII. of the Encyclopedia Britannica, has been pre- J pared on the same system as that used in Volume XXIX. Every Index has its own principles and its own [conventions. Those adopted for Volumes I. to XXVIII. need not here be recapitulated; they are sufficiently 1 explained in the preface to Volume XXTX. and in the Rules and Abbreviations which follow it. It is only [necessary to add that in this supplementary Index the volume number is not repeated before successive [references from the same volume, and that measures have been taken to avoid difficulties arising from variant [spellings which have different initial letters, of Arabic and Slavonic names. All abbreviations used in this I supplementary Index are explained in the Key beginning on page xv. of Volume XXX.


Aa (riv.), Lat. 30-888 III (Cl). ['Aachen, Ger.: see Aix-la-Cha- | pelle.

Aakjaer, Jeppe S0-833c. SAalesund, Nor. Sl-1157a. Aalsmeer, Holl. Sl-374b. Aandalsnes, Nor. Sl-1152b. 'Aaronsohn, Alexander 30-148d. .Vasen Mortar 32-773d.

ibaden, Pers. 32-63b. Abainville, Fr. 31-768a.

Vbano, It. 31-600 (C6).

Vbbadan, isl., Pers. Gulf 32-59d. Abbas II. (khedive) 30-942a; 32- 1077b.

U>bazia Agreement 30-332b.


Abbeville, Fr. 31-117 (Cl), 267a; 32-0701 (A4).



Abbey theatre, Dublin 30-856a; , 31-3 lib. llbbot, Charles Greeley 30-296d.

Abbott, Edith 31-401b.

-, LYMAN 30- Ib.

L.B.C. Entente 30-493d. ' libd-al-Hamid: see 'Abdul Hamid.

Lbdalla (Abdulla). Emir 31-55b; 1 30-166d; 32-17d, 763a.

- Pasha 30-377c; Sl-1224a. iibdalla, Khor, inlet, Pers. Gulf.

S2-59b. ibd cl Aziz (of Morocco) Sl-984d.

- Malek 31-985a.

ibd cs Salain 31-985a. .bdominal surgery 31-909c. iBDUL HAMID II. (Abd-al-

Hamid) 30-lc; 31-1222d, 688c;


tbdulla, Emir: see 'Abdalla. ibel, Niels Henrik 31-877o. ibel, Othenio S2-9d, 12d. ibeokuta. prov., Nig. 31-1 134b. iber Benoit, bay, Fr. 31-114b. iBERCORN, JAMES HAMIL-

ton, 2nd Duke of 30- Id. ibercorn, Rhod. 30-885c. -, Scot. 32-75c. .BERCROMBIE, LASCELLES

30- Id.

.berdare, Wales 32-841a. Aberdeen, Scot. 32-84 Ic; 31-

1218a; university 32-383c. -, S.Dak. 32-548C. -, Wash. 32-956b. -BERDEEN & TEMAIE, J. C.

Gordon, 1st Marquess SO-ld. .berdeenshire, Co., Scot. 32-

84 Ib.

.bcrystwyth, Wales 31-208a. .bijean(Abidjan), Af. 30-68 (C4). iBINQDON, W. L. 30-ld.

- Jrinsi, Nig. 31-1 135c. i .blain, Fr. 31-267c. iiblain-St. Nazaire, Fr. 30-268 i III (B3).

ibnake ru K 30-284d. IBNEY, SIR WILLIAM DE W. 30- 2a.

This Index covers Vols. XXX., XXXI. and XXXII. only. See Vol. XXIX. for Index to Vols. I. to XXVIII. inclusive.


Abnormal, places (mining) 30-

, 994b.

Abo, Fin. 30-101d; 31-74a.

Abomey, Dah. 30-794b.

Abonneau, Gen. 31-329a.

Abors 31-208d.

Abortion 30-652a; 32-87c.

"Aboukir" (cruiser) 31-1069d; 32-605C.

Abraham Lincoln (Drinkwater) 30-856b.

Abraxas grossulariata: see Goose- berry moth.

ABBUZZI, DUKE OF THE (Luigi Amedeo) 30-2a.

Abruzzi, prov., It. 31-821b.

Absinthe 31-137c.

Absorption 32- lOOd.

test 30-364a. Abstinence: see Fasting. Abu Dhabi, Arab. 32-65c.

Jifan, Arab. 30-165b.

Musa, isl., Pers. Gulf 32-59b.

Rumman, Mesop. 32-810 II (D2).

Shahrain, Mesop.: see Eridu. ABYSSINIA 30-2b, 68c, 68 (H4);

Survey 30-67a; Trade 30-5a,

32-5 lOa.

Abyssinian Corporation 30-3c. Acacia decurrens: see Tan wattle. Academie de la Langue Francaise


Francaise Sl-152d. Acarrania, dist., Gr. 31-3000. Acceleration 32-266b. Accelerene 32-300d. Acceptance (banking) S0-409d. Accidents 31-461c; aircraft 30-

32b; insurance 31-503d; mines S0-709a; railways S2-238c.

Accompaniment, guns of 30-250c; 31-H93b; 32-774a.

Accountants, Military 32-85 Ib.

Accra, Go.Cst. Sl-296d; S2-603C.

Accrington, Lanes. S2-841a.

Acetic acid 30-635a; Sl-65d.

Acetone 30-359a.

Acetylene 30-635a; 32-966d; cal- cium carbide S0-634a, 962d.

Achaia, dist., Gr. 31-300c.

Acheh, Sum.: see Kotaraja.


Acheson, Annie Crawford 32-

Achirt-le-Grand, Fr. 30-268 IV

(A3) AchietJe-Petit, Fr. 30-268 IV

(A4); 32-516 (Dl); Sl-275b. Achilles (planet) S0-297a. Achinsk, Kuss.As. S2-467d. ACHURCH, JANET 30-3d. Acid 30-633a, 480c. Acid-lined converter 30-751b. Acker, Paul 31-153d. Ackers, B. St. John 30-81 la. Aconcagua, prov., Chil. S0-654c.

Acoustics 32-528d. Acquanegro, It. 31-600 (A6). Acquisition of Land Act (1919)

Sl-345b, 397d. Acre, Pal. 32-820 IV (C4); 32-

17b, 824c.

Acromegaly 30-862b. Acrosome 30-783b. Actaeon sweep Sl-950d. Actinium 32-220b.

lead 32-220b. Actinopterygii 32-13b.

Action Francaise, L' (French) 31-

1108d, 141a. Action Francaise, L' (Can.) 30-


Activated sludge S0-360c. Activist party (Belg.) 30-437c. Acton, H. W. 31-835b. Acworth, Sir William M. 31-454c. Acy-en-Multien, Fr. 31-85 6b. ADAM, JULIETTE 30-3d. . PAUL 30-3d; Sl-152d. Adamello, mt., It. 31-600 (A4). Adami, J. G. 30-5 60d. Adamowo, Pol. 31-1054c. Adams, Charles Francis 30-4a.

Franklin P. 30-118a.

HENRY 30- 3d, 118c.

Herbert 32-389d.

Katherine 30-283b.

MAUDE 30-4a, 860a.

Stephen: see Maybrick, Mi-

, Walter Sydney 30-298d. ADAMSON, WILLIAM 30-4a,

1024C. Adamson Law (1916) Sl-392d;

30-175c; 32-1019a. Adana massacres S0-196d; 31-


Adaptation (biol.) 31-9 12d. Adare, cape, Antarc. 30-140c. Ad beatissimi (encyclical) 30-


ADDAMS, JANE 30-4H. Addicks, Laurence 30-963b. Addis Abbaba, Aby. 30-68 (G4);

30-3a; 32-510a. ADDISON, CHRISTOPHER

30- Ib, 1028c. Addison's disease S0-861c; 32-

649c; Sl-547d. Ade, George S0-117d. Adelaide, S.Aus. 30-306b; 32-

603c; strike (1910) 30-310c;

university 30-488d. ADEN, Arab. S0-4d; S2-603c;

30-166a; S0-I64b (map).

gulf, Arab. 30-3c. Aden-West, bay, Arab.: see Ban- dar Tawiya.

Adiabatic heatdrop 81-359d; 32-


Adige, riv., It. 31-600 (C6). Adigetto, riv., It. 31-600 (C6). Adjustment of Property tax 32-


Adjutant-general S0-205d. Adkins, Sir Ryland S0-997d.

Acoustic depth-sounding 32-628b.

For Key to Abbreviations see page xv

Adler, Friedrich S0-6b.

, Siegmund 30-327b.

, VIKTOR 30-5b, 349d.

Adli Pasha 30-944c.

ADMIRALTY ADMINISTRA- TION 30-6c; censorship 30- 594a; compass dept. 30-733c; munitions 31-705a: submarines 32-609c; trade div. 30-465b; U.S. 30-9d.

, Board of 30- 7a foil.

, Controller 30-1018d.

Pier, Dover 30-853d.

Shipyard Labour Dept. 31- 712c.

Adolf Friedrich (D. of Meck- lenburg) 32-735a.

Adolphus, Duke of Teck: see Cambridge.

Adoption 30-648c.

AD OR, OUSTAVE 30-1 la; 32- 63 8a.

Adrenal gland 30-861b.

Adrenalin S2-648d, 103d, 88a; as anaesthetic 32-88a, 30-137d; heart 31-348a.

Adrenin 30-861c.

Adria, It. 31-600 (C6).

Adrianople, Greece 31-301a, 309a, 24c; siege (1912-3) 30- 380b, 31-1224a, 1224b.

, dept., Gr. 31-300d.

Adriatic sea: climate 30-368c; mines 31- 953d; political im- portance 31-628C, 32-1119d, 31-1' 11,. 32-45a; tides 32-725b.

" Adriatic " (liner) 32-447b.

Adultery 30-843c.

Adult schools 30-6880.

Advent, bay. Spits. S2-563a.

Adventists 30-692a.

ADVERTISEMENT 30-llb; 31- 849c; illuminated 31-426d; in U.S. Sl-699d, lllOd; war loans 32-953c.

Advisory Boards, State (U.S.) 31- 722c; S2-871d.

Trade Committees 32-83 Id. Ady, Andreas 31-4 18c.

A.E.: see Russell, G. W. Aegean civilization 30-isia, 1774

Sea: Bulgarian claims 30-52 Ib: climate 30-368c; Greek claims 32-47a, 31-304b.

Aeeina, isl. Gr. 30-lSla. AEHRENTHAL, A. L. VON,

count 30-1-M. 327d; 31-614b;

32-399b. Aerial (wireless) 32-1026d.

Derby S0-16c; Sl-797a.

Navigation Act (1913) Sl-82d; MM to.

Navigation Act (France, 1913) 30- 6a.

obstacle: see Obstacle.

propaganda 32-30.

ropeways S0-503d.

torpedo 32-736d.

warfare (Air warfare) Sl-86d; cavalry 31-1009b; coast de-

, Volume XXX.

fences 30-718(1; fortifications detected 32-480d.

Aerobatics 30-33c.

Aero bearing plate 30-43b.

Aerodrome 30-47b; 32-760d.

Aerodynamics 30-26b.

Aero engines 30-37a; 31-520c; 30-31b; 31-1026a (table); alloy steel 31-923d; cylinders 30-36a; engine failure 30-33c; fuel 31- 172d; sound 32-526b; testing of 30-35b.

Aerofoil S0-30d.

AERONAUTICS 30-13c, 6Ia: Atlantic flight 30-109d; liquid compass S0-733b. See also Aviation; Flying Corps.

Aeroplane S0-19a, 15c, 56 (Plate I) ; 32- 6 6 9c ; air defence 30- 8 8a ; carriers 30-57:1, 32-432d; con- tact patrols Sl-508d; fortifica- tions mapped 32-480d; fuel 30- 5ild: giant 30-23a, 99d; guns 31-sl'jil: mines 31-952c; noise barrage 32-688a; observation by S0-258b ; power units 30-S9d ; ranging 30-253b; reconnais- sance 31-5117(1; signalling 32- 492c; stability 30-31c; subma- rine warfare 32-610a;torpedoes 32-736d; M.K. production 31- 1026a; wireless 32-1027d;wom- en's labour .32-1051d.


Aerschot, Belg. 30-434d.

Aesculapius (Asclepius): relief 30- 182a.

Aether 32-262a.

Aetolia, dist., Gr. 31-300c; 30- 18 la.

Afanassiev (soldier) 32-311d.

Affiliation orders 30-648o.

AFGHANISTAN 30-ti-l.l; Ger- man missions to 32-60c, 31- 20c; Indian relations 31434d, 441d.

Afium-Kara-Hissar, Asia M. 31- 310b.

Aflaj, dist., Arab. 30-165b.

A. F. of L.: see American Federa- tion of Labor.

AFRICA 30-66b; coal S0-706b; communications 30-67b, 45c, Sl-118d; copper 30-751d; cot- ton S0-767c; gold Sl-293d; history S0-68a, lllc, 429d, 31-151b; Japanese trade 31- 644b (table) ; petroleum 32-75d; religion 30-678d; silver S2-496d; tobacco 32-734d; wool 32- 1066b.

Afridi 30-65d.

After-chrome colour S0-869c.

Afule (El Fule), Pal. 31-362d; 32-824a, 820 IV. (D6).

Agadir, Af. 30-68 (Cl).

Agadir incident 31-22a, 133b, 266b; Spanish treaty 32-551b; 31-984b.