Page:Early History of Medicine in Philadelphia - George W Norris.djvu/22

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The Early History of Medicine in Philadelphia.

him to decline, in a measure, the practice of physic. The Proprietaries bestowed on him a lucrative office in the Customs, that of Naval Officer for the Port of Philadelphia, wherein he gave great satisfaction, and having a turn for agricultural pursuits, he passed much of his time at his farm in Bucks County, Graeme Park, which his affluent circumstances allowed him the means of greatly embellishing.

Dr. John Kearsley was born in England, emigrated to Pennsylvania in quest of a professional berth, and became one of our most active and valuable citizens. He was much esteemed as a man of eminence and skill in his profession, and for many years was extensively engaged in the practice of both medicine and surgery. He had talents also for public life, and was long one of the representatives for this city in the House of Assembly, and distinguished himself so much in debate where the interests of the Province were concerned, as to have been on several occasions borne from the Assembly to his own house on the shoulders of the people. He possessed considerable skill and taste in architectural matters, and it is said that we are indebted to him for the plan of Christ Church, a building which, at the time of its erection, in point of elegance and taste, surpassed anything of the kind
