Page:Early Essays by George Eliot (1919).djvu/70

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1877 "The Lifted Veil" and "Brother Jacob" to be added to the volume containing "Silas Marner."
Prof. Kaufmann, Principal of the Jewish Theological Seminary at Pesth writes a study of "Daniel Deronda," which Blackwood has translated into English.
Cabinet edition of " Works " prepared.

1878 To Oxford.
Publication begun of the "Works" in 20 volumes.
"Theophrastus Such" to Blackwood in November.
George Henry Lewes died Nov. 22.

1879 Resolved to suppress "Theophrastus" in original form (March 22), but assents to publication "as there are some things in it which I want to get said."
Founded a studentship of Physiology, to be called The George Henry Lewes Studentship, of the value of 200 a year.
To Witley.

"The Ethics of George Eliot's Works," by J. C. Brown, published. 3rd edition of "Theophrastus Such" called for. John Blackwood died Oct. 29.