Page:EB1922 - Volume 32.djvu/1260

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MITCHELL, SUSAN LANGSTAFF. (S.L.M.) Author of The Living Chalice; Aids to the Immortality of Certain Persons in Ireland; etc. Russell, G. W.

MOORE, CLIFFORD HERSCHEL, A.B. (Harvard), Ph.D.(Mu- nich), Litt.D. (Colorado College). (C.H.M.) Professor of Latin at Harvard University. Author of Religions Thought of the Greeks; Pagan Ideas of Immortality; etc. Harvard University.

MOORE, FREDERICK CECIL, H.M.C.S. (F.C.Mo.) Head of the Sugar and Rationing Department for Ireland during the World War. Ireland (Statistics).

MORGAN, CONWY LLOYD, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. (C.LL.M.) Emeritus Professor of Psychology in the University of Bristol. Author of Animal Life and Intelligence; Instinct and Experience; etc. Behaviourism.

MORRISON, S. W. (S.W.M.) Board of Trade, London. Glass (in part).

MOTT, SIR FREDERICK, K.B.E., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. (F.W.Mo.) Director of the Pathological Laboratory of th.e L.C.C. Asy- lums. Consulting Physician, Charing Cross Hospital. Late Member of the Royal Commission on Venereal Diseases. Shell Shock; Venereal Diseases.

MOTTRAM, JAMES CECIL, M.B.(Lond.), D.P.H. (Cantab.). (J.C.Mo.) Director of the Research Department, Radium Institute. Late Experimental Officer, Camouflage School, G.H.Q. Author of Controlled Natural Selection. Camouflage (Natural); Colours of Animals.

MOVES, RT. REV. MGR.J..D.D. (J.Mo.*) Canon of Westminster Cathedral. Formerly Editor of the Dublin Review. Domestic Prelate to H.H. Pope Benedict XV. Church History (Roman Catholic); Pius X.

MUIRHEAD, JAMES F., M.A., L.H.D., F.R.G.S. (J.F.M.) Author of America, the Land of Contrasts, and of Baedeker's Handbooks to London, England, the United States and Can- ada. Editor of Muirhead Guidebooks, (The Blue Guides). London. MULLENDORE, WILLIAM CLINTON, A.B., J.D. (W.C.M.) Attorney-at-Law. Late Assistant Counsel and Liquidator, United States Food Administration. Representative, Ameri- can Relief Administration, Berlin, Germany, 1920. Food Supply (United States); Rationing (United States). MULLER-LOEBNITZ, LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILHELM. (W.M.-Lo.) Late General Staff, German Army. Ober- Archivrat in the Reichsarchiv. Formerly in the Military History Section of the Great General Staff. During the World War served on the General Staff of XII. Corps and VI. and "A" Armies, and as a Regimental Commander. Author of Der Wendepunkl des Wellkriegs and other mono- graphs. Lys, Battles of the; Somme, Battles of the (in part). MURPHY, WALLACE CARLTON, B.A., M.A. (W.C.M.*) Pro- fessor of History in the University of Mississippi. Mississippi. NATHAN, COLONEL SIR FREDERIC LEWIS, K.B.E. (F.L.N.) Late Royal Artillery. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Director of Alcohol Section Fuel Research Board. Alcohol. NEILSON, WILLIAM A., LL.D. (W.A.N.) President, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Smith College. NICHOLSON, JOSEPH SHIELD, Sc.D., LL.D., F.B.A. (J.S.N.) Professor of Political Economy in the University of Edin- burgh. Author of Principles of Political Economy; Money and Monetary Problems; etc. Inflation. NICHOLSON, JOSEPH SINCLAIR, M.A. (J.S.Nc.) Juvenile Employment (United Kingdom); Unemployment (United Kingdom). NICKERSON, CAPTAIN HOFFMAN, B.A., M.A. (Harvard). (H.N.*) Late U.S. Army. Member of New York State Legislature, 1916. In the World War served in G.H.Q. Intelligence Staff, American Expeditionary Force, France. Artois, Battles in (in part). NICOD, JEAN, Agrege de Philosophie(Paris), B.A. (Cantab.). (J.N.) Teacher of Philosophy in the Lycee of Laon, France. Mathematics (Logic and Foundations). NOBLE, SIR WILLIAM. (W.No.) Engineer-in-Chief, General Post Office, London. Knight of the Order of the Cross of Belgium. Telegraph (in part); Telephone (in part). NYSTROM, PAUL HENRY, Ph.D. (P.H.N.) Formerly Professor of Economics in the Universities of Wisconsin and Minne- sota. Director of the Retail Research Association. Author of Economics and Retailing; Retail Selling and Store Manage- ment; Text-iles; etc. Marketing. O'CALLAGHAN, MAJOR-GENERAL SIR DESMOND DYKES TYNTE, K.C.V.O., R.A. (D.D.T.O'C.) Colonel Comman- dant, Royal Artillery. Secretary, Member and President of the Ordnance Committee. President of the Committee on Explosives. Formerly on the Experimental Staff at Shoebury- ness. Ammunition (in part). O'GORMAN, LIEUTENANT-COLONEL MERVYN, C.B., D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E. (M.O'G.) Formerly Superintendent of the Royal Aircraft Factory, Farnborough. Consultant to the Director-General of Military Aeronautics. Chairman of the Royal Aeronautical Society, and of the Accidents Investiga- tion Committee of the Air Ministry. Aeronautics (Introductory). OLDHAM, RICHARD DDCON, F.R.S., F.G.S., F.R.G.S. (R.D.O.) Author of numerous papers on various aspects of Geology and kindred subjects. Geology (Dynamical); Isoslasy; Seismology. O'LEARY, MAJOR HERBERT (H.O'L.) U.S. Army. Chief of Small Arms Division, Ordnance Officer, Washington. Pistol; Rifles and Light Machine-Guns (in part); Sights (Rifle and Pistol). OSBORN, HENRY FAIRFIELD, LL.D., D.Sc. (H.F.O.) Honorary Curator of Vertebrate Palaeontology in the American Mu- seum of Natural History, New York City; and Vertebrate Palaeontologist, United States Geological Survey. Palaeontology. OVERSTRAETEN, CAPTAIN-COMMANDANT R. VAN. (R. VAN O.) Aide-de-Camp to H.M. the King of the Belgians. Graduate of the Staff College. Order of Leopold. D.S.O. Legion of Honour. Antwerp (Siege of 1(114); Army (Belgian); Ypres and Yser, Battles of (Part I V.). PAIN, MAURICE. (M.PA.) General Secretary of the French Ministry of the Devastated Regions. France (Invaded Regions). PAINE, SYDNEY GROSS, D.Sc., F.I.C. (S.G.P.) Assistant Professor of Bacteriology, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. Bacteriology (General and Agricultural). PALAT, GENERAL-pF-BRIGADE BARTHELEMY EDMOND. (B.E.P.) Late French Army. Commanded a Division 1915-6. Author of La Grande Guerre sur le Front Occidental; Les Batailles d' Artois et de Champagne; and, under the pseu- donym "Pierre Lebautcourt," of La Defense Nalionale, 1870-1 and other works, including a general bibliography of 1870-1. Champagne, Battles in (in part); Frontiers, Battles of the (in part). PARISH, JOHN CARL, Ph.D. (J.C.P.) Associate Editor of the State Historical Society of Iowa. Lecturer in Iowa History in the State University of Iowa. Iowa. PARSONS, FLOYD W., E.M. (F.W.P.) Founder and former Editor of The Coal Age. Coal (United States). PARSONS, ROBERT HODSON, A.M.I.C.E. (R.H.P.) Member of the Engineering Institute of Canada. Turbines, Steam. PATTERSON, WOODFORD, B.A. (W.P.) Secretary of Cornell University. Cornell University.

PAXSON, MAJOR FREDERICK L. (F.L.P.) Professor of History in the University of Wisconsin. Formerly of U.S. General Staff. Munitions of War (United States).

PEARSON, SIR ARTHUR, Bt., G.B.E. (died 1921). (A.P.) Chair- man of the Blinded Soldiers and Sailors Care Committee. President of the National Institute for the Blind. Author of Victory Over Blindness; The Conquest of Blindness. See the biographical article: PEARSON, SIR ARTHUR.


The Initials in brackets indicate the Signatures adopted to distinguish the Contributors.