Page:Early History of Medicine in Philadelphia - George W Norris.djvu/13

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John Morgan 46
Abraham Chovet 91
John Jones 97
James Logan 99
John Bartram 99

Epidemics and sanitary regulations.

Quarantine Regulations 101
Inoculation 104
Dr. Adam Thompson's Tract 106
Dr. Macleane on the Expediency of Inoculation 107
Dr. William Heberden's Inoculation and Instructions for the Same 112
Dr. Redman—Defence of Same 113
Dr. Barnet opens a Hospital for Inoculation 113
Dr. Glentworth opens a Hospital for Inoculation 114

Medical societies.

The Philadelphia Medical Society 115
American Society for Promoting Useful Knowledge 115
Some of the Early Medical Essays 116
College of Physicians of Philadelphia 117

Private and summer course of lectures.

Dr. John Foulke 121
Dr. J. H. Gibbons 122
Drs. Church, James, Price, and Dewees 122

Medical publications—libraries.

Loganian Library 123
