Page:Earl Derr Biggers - Seven Keys to Baldpate (1913).djvu/401

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IT was a good story—the story which the mayor, Max, the professor and Magee read with varying emotions there in the smoking-car, The girl had served her employers well, and Mr, Magee, as he read, felt a thrill of pride in her, Evidently the employers had felt that same thrill, For in the captions under the pictures, in the head-lines, and in a first-page editorial, none of which the girl had written, the Star spoke admiringly of its woman reporter who had done a man's work—who had gone to Baldpate Inn and had brought back a gigantic bribe fund "alone and unaided".

"Indeed?" smiled Mr. Magee to himself.

In the editorial on that first page the triumphant cry of the Star arose to shatter its fellows in the heavens. At last, said the editor, the long